
COTE: Hikigaya in Classroom of the Elite

Unlike other fanfictions relating to this topic, Hikigaya won't be some pushover who gets nervous at the sight of girls. Hikigaya will have his memories of middle school when he was bullied and abandoned by the school, so he will dislike most students. He also won't be some pushover who takes insults from others, but he won't take stupid rash actions. He will kind of be a villain who solely cares about private points. The Hikigaya in this book will be the one at the start of Oregairu. One who does not care about other's feelings and only about himself. Since the classroom of the elite takes place in a high school, Hikigaya will have no memories of characters like Yukonishida and Yui as they appear during his high school life.

avbutt · Cómic
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36 Chs

Chapter 20

[A/N: Regarding my other book, I have applied for a web novel contract and I will update the book once I see a response]

I wanted to say "Is this a joke," but when Kanzaki said "most of the class," he surely meant everyone but me.

That means all of the Class B members had agreed to give Ichinose 70% of their allowance each month. Ichinose should have well over 2 million private points given to her while I had to work my ass off to make 10 million.

If I were to deny this, the class could ostracize me, but I'll be damned if I hand over any of my personal points to this girl.

I knew Ichinose singlehandedly united the class, yet it's still insane that the entire class trusts her with private points, What if she decided to use them for herself? There was no contract signed or anything, so honestly, she could do whatever the hell she wanted with those points. Yet, I doubt Ichinose would do that, her personality thus far is showcased that, but still nobody in class doubted her at all?

After pretending to think it over for a bit, I responded.

"Sorry, I'll have to decline for now, I'm doing fine managing my own points. I do appreciate the offer."

When I said "for now," I meant never, but Ichinose would be less hurt if I said that. Either way, Ichinose would be hurt as she's trying to get me to take part in class activities, and my denying this shows how I don't see myself as part of the class.

It was true, I honestly didn't associate myself with the class at all, and I doubt that would ever change no matter her efforts. 

Kanzaki was unsurprised at my answer, I mean who wouldn't be, I've already isolated myself from the class, so why would I agree to something like this? Ichinose looked visibly hurt, but at this point, I cared much more about my private points.

Not that Ichinose would, but if people learned that I had over 10 million private points, there would definitely be a target on my back. It could also cause conflict in Class B as I'm already pretty close to the amount required to transfer out of the class. That didn't change the fact though. No matter how many points I had, I would never willingly hand it over to someone else for safekeeping.

Never trust anyone.

After a moment of awkwardness, Ichinose responded.

"Ah, I thought you might say that. D-do you feel out of place in our class..?"

If I told her the truth about how our methods were fundamentally the polar opposite, and how I knew that the class would fail in reaching Class A, it would just cause more problems. I decided to take advantage of Ichinose's kindness in my response.

"Ah sorry, i-its j-just t-that, I've had s-some... experiences in middle school, so it's hard for me to trust people"

Technically, I'm not lying as I couldn't trust anyone after the bullying and fake personas of people in middle school, but at the same time, I knew this would be enough of an excuse for Ichinose.

Kanzaki, on the other hand, would call out my bullshit and say that this isn't middle school anymore and to get serious, but I doubt he would dare go against Ichinose for the time being.

Ichinose nodded her head like she knew about this fact already. I assumed that people would make things up about me as I didn't talk to anyone, but for them to be almost correct was still pretty interesting. I mean it was the best school in the country, no matter how many antics go on inside it.

Kanzaki looked at me with an expression that said "really dude"

He was similar to me in the way that he didn't fit in with the jolly vibe of Class B, but instead of giving up, Kanzaki decided to change himself to fit in. That was the very thing, I disliked the most, but at the same time, I respected him for trying to adapt. Adapting and changing yourself to fit in are different things, but I couldn't tell which one Kanzaki chose. For the time being, my feelings on him were neutral.

After another few moments of silence, Ichinose spoke up again.

"I understand Hikigaya! I'm going to do my absolute best to help you trust again!"


I had heard this type of thing before. After getting name called in lower school, I was always alone in the classroom until someday, one of the "popular" girls came up to me and started a conversation. She said things like, "I'm going to be your friend," and naive little me believed her. That was until I heard her shit-talking me behind my back and saying how much of a loser I was.

That's when it all clicked for me, no one is nice for no reason, and there's always a hidden agenda or goal. That's why I didn't trust people like Kushida Kikyo, who are always kind. 

At the same time, Ichinose seemed to be different, her smile was pure, and no matter how much I thought, there was no agenda behind her actions. She was an enigma, an exception, but I refused to accept that now. Maybe later, but for right now, my guard should always be up.

The waiter brought us our drinks and food, so silence descended upon us for a bit. Ichinose, once again broke the silence, by saying.

"Alright first, you'll come to the pool with us after exams"

I had already rejected her idea once, and honestly, playing along with her little dream couldn't hurt me, so I responded.

"Yeah sure, let me know when."

Kanzaki answered this time.

"... can you just look at the group chat?"

Fuck, I forgot about that.

"... yeah, my bad"

Kanzaki got straight to the point which I liked about him, but at times like this, I wished he had the naivety of Ichinose.

