
Chapter 00 : Prologue - "How did I end up here? tf?"

(Kiyotaka Ayanokouji)

As I drift further and further, I continued contemplating the concept of reincarnation. 

I can't help but wonder if it is more than just a fanciful belief held by some cultures. The idea that a soul can be reborn in a new body after death is both intriguing and mysterious. Is there any truth to this age-old belief or is it just a figment of the human imagination?

Some might argue that there is no concrete evidence to support the existence of reincarnation. 

They may cite the lack of empirical data or scientific proof as reasons for dismissing this idea. Others, however, might point to the myriad of anecdotal accounts of people who claim to have memories of past lives as evidence that reincarnation is a real phenomenon.

Personally, I find myself drawn to the notion that our souls are not confined to just one physical vessel. The idea that we can continue to learn and evolve beyond this mortal existence is both hopeful and empowering. It offers a sense of continuity that transcends the limitations of our current physical form.

It seems impossible yet intriguing. My curiosity never seems to satisfy, no matter how much I think about it.

Ultimately, the question of whether reincarnation exists is one that may never be definitively answered. 

It remains a deeply personal and philosophical belief that is shaped by individual experiences, cultural traditions, and spiritual perspectives. Whether or not it is real, the idea of reincarnation offers a tantalizing glimpse into the mysteries of life and death and invites us to ponder the nature of our own existence.

But what if everything about this certain topic we heard and believed in was a lie? 

And that it really existed. 

I rearranged my thoughts as I felt myself in another body... squirming here and there unable to move. 

How did it all start? 

>> Flashback <<

(3rd person)

Bidding goodbye to his girlfriend—Kei Karuizawa, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji made his way back to his dorm.

While traversing the campus walkway, he kept his eyes peeled, examining the surroundings that enveloped him. The summer heat was in full swing, and beads of perspiration trickled down his skin, leaving a sticky residue. 

Despite the humidity in the air, Kiyotaka trudged forward, not allowing the hot weather to impede his progress. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and he instinctively closed his eyes, relishing the fleeting sensation of coolness against his cheeks. His coffee-brown hair flapped wildly in the wind, creating an aura of untamed energy.

As he continued his trek, Kiyotaka observed his surroundings warily. 

The landscape was bathed in the bright glow of the sun, accentuating the lush greenery and blooming flowers. He could hear the sweet chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, and the distant hum of chatter from his fellow students. It was a vibrant and lively scene, one that encapsulated the essence of summer. 

Despite the heat and humidity clinging to him like a parasite, Kiyotaka pushed forward, his steps hastening. 

There was something wrong going on. 

Really wrong. 

The school was a supposed bastion of safety, fortified against any sort of foreign intervention. However, Kiyotaka couldn't shake the feeling that if push came to shove, THAT man was capable of manipulating the situation to his advantage.

Every step he took was a deliberate effort to bridge the distance between himself and the foreboding premonition that loomed in the recesses of his mind. It was an intangible force that refused to be ignored, a nameless feeling that pulsed with increasing urgency with each passing moment.

Reaching in front of his door, he placed his hand on the handle but paused. There was something different. The handle was warm, and the lock opened. Kiyotaka pondered over his choices but soon come to a single conclusion. 


With a sense of purpose, Kiyotaka pushed the door open and stepped inside the room with a composed demeanor. But in an instant, his eyes were drawn to a masked figure who had emerged from the shadows, poised to strike.

Without hesitation, Kiyotaka seized the attacker's outstretched hand with his left and clamped down with a vice-like grip, causing the masked man to grimace in pain. But before the intruder could even utter a word, Kiyotaka delivered a swift jab to his jaw, eliciting a sickening crack as the intruder was flung against the adjacent wall.

In that moment, Kiyotaka's actions spoke louder than any words ever could, as he demonstrated his readiness to defend himself with force when necessary. 

The hallway reverberated with the sound of heavy footsteps, each beat resonating through the air like a war drum. 

The once-quiet dormitory was now filled with an ominous presence, as more and more individuals flooded in with an unsettling sense of purpose. Kiyotaka could sense their intentions, his suspicions confirmed by the lack of voices and the eerie absence of every boy in the dormitories earlier. 

