
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · Fantasía
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79 Chs

A new team dynamic.

The Kims and the Shinseis were startled by everyone rushing back through the destroyed front door. Weaver entered in first with Zeke over his shoulder. The others followed after with Eliza and Adrianna stumbling in last. "Oh. You idiots are still here." Eliza groaned limping into the kitchen. "Moon are you alright? We-" Moon yanked her arm free from her father. "Get the fuck out of my house! NOW!" She roared summoning Iziel. "You don't get to walk into our house, shoot Zeke in the face and give me orders! GET OUT!" "Oh shit." Eliza said surprised slumping into a seat next to Adrianna. Red waddled over with three bottles of vodka sitting between them. "I love Twig's familiar." Eliza said clinking her bottle with them. "Moon, why are you defending him? We are your parents." Byeol said. "What because you two fucked and made me? That makes you my parents?" Han raised her hand with Raven slapping it down.

"Dear, because of him you never went to school, or had a proper childhood." Luna said. Moon threw her hands into the air, rolling her eyes and scoffing. "Oh boy." Han said snatching Eliza's bottle and slugging it back. "What childhood? Which part of it did you want me to keep? The part where I went to school hungry because you were either, too tired to make me something in the morning or too poor to give me lunch money?" "Don't forget that one of them use to take your lunch money." Han added. Moon pointed to Han. "That as well! It was great opening my 'lunch bag' to find nothing in there but the idea of food! I never did find out which one of you took my lunch money to go play at the pokies." "I feel like we're intruding." Constantine whispered with Alexander agreeing. "Then leave." Sakura hissed. "No way, this is so juicy." Alexander whispered back.

Moon walked her parents down. "You want to blame Zeke for making me run away, but you should both know this. Even if I didn't meet Zeke, I would have ran away." "I know we weren't the best parents-" "You weren't even parents!" Moon snapped at her father, her voice breaking. "You spent all day working, and the rest gambling away every dollar you made! You left me alone in the house every day with barely enough food to feed a bird." "We're sorry and we want to make it right and-" "How are you doing that? By shooting Zeke in the face? The person who saved me from you two!?" "He didn't save you! He ruined your life!" Byeol shouted. "You left me in the house with loaves of mouldy bread, and the complimentary condiments from the casino. I spent days drinking tap water to make myself full. Still think you're a great pair of parents? You left me alone in that dark house every night. You two couldn't even give me a lighter to make my way through the house when you couldn't pay the bills."

Moon grabbed her father's collar lifting him to her snarling gaze. "You look at me now. Every amazing in thing in my life is thanks to Zeke. He snuck me food, gave me light every day even when his dad beat him for it. The same person you helped sue a thirteen year old boy. Han told me it was a mistake to reach out to you two. I should have listened. You two can't change." Moon said pushing her father away. "I bet their tax debt, they came here to use her for something." Han said. "You're on." Adrianna said. Eliza slapped her arm. "We talked about this." "What? They could be here as loving parents wanting a redemp-" "Dear, we saw the advertisement, and your grade, and we thought-" Luna said. "Oh no." Adrianna said her eyes widening. "You could pay our debt in two jobs, and we wouldn't ask if we weren't-" "Get out. Just get out." Moon said walking away shaking her head. "Sweetie, please we're family-" "NO! NO YOU'RE NOT! You shoot the person I love in the face! Insult him, and then expect me to pay off your bullshit!?"

Raven grabbed the two of them by their pants. "Alright I've heard enough. Both of you, get the fuck OUT!" She hurled them onto the lawn. "AND STAY OUT!" Everyone locked eyes with them awkwardly, with the gaping hole through the front door. "Uh....I didn't think this through." Raven said. "I got it covered." Adrianna said creating a green Rift. Hika stomped out sitting in front of the hole blocking it off. "HOLY FUCK! IS THAT A DRAGON!?" Han shouted.