Originally, I wasn't planning on sharing the test answers, but after essentially denying myself as part of the class, I thought this would brighten up the awkward mood. Ichinose would be happy I was thinking about the class while Kanzaki would be grateful that I was contributing.

I pulled the papers out of my bag to put on the table and said.

"Hey, I bought these test answers from some seniors, and after checking them with the quizzes, they were the same. This doesn't mean the final will be the exact same, but it might be useful to study."

My plan seemed to have worked, as Kanzaki immediately began looking over the paper and taking a picture while Ichinose's expression changed for the better as she realized I might have been thinking about the class.

While Kanzaki started sending the picture to the class group chat, Ichinose cheerfully said.

"Thank you Hikigaya! The entire class will be grateful for this!"

My face turned a bit red. I mean anyone would be happy when one of the most beautiful girls in the school thanked them, but at the same time, I can't help not be suspicious. 

"y-yeah, no problem"

Kazanki put down his phone and asked.

"Hikigaya, what do you think about the upcoming cruise ship trip vacation?"

Since I had already revealed this information to Ryuen, it wouldn't hurt to give my class a boost. I mean more class points means more private points, and I'm happy with that.

"There's definitely a catch."

I kept my words vague and allowed them to do the speculation, and knowing Kanzaki's brain, he might even figure out the existence of special exams. Revealing too much would make me seem too intelligent, and Kanzaki would also want to integrate me into class. At the same time, saying too little would make them think I'm unintelligent, making me disposable and a pawn for them to use.

Kanzaki nodded his head while Ichinose looked at me questionly. Someone as naive as her would never question the school's goodwill. That's the problem with her leading, her naivety would cause the class to fall. In my opinion, Kanzaki was more of a fitting leader with his intelligence and seriousness. Ichinose would be a good number 2 as she would be able to unite the class during difficult times.

It's ironic, both of them are better suited for each other's positions.

After finishing my drink, I waved the two goodbye and headed out. I wondered what the two were talking about when I left, but at the same, why would I care about what they think?

Since, there was a lot of time left until night, and I was done with everything including student council work and studying, I headed to the mall.

As I walked around the crowded mall, I felt somewhat lonely, after all, I was the only student there with no friends. After looking around for a bit, I decided that was enough, so I headed towards the grocery store to pick up some cheap essentials. 

While walking towards my destination, I felt someone grab my hand and run away. I was dragged away from my destination with incredible speed.

Was I being kidnapped? What the hell was going on?

When I turned around to see the perpetrator, I saw a familiar face, Kamuro. Ah, don't tell me she's giving me away to Sakayangi.

She was clearly stronger than me, so any struggle would be futile, so I decided to just be dragged.

Thankfully, no one else in the mall noticed her dragging me or else there could be a huge misunderstanding. Kamuro slowed down as we approached a Karaoke store.

huh, why karaoke?

We entered a room in the corner, and I held my breath anxiously until I looked around the room. It was empty, she hadn't given me away yet. I sighed in relief and looked at her. For what reason, did she bring me, a boy, to an empty karaoke room forcefully?

What were we going to do? Don't tell me. We're not actually dating, are we?

Reading my expression, Kamuro said.

"I brought you here because there's no cameras"

Was she mad I forgot to thank her for saving me earlier? Was she going to beat me up here?

"... what's up?"

"I wanted to brief you on Sakayanagi's actions"

What? Wasn't Sakayanagi her boss? Why was she helping me? Why would she betray the leader of Class A for some lonely guy in Class B? I couldn't get a read on this girl. 

She must really hate Sakayanagi. I mean, I'm not one to talk, that white-haired girl is evil. Anyways, this a good chance to get some free information.

"so... what's happening?"

"you've done a good job pretending to be normal. Sakayanagi just thinks that Class D stuff was because they genuinely angered you She's not that wary of you anymore."

Acting normal? What the hell I've been acting? I was just going between the library and my dorm. I mean, it's a good thing, she doesn't care about me anymore, but at the same time I'm disappointed, I'm a ... normal student?

Also, how the hell do they know where I've been? Did she follow me again? How didn't I notice? I noticed her earlier, but did she somehow get better?

Kamuro stared at me for a moment before laughing.

"y-you really thought I was trying when I followed you earlier? I followed you for two whole weeks, and you didn't notice shit"

Fuck, I overestimated myself.

"... anyways, thanks for earlier"

"yeah, no problem"

"by the way, why are you helping me?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm only helping Sakayanagi because she knows my weakness, you're just very interesting"

Is "interesting" an insult or compliment? Also, the reality of the situation set in. Here I was, like one of those popular kids, in a karaoke room with a beautiful girl by myself. Why does this stuff happen to me? I bet other students would dream of being in my position.

After a bit of silence, Kamuro stood up and said.

"Alright that's all, you can message me now by the way. I'll let you know if Sakayanagi starts following you again"

Wait, it's too early... I was actually kind of enjoying the company for some reason. She stopped and turned around, as I stammered out.

"S-since w-we're, y-you want to sing?"