They were finally here for him. 

THAT man's patience had finally run out. 

Without a moment's hesitation, he scanned the area for a weapon, his eyes locking onto a pan resting in his little kitchen space. With swift and sure movements, he grabbed it and charged towards the group of intruders, determined to protect himself from their unknown intentions. 

The first man to cross his path received the full brunt of his attack, as Kiyotaka swung the pan with all his might, striking him in the head with a thunderous blow. The intruder crumpled to the ground, unconscious before he hit the floor. The others faltered for a split second, their faces etched with shock and surprise at the sudden turn of events. 

 But Kiyotaka did not relent as their moment's hesitation was all he needed, his movements fluid and calculated as he weaved through their ranks, delivering devastating blows with the pan. He dodged and weaved, striking with lightning speed and ferocity, his eyes focused solely on his objective. 

 As one of the men attempted to land a blow from behind, the Kiyotaka twisted his leg to one side, avoiding the attack with ease. In one swift motion, he delivered a powerful elbow strike to the man's gut, causing him to double over in pain. 

Without pausing for breath, he spun around and delivered a brutal kick to his opponent's face, sending him crashing into the wall with a sickening thud. The sound of bone cracking filled the air, as the wall was painted red with the man's blood. 

 With each strike, Kiyotaka became more and more ferocious, his movements fluid and deadly as he dispatched his attackers one by one. It was clear that he was not to be underestimated. 

But how did so many people gathered here to pick him and how did so many other students are not aware of this. During his date earlier with Kei, he didn't notice a thing.

Was it a last minute decided operation? Or was it being planned from the start?

If so, was he playing in the palm of his father's hand until now? 

As he gazed ahead, Kiyotaka beheld a group of youngsters dressed in immaculate white garments strolling down the hallway. 

The sight was a stark contrast to the strewn corpses of fully-grown adults that littered the floor. 

All of these juveniles were a year younger than Kiyotaka, but each wore an assortment of emotions on their faces. However, envy and anger were the only two common feelings that were apparent on each visage.

Kiyotaka, keeping his voice low, muttered to himself, "Ah, the newest generation, I see." He then watched as one of the young ones suggested, "Let's capture him. He took way more time to dispatch these decoys. He isn't like what everyone says."

Unfastening his sleeve buttons, Kiyotaka queried them, "Let me ask you something. Do you genuinely believe that all of you would be enough to halt me?" As he discarded his tie, he paused and let the question hang in the air.

One of the youths retorted, "Huh!?"

Kiyotaka's eyes then lost all light, replaced by an animalistic darkness that seemed to be ready to consume each and every one of them. "No, you are not enough," he stated, and continued, "And you all will end here. I will not go back, and you can't force me to. So, what will you do?"

A sense of foreboding swept over everyone, sending shivers of cold down their spines, as Kiyotaka's words echoed in the hall. It was clear that he was prepared to face them all and that they would have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

As the group of boys surrounded Kiyotaka, one of them made a sardonic remark, "Look at him trying to cling on to his little pride. I would be enough." With a lightning-fast movement, the boy launched a punch towards Kiyotaka, but the latter agilely dodged to the left. Seizing the opportunity, Kiyotaka delivered a swift and brutal knee strike to the boy's solar plexus. 

With a tight grip on the boy's hair, Kiyotaka pulled his face close to his own, his expression cold and aloof.

"What pride? Anger? Envy? Hate?" Kiyotaka's voice was devoid of emotion, "I don't feel such base emotions, at least not for something as mundane as this." He slammed the boy's face against the rough concrete wall, causing him to writhe in agony. Pulling him close once again, Kiyotaka continued in a calm and collected tone, "It's unwise to let your emotions rule you, especially when you are weak." With that, he smashed the boy's face against the wall once more, rendering him unconscious.

The scene was one of violence, but Kiyotaka's movements were precise and calculated. He didn't allow his emotions to cloud his judgment, instead using his superior skills to overcome his attackers. His words were measured and deliberate, displaying a level of detachment and self-control that was both impressive and unsettling. As he walked away from the unconscious boy, it was clear that he was not to be trifled with. 