Moon wiped her tears running up to her room. Han looked at Adrianna. "Well pay up." "I-" "Addy. What did we talk about?" "Oh right. Doesn't count. We didn't shake on it." "Oh that's bullshit!" Sun glared at Sunny. "Are you staying with him as well?" He asked with a firm tone. "I am." "I do not approve of this." "I don't care. I love him." "Are you going to forsake your faith for him?" "Yes!" Sunny declared boldly. "Listen to everything he's done, and look at everything he's done. Zeke isn't a Demon, he's the closest thing to an Angel than any of us. Going to some big building every day and thinking nice things doesn't make us a good person dad. We should just do the right thing, because we know it's right. Isn't that what the whole point of the bible is?" "Sunny, I'll give you one last chance. Think this through. You're going to leave your job and faith for one person. What about helping the innocent?" Sunny ripped her cross off tossing at Sun's feet. "Oh shit." Skye whispered covering her mouth. "I'm not going to pretend to be a good person anymore dad. I'm going to try and be one. If you can't accept that, then I'm sorry."

Sun took her cross and glumly nodded. "Goodbye Sunny." He said trying to walk out. Hika raised her paw letting him through. Dawn embraced Sunny. "Don't worry about him. He'll come around." Sunny hugged her back tightly, burying her face. "It's okay dear. We'll always love you no matter what." She said stroking her hair. "Be happy and be safe. I'm always rooting for you. Okay?" Sunny nodded. "I'll go make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. Remember to take care of your sister." Dawn said breaking away and kissing her forehead. She quickly hugged Skye rushing after Sun. Sunny retreated into Skye's room. The entire house fell into silence with Hika awkwardly retreating through her Rift. "Well...that was, dramatic." Eliza said. "Yes, I think we've earned our rest, and you three a trip back to Chiron Academy." "But mum." "No, buts. We're on the first flight home and back to your studies. Miss Frost, could you call us a taxi?" Raven nodded.

Han stopped Weaver at the base of the stairs. "Give me the idiot." "He's not heavy-" Han cupped checked Weaver, making him keel over. He looked at her annoyed. "Super powered or not, you still have balls." She said dragging Zeke onto her shoulder. "Now, I think you've done enough. So you and everyone else! Need to leave." "You know there's nothing-" "Nothing stopping you from killing me. Yeah, yeah. Heard it all before. The frail human is telling you to walk your sexy ass out of this house, because I need to give this dumbass here a talking to. All of you are gonna make it worse." "Hey, I give great-" Adrianna kicked Eliza's cut foot. "MOTHER!-" She jumped falling out of her seat. "Alright everybody out. Red if they don't leave, you have full permission to do formation P." Red lit up with joy slugging back the entire bottle of vodka. She let out a sigh of satisfaction wiping her mouth. "Okay, that can't be good." Raven said taking a step back.

Zeke groggily awoke his eyes heavy. "Oh you're finally awake." Han said flipping through the newspaper. He turned to her blinking a few times. Her face obscured by the large sheets, she sat crossed legged by his bed side. "Did-did you go out and get a newspaper for your bit?" "I did." She said lowering it. He flinched seeing her heavy bags. "Jesus. What happened to you!?" She set the newspaper down beside a spray bottle. "Unlike you I haven't slept for three days." "I've been asleep for three days!?" "Mmhmm! Sat by your side for three days." "Wh...why?" "I had this big pep talk for you, the moment you woke up. Except your tired ass decided to stay asleep and sleep you did." "Okay...but why didn't you sleep?" "Because! I was committed to being here when you woke up to give you said pep talk. So don't ever say I'm not committed to being your friend." "I feel like you were more committed to the bit than me." "I can be committed to two things."

Zeke sat up groaning and holding his head. "Did...did someone dress me while I was asleep?" "Yes. Moon and Sunny took turns in dressing you. Apparently that Succubus queen awoke some things in them. Or at least brought it out to the surface." "Shit! Moon and Sunny! Are they-" Han sprayed Zeke in the face. He reeled back feeling the water sting. "AH! What the fuck!? Is that Holy Water?" "Well it's more a Consecrated water, but yes, it's Holy Water." "Why do you have that?" "Because fuck you that's why. Now every time you interrupt me or say something stupid. I'm going to squirt you." "Could you not phrase it like tha-AH! Damn it Han!" "Yes, it will always be phrased as me squirting you in the face. Now sit there and take it. I'm gonna talk, and you're gonna listen." "I-" Zeke sucked in his lips feeling the stinging mist him in the face. "Go ahead." He said wiping his face.

"I know you blame yourself for every bad thing that ever happens to us. Now, while that's a very honourable and selfless mentality. It's also fucking stupid! Yes, you're a Demon, but you are nothing short of a hero. Yes! You're also short and thin, with shitty fashion and hair choices, but you did that so you could spare Moon the money to buy nice clothes and go get her hair done." "The short and thin part kinda felt like a personal attack-" He winced getting sprayed again. "Now, you're gonna do two things when you leave this room. You're gonna stand up for yourself the same when you stand up for us, when shit comes our way. Secondly and most importantly. You're gonna accept that you are loved, not by your shitty family, or by random cunts that you meet, but by the ones who truly love you." Zeke dropped his head. "Oh, and before you go all mopping on me. Nyehhhh I'm a Demon, eehhhh I can't be loved eeeeeeee-" "I don't sound like-AH! Damn it! Where did you even get that ring?"

Han snatched Zeke's face. "Look at me. You're loved by people, and if you don't believe me. Moon and Sunny are currently in the kitchen trying to learn how to cook. How those two are so competent at so many things, but unable to cook a steak is beyond me, but that's not important. Moon completely disowned her family for you, and Sunny gave up her religion for you. If that's not enough proof they love you, they've been working with us to work out a calendar, in how to share you." "Wait, they're doing what?" "You heard me, and you're gonna accept it." Han reeled back taking a deep breath.

"You may think of yourself as some destructive force, but that's what a hero is to evil. A destructive force hell bent on destroying it. You saved Moon from a life of neglect and starvation. You saved Sunny from being a racist mega bitch. You saved Raven and Skye from having to go through a Rift, and most likely being raped, killed, or whatever terrible things happen over there. And you saved me." He looked at Han puzzled. "From what?" "You love puzzles. Figure it out." "I don't have any clues to go off of." "If you get me a visitor charm, I'll give you a clue." "We could never afford a visitor charm." She sprayed him in the face. "Not with that attitude." Zeke wiped his face. "Was that really necessary? Those things are basically priceless relics." "Am I not a priceless relic?" Zeke paused blinking with a vacant stare. "You're gonna spray me regardless of my answer. No you're not ah!"

"Now, go take a shower, come down stairs and cook something for us. Because if I have another steak cooked to congratulations. I'll let everyone know that you let me squirt all over your face." Zeke chuckled, looking down with a smile. "Alright, now that's as emotional as we get. Get your bitch ass up." "I think we could always try a new dynamic between us." "Nope. We lost that chance the moment you stole my motorboat." "For the last time. That's not a thing, I fell on you by accident." "Still motor-boated me." "You were ten! You didn't have any tits to motor-boat!" "And now you're body shaming me. Real classy." Han said shaking her head. Zeke sniggered watching her leave. "Han..." He said stopping her. "Did you commit to this bit, in the hopes I wouldn't sell your car?" "Did it work?" He smiled nodding at her. She walked off with a triumphant fist pump. He stood up groaning and wincing. "Seriously. What the fuck does this magic even do?" Zeke said looking at the red lightning crawl over his arm.

Zeke stopped a top the stairs cocking his head to the side at the fully repaired front door with no paint. He slowly made his way down the stairs finding Raven, Red and Skye in front of a whiteboard. "Look, the best approach is. Three days on, one day break and then swap to another three days." Raven said. "No, the best way to split him. Is to swap each day. They're linked, doesn't matter who he fucks they're both gonna feel it." "That's not the point. It's about how much time he spends with them." "We're getting nowhere. Red give us the tie break." Red stroked her chin. "I think we'll play it by ear." Zeke said. The three of them lit up with joy. They rushed over hugging him. "You're awake!" Raven said excitedly. The three broke away. "And, you need a shower." Skye said with Red pinching her nose. "Do I smell that-" "ZEKE!" Moon yelled. "EZEKIEL!" Sunny yelled. Zeke shook his head in disbelief at the sight of them. They both wore their hair in a pony tail wearing an apron over their crop tops. "Wh...what are you two wearing right now?" They rushed him embracing him, before quickly shoving him away. "I need a shower don't I?" The two nodded.

Zeke let out a small smile. "I'll see you guys in a bit-" He stopped feeling several gazes on his spine. Zeke summoned Shadow walking towards the door. "Oh crap! Zeke wait!" Raven yelled. Opening the door Zeke was bombarded by the squealing of crowd of women. "IT'S HIM!" "IT'S THE ECHO DEMON!" "YAHHHH!" He slammed the door shut taking a step back. "The fuck was that!?" "Your fans." Han said leaning over the banister. "My what!?" "Your clever lie against Kenji didn't last long." "What do you-" He stopped looking at Skye. "Don't look at me. He just paid for a better Truth Seeker." "Okay...but why are they here? They would have just saw me get my ass beat." "Actually Echo Demon. They saw you go toe-to-toe with him." Han said. "For like three minutes! And! And! He wasn't even at full strength." "Doesn't matter. You're the new rising superstar. Which means thirsty bitches wanting to suckle on that famous dick. You're also gonna get all that PUS-" Sunny threw her mitten at Han. She caught the mitten opening the socket. "SAY!" She shouted into it. "I'm selling your car." Moon said. "Ha! You can't Zeke said he wouldn't." "I never said that." "You son of a-"

Zeke sat awkwardly at the end of the dining room table with everyone looking at him. He looked down at the two meals made by Moon and Sunny. They eagerly waited for his opinion. Moon's dish was a bowl of noodles in a reddish sauce, with ingredients he couldn't discern. He took a few strands slurping them up. "Do you like it?" "Mmmmhmmm... it's...crunchy..." He said forcing a smile. Moon's face dropped mortified. "A-haaa!" Moon pouted. "Try her stupid meal then. It's just a bowl of raw fish over rice. "It's a poke bowl." Zeke took a mouthful twitching and swirling the food around. "You like it right?" Zeke winced fishing out several grains of solid rice. "Well, well, well. Looks like your food wasn't great either." "Are you seriously talking shit? You fucked up cooking packet noodles." Han said. "Shut up! They weren't clear anyway. Specified doneness? What does that even mean." She scoffed. "It means not crunchy."

"You two don't have to cook for me. I like cooking for you all. That dynamic between us doesn't haven't to change." Han, Raven, Red and Skye reeled back letting out a sigh of relief. The two glared back at them. "What? Your food sucks." Han said. "They agree with me as well." The others shyly nodded. "Then why the hell didn't you tell us?" Moon asked. "We did. You both kept saying, that you had to learn how to make Zeke's mouth happy in another way." Skye said. The two blushed with Zeke look at them both surprised. "Well, now that his ass is finally awake." Han set a folder on the table. "What's that?" Zeke asked. "It's an agreement I arranged that outlines your new dynamic with these two. A relationship agreement if you will." The two leant over Zeke's shoulder reading with him. "Hey, this says I have to share a room with her." Sunny said. "Where?" "On the fourth line you slow reader." "Hey! I was getting there."

"You're not sharing a room with her." Zeke said. "Han wants us to share one room." "It saves room. Besides, if you have sex with one of them, it doesn't matