
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasía
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79 Chs

Chapter. Hell arc. A Demon Prince’s prowess.

Weaver watched Lilith close the door. It protruded for a few seconds before it went calm. "Come with me little spider." She said wagging her finger. "Are they going to be okay?" "Of course. I would never bring any harm to Samael's son." Weaver looked over his shoulder concerned and followed Lilith, with Akasha pouting at the door. "HEY! LET ME OUT!" Zeke yelled. Moon and Sunny held their chests, looking at their marks. "What the fuck did that bitch do to us?" Moon clawed at the crest. "AH!" Sunny jumped. She felt four fingers dig into her chest, in response she slapped the crest. Moon jumped with a yelp feeling a sting there. "Ah! What the fuck!?" Moon snapped rubbing her mark. Sunny froze look at Moon, feeling the sensation of her palm. "Stop what you're doing." "What why?" Sunny pinched her arm. Moon flinched slapping her arm. "Son of a!..." She stopped looking at Sunny and then pinched her arm. Sunny looked at the same spot feeling it. "What the fuck!?" They both yelled in sync.

Zeke pounded against the door, kicking and punching it. "Fuck! Lilith! Open the door! Akasha! Weaver! Weaver!" He called out. "Peter!" Moon ignored the spell and rushed at Zeke hugging him from behind. He jumped and threw her off. She looked at him puzzled and her eyes tearing up. "I'm sorry! Don't touch me! She just made me drink like five litres of super Viagra or something." He said covering himself. "Well I can help with that!" "I can help with that better!" Sunny declared. Zeke rolled his eyes trying to break the door down again. Weaver followed Lilith to a round table covered in platters of succulent meats and ripe fruit. Baked goods and deep fried treats scattered about. Succubi's prowled around him, licking their lips with their bodies completely exposed. Lilith offered a him a seat, as he sat down his clothes were torn off. Before he rolled his eyes and threw his hand in the air, he snatched the lighter from his pocket. "Was that necessary?" She pouted at him sitting across from him.

"You're in the Lilim. Please don't insult my sovereign's fashion." He let out a sigh. "What do you want?" "I simply want to talk. I do hope we can talk." "Unless it's about Convergence, I don't have anything to say to you." "Is it my form?" Weaver sucked on his teeth looking away. "She is quite a peculiar one. Obsidian locks dyed a snow white. Porcelain skin covered in tattoos. Piercings in all sorts of tasty places." She giggled approaching him. Lilith cupped Weaver's chin. "Your Soul desires her, yet you look at me with such disdain and anger." "You're not her. Now take a different form." Weaver growled shaking his head. Lilith pulled her hand away and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Petey, I love you." Weaver growled stood up shoving Lilith away holding out his lighter. "Don't you fucking call me that!" She batted her eyes at him, shrinking in with teary eyes. "Don't you love me anymore Petey? Why do you hate me now?" Weaver scrunched his face before clicking his lighter on. A stream of fire surrounded him burning away a pink mist. Lilith stumbled back in her true Demonic form. She let out a sinister giggle.

"There aren't many that would ignite their true love." "Many of those people have their true loves still breathing. Now leave me alone." Lilith sighed and slumped into her seat. "Such a buzz kill." She threw her clawed hands into the air. "Very well. We'll talk about something else. What do you want to know?" "Are those three going to be okay?" "Of course." "What about what you made Zeke drink?" "That was just water filled with electrolytes." Weaver furrowed his brow looking at her confused. "You said-" "Oh none of those aphrodisiacs would work on him anyway. The water was to keep him hydrated for his fun." "What did you do?" "This is the Lilim. Where any and every desire is fulfilled. One of Ezekiel's desire is to ravage them both." "He isn't that kind of man." "He will be, because he's own brain will betray him. The pieces are slowly already coming together, and when he comes to the realization, we'll watch those numbers jump." "What numbers?" Lilith pointed to a set of counters above the door.

"What do each of them count?" Weaver asked. "That one is how many times the girl experience bliss. That one is how many times he pumps his hot seed into them. This one is my favourite. It's how many times they say; yes, oh my god, fuck, shit or I'm cumming." "What's that last one?" "That's how many times they cry out his name. I have high hopes for that number." "You're going to leave them in there for three days?" "Don't make me sound like such a monster, I'll have my Succubi send them food and water. Bathe them after their fun." "Hmmm..." Weaver drew his lips to a line. They weren't in any real danger of any kind. "Oh, relax. Those kids deserve to enjoy themselves, after such a harrowing experience. Don't you think?" Weaver shrugged and then nodded. "Good! Then come and sit with me. I haven't had good company in days." He reluctantly sat across from her eating the meal before him. "That child of Invahazen. What can you tell me about him?" "Kenji Serizawa. He's the second strongest in our realm." "Second strongest? Who would be the first? That woman or oaf?" "If you mean Alistair Nyx. Yes, he would be the strongest of us all." She scoffed. "Invahazen truly out did himself. However it seems they do have some competition now." Weaver looked over his shoulder. "Yes, it appears so."

Zeke slumped down in front of the door. "What the fuck is this damn door made of?" Moon knelt down beside him. She forced a hug onto him, burying her face into his neck. He said nothing feeling how hard she squeezed him. "Moon..." "You promised..." she whimpered. "You promised, you would never get hurt..." He hugged her back, stroking her head. Sunny felt the same sensation and looked around puzzled at the sensation. "I'm sorry...It won't happen again." Moon shook him. "Liar." A melancholic smile flashed on Zeke's face. "Moon, I'm okay. Besides I won't be fighting him ever again." Sunny wiped her cheek feeling tears stream down her face. Moon looked up at him with tears falling down on her puffy eyes. She frowned and wiped her tears. "No it won't! Because I'm going to protect you from now on! You will stay at home and cook, and watch TV all day! I promise you that." She said defiantly. "You won't ever need to summon Shadow ever again!" Zeke wiped her eye, noticing Sunny wince. He looked to her and pinched Moon's thigh. "Ah! What the hell Zeke? I'm opening my heart to you right now, and you're trailing off?" "Are you two...linked?" "Yes, did you just notice?" Sunny asked.

Zeke gulped and took a deep breath. "Sunny, you're next." The two cocked an eyebrow at him. He took Moon by the nape, and pulled her into a kiss. Her eyes bulged and her body stiffened. Sunny reeled back holding her mouth, feeling Zeke's tongue swirl on hers, and his lips. "What the fuck?" She gasped. Zeke weaved his fingers through Moon's long golden hair, and gave her firm tug. She gasped in delight, with Zeke kissing her neck gently. Each one sent electricity running through their bodies. "Zeke-yah!" Zeke ripped her shirt off, moving his attention to her breast. The both of them tensed up feeling the sensation of his tongue swirling and flicking over their nipples. Moon ran her hand through his hair. Her and Sunny heaved. Zeke pushed Moon over, and tore off her pants, burying his face between her legs. "Ezekiel wai-HNNNGH!" Sunny gnashed her teeth, with her eyes glazing over. Moon bridged her body into the air, gripping Zeke's hair with all her strength. Her legs trembled and shook over his shoulders, and her hips rocked back and forth, at the complete mercy of his tongue. "YES! YES!" Moon screamed.

Lilith smiled at the counter. "And it begins." Moon thrashed in Zeke's grip trying to get away. "Oh my god!" She moaned. Sunny bit the edge of the soft bed clenching her fist. Her body was complete stiff and on the edge. "Zeke! Zeke! Oh fuck! Fuck!" Moon shouted her body floating in the air, her toes curled and legs shaking. Zeke took a deep breath ravishing her completely entranced at making her cry out his name. Sunny arched her back. The two cried out in complete ecstasy. Sunny fell limp on the ground trying to catch her breath. Moon's legs shook uncontrollably and her pussy trembled on his tongue. "Ze...holy...fuck! What...was...THAT!" She squealed with Sunny joining in feeling his tongue making gentle circles. Her body froze up again, as Zeke lifted her into the air. "ZEKE! ZEKE! ZEKE! STOP!" She cried out pulling on his hair. He threw onto the bed and knelt down over Sunny. "Ezekiel, I need a min-HNNNG" He wrapped his hand around her throat squeezing it firmly. Moon held her throat gasping for air as well. "Shut the fuck up." He ordered, ripping her clothes off.

Zeke threw Sunny onto his shoulders. She gasped clinging onto his head. "Wai-" They both squealed feeling his strong tongue. Sunny clung to Zeke by his hair, using them like reins. "Fuck! Fuck!" She shouted. Moon felt Zeke's hand grab her waists and bring them up to his. "JES-AHHHH!" Their screams of ecstasy and pleasure filled the room. A sensation none of them had ever felt before. They felt what the other could and became over taken by Zeke's fervour. Sunny collapsed first, falling onto Moon, however Zeke refused to stop. He let out a grunt filling Moon and the two stiffened with his orgasm. The three heaved and panted, covered in a thin film of sweat. Sunny and Moon both looked Zeke at a loss for words. He slid Sunny off Moon, and pulled Moon up for a kiss. "Zeke...where is this-Wah!" She yelped being spun around. He pushed her on top of Sunny. The two froze feeling each other's skin and hot breath on each other. Sunny felt Zeke grab her waist. "Wait! I need a breAKKK!" Sunny shrieked feeling him enter.

He yanked on Moon's hair bringing her up to him. She tried to curl into a ball, feeling the overwhelming pleasure rising up in her. He wrapped his hand around her throat, squeezing it firmly. "Where are you going?" He whispered into her ear. His fingers slid and rubbed her soaking and throbbing clitoris. They both moaned feeling his hand around their throats, and an indescribable amount of pleasure from below. Zeke let out a grunt squeezing even harder. The two experienced a euphoria like never before, feeling him throb inside. Moon collapsed on top of Sunny. The two drenched in sweat and trying desperately to catch their breaths. They felt Zeke grab both of them by their napes, he pressed their heads against his forehead. "You're mine..." he panted. "You're both mine...No one else's..." He said firmly. Moon nuzzled her face into his hand. "I'm yours." Sunny did the same to his left. "That was amazing Zeke..." "It really was." He took Moon's face by two hands. "Don't talk like I'm done." "Wait wh-AHHHHH FUCK!" Moon squealed.

Sunny tried pull Zeke away, the two of them wanting a small reprieve from the intense pleasure. He pulled Moon on his lap and spanked her. Both of them jumped from the sting. "Sit down, you're next." Sunny clung onto Zeke's back. "But! I feel everything you're-" He spanked Moon again. He felt both of them dig their teeth into his shoulders. "I know. Here since you feel left out." "Hang on-" He let Moon down and threw Sunny on top of her. "Kiss her." "I'm not going to kiss her!" Moon exclaimed. He spanked Sunny and she pressed her lips onto Moon's. Her eyes bulged feeling Sunny's tongue, and her own tongue through her. Zeke lifted Sunny's hips into the air and placed her legs onto his shoulder. The two broke away from their kissing. "Zeke, what are you-" "Ezekiel, I need a momen-" Their squeals of delight filled the room, both of them shuddering and quivering hysterically.

Lilith and Weaver sat at the table looking at the counter jump up rapidly. They snacked with other Succubi watching intently at the numbers jump. "How longs it been?" Weaver asked. "About two hours." Lilith said. "That one on the far left. Does it count both of them? Or one at a time?" Weaver asked. "I've set it to one at a time. Seems like the link is working better than intended." "Can I join in yet?" Akasha asked itching and twitching. "No, little one. He gave you an order to wait." "Oh, he's such a tease! I want him even more!" Weaver looked to Lilith. "She knows that he's never-" Lilith shook her head. "Don't tell her, it will break her little heart." "So, how long are we going to watch this for?" "Until it stops being fascinating." Lilith said. The first counter started to increase rapidly. Everyone looked on impressed. "Oh now my curiosity is killing me." Lilith said waving her hand. A cloud of pink mist cleared the wall. Lilith nodded impressed. "That would explain it." She waved her hand to Akasha's disappointment.

"Alright ladies the show is over. I wish to speak with this little spider alone." Disappointed groans rung out with all of them shuffling out. "What did you want to discuss?" "The children of Ivahazen. How strong are they?" "They're the three strongest Hunters." "How strong would you say, he is?" Lilith asked glancing over his shoulder. "Zeke isn't strong in the conventional sense." "What do you mean by that? He seemed be fairing perfectly well against Invahazen's spawn." "Only because Zeke isn't like any other Demon Hunter out there." "He is a little small, repressed and reserved." "Zeke is a natural counter to any kind of Demon Hunter." Lilith smirked. "What makes you say that?" "His ability to manipulate any kind of ice, renders any Demon Hunter's natural trump card into a detriment. You saw it with Kenji's activation." "Do you know what happened? Why did he faint?" "He aimed those Phantom swords into the blood rushing to heal him. The extremely chilled blood rushing into his heart and brain triggered him into fainting." Lilith reeled backed amazed.

"Zeke having a defensive fighting style makes him even stronger than I realized." "For something so defensive, he seemed to deal an incredible amount of damage to him." "Because he was patient and clever. He waited for I also can't say, I've seen any Demonic Nephilim chant out an exorcism mid battle." Weaver agreed. "Where would you rank little Ezekiel?" "Officially, he's a D grade Hunter and nothing more." "And unofficially?" "After what I just witnessed. He sits firmly as an S grade Hunter, and even stands to be a contender for the top ten." Lilith reeled back delighted giggling.

"They clearly respects you, will you continue to abuse that for your own gain?" Weaver eyed Lilith. "I'll do what is necessary." Lilith snickered. "Oh little spider, I hope you are ready to die on this hill you have chosen." She said grabbing a grape. "I've made my decision." Rolling it between her fingers she crushed it letting its juices run down her fingers. "Have you? Or are you still clinging to Ashleigh's dying words?" Weaver scowled at her, standing up and holding out his hand. Hundreds of spiked thorns instantly appeared entangling him. "Crippled little spider, you must learn that not everything in your web can be eaten." "How do you know her name?" He snarled. "From the moment I touched you, I've been looking through your memories." She caressed his face turning into Ashleigh. "Her death was not your fault." "Don't take her form." "You accept she's dead and despise me, for taking her form. Yet, you refuse to say the words you bury inside of you." "I have nothing to say to you. You're not her." "Then let me go Petey." She said solemnly. Weaver's eyes welled up with tears.

Zeke woke up hearing a loud bang at the door. He tried to sit up feeling the weight of Moon and Sunny on each arm. He looked right then left seeing them fast asleep, cuddling him. "Right...that happened." The door swung open with Lilith standing there holding Akasha by a leash. "How are you feeling?" She asked with a devilish smile." He quickly tried to scramble and find things to cover them. Moon and Sunny groaned sitting up rubbing their eyes. The two kissed him on the cheek, resting their tired heads on his shoulder. "Is there nothing more satisfying than the purring of satisfied women?" Zeke let out a nervous laugh. "Samael is ready to see you." "What happened to locking us in here for three days." "It has been three days." Weaver said walking in with his arm back. "What!?" Zeke exclaimed. "It hasn't been three days! How is that even possible!?" "How many meals did you have?" Weaver asked. "We had...nine...huh?" "I had my children bathe you twice a day. How many times did you get bathed?" "...six..." Zeke said, looking confused. "But..." He cocked his head to the side, still coming to terms with his revelation.

"Jesus! That aphrodisiac is strong. What the hell was it?" "Water." "...you say what now?" Lilith smirked at him. "My dear, all you had was water." "Was it in the food?" She shook her head. "Then you mean I-" She nodded. "You fucked those two girls there into a drunken stupor with your own vigour and strength. It was quite a spectacular show. You should honestly be very proud of yourself." "Are you sure that was me? There wasn't like some kind of spell-" Lilith walked over looking at Moon and Sunny's crest. "My, my. What a sight." "What is it?" She showed the marks to Akasha, making her gasp. "Wow!" Zeke noticed their crests completely covering their heart. "What the fuck is that!?" "Their sensory link was at 100% efficiency. An incredible rare thing to happen."

Moon and Sunny curled in grabbing their crests both of them screaming. "What!? What's happening to them?" Both of them were engulfed in a red fire for a few seconds. The two reeled back showing the crests were gone. Zeke looked to Lilith with a shocked face. "Did you do that?" "No...that's a first for me as well." "What just happened?" He asked nervously. "They...they bonded to their link." "I DID WHAT!?" Moon and Sunny shouted. "The Soul knows exactly what it wants, that is how it bonds. It appears that you two wanted to keep it." "I'm linked to this bitch till I die?" "How do we un-bond to it!?" Sunny yelled. "As I said. This is a first. I have never seen anyone ever bond to a sensory link before." Zeke tried to calm them down grabbing their shoulder and thigh. The two froze looking at each other. "Can you feel his hand?" Sunny asked looking at Moon's shoulder. She shook her head. "Can you?" Sunny shook her head. They reeled back. "Are you sure they bonded to it?" Zeke asked. "How curious. Let me test a theory." Lilith blew a pink mist into their faces. The crest emerged as the two let out a moan. "What a wonderful discovery!"

"What? What happened?" Zeke asked concerned. "Their links only turn on, when they are on." "You mean every time I get a damn lady boner, she's gonna know about it?" Moon snapped. "Let's test that too." Lilith snapped her fingers in front of Sunny. "It appears so." "Zeke! How do we fix this?" "Um...well it's not the worst thing right?" He said with a shrug. "Are you serious? I don't want to be linked with her forever." Weaver cleared his throat. "If it's possible. Could we deal with this problem another time and get on with our business?" "NO!" Akasha screamed startling everyone. "I've been waiting for too long! It's my turn with master!" "Akasha...I'm not going to have sex with you." She let out a whimper with tears instantly welling up in her eyes. "Because!...I like it more...when...when you do it with people other than me." She gasped. "Master. I had no idea you were a cuck." "I-" Zeke made a fist and pursed his lips together. "Yep...I'm a cuck." He said reluctantly. "How could I not realize sooner! Master, I will make you happy right now and have sex with everyone else!" They watched as she flew off with incredible speed. "Hmm not many people would admit to being a cuck." "I'm not-eugh....let's just go." Zeke groaned.