"Now... who's next." He said as they all shuddered. 

With lightning-fast reflexes, Kiyotaka assumed a battle-ready stance as his assailants charged towards him. 

Without hesitation, he launched into a powerful attack, extending his leg and delivering a knee strike to the first opponent's face. Swiftly following up, he used the same foot to deliver a fierce kick to the second attacker's face, smoothly spinning on his heel in the process. 

 As another attacker lunged towards him, Kiyotaka deftly twisted his body, narrowly evading the attack and grazing his cheek in the process. Seizing the opportunity, he grabbed the nearest opponent by the collar, expertly chopping the side of her head with a sharp blow that rendered her unconscious. 

 With his enemies still closing in, Kiyotaka remained undaunted, seizing two more assailants by their necks and forcefully colliding their heads together with a sickening thud. The impact was so forceful that both of the attackers began to foam at the mouth, writhing in agony on the ground. 

 Undeterred by the ferocity of his opponents, Kiyotaka continued to fight back with incredible skill and precision. He unleashed a devastating punch on another attacker, sending the hapless boy flying backwards with a sickening crunch as his jaw shattered under the impact.

Just as he was about to dispatch another one, a sound resounded, followed by a warm sensation from his chest. 

He looked down as he saw a gaping hole in his chest---A bullet. 

Looking back he saw a girl with a crazy look over her face, as she held an old-fashioned revolver. 

"Hahaha. Now we will be acknowledged. I killed the masterpiec-"

Her words stuck in her mouth as he arrived in front of her and grabbed her by her neck, pulling her up the ground. 

"You should never celebrate before confirming your kill." Kiyotaka said, his face impassive, not a hint of pain or urgency to survive. 

Grabbing her hand he inserted the gun in her mouth as he stared down at her, "Imprint this in your mind. Even a bullet was not enough to kill me. You failed. Your whole generation is nothing but failures. You're a disappointment and you failed the first and only task give to you." He said as the girl whimpered, tears forming in her eyes as Kiyotaka slightly pushed the trigger.

Before he could fully press it, he staggered and kicked her face in, killing her in the process. 

He fell to the ground, blood pooling beneath him as he slowly began to drown in a hot pool of his own life-blood. 

Even at death's door he couldn't help but sigh. 

"This was such a pain." He said audibly. 

[Skill Acquired: Pain Resistance.]

"So, this is how death feels, huh? Can't say it's a pleasant feeling. I feel so hot and cold at the same time. I wonder why."

[Skill Acquired: Thermal Fluctuations Resistance]

Even though he was dying the beauty of this concept called death made him curious even on his deathbed. "I wonder if transcending death could change the building blocks of universe."

[Unique Skill Acquired: Quantum Manipulation]

"I wonder if I could expend my energy in a better way to survive this shot." 

[Skill Acquired: Energy Absorption]

[Skill Acquired: Transmutation]

"What is this annoying sound?" 

[Transferring host into a new vessel. Searching for vessel]


[Vessel found. Integrating host's innate talents and forming respective skills]

"What is this all about?"

[Skill Acquired: Mental Domination]  

[Skill Acquired: Mastermind] 

[Skill Acquired: Perfect Memory] 

[Skill Acquired: Instant Analysis] 

[Skill Acquired: Elemental Control]

"Control of elements? Are they controllable? Is so, can they be fused?" Kiyotaka thought to himself. 

[Skill Acquired: Elemental Fusion]

[Unique Skill Acquired: Alchemist]

 [Skill Acquired: Immaculate Perception]

[Ultimate Skill Acquired: Wisdom King - Thoth]

"I never knew I would be hallucinating." 

With those words he felt his life trickle out as he died, sprawled over amongst countless bodies----dead and brutally injured. 



...as he opened his eyes once again only to find himself lying on crusty foliage, gazing at an unfamiliar ceiling. 

"How did I end up here?"

(A/n) Join discord here to give me suggestions. I haven't read too far into Slime. 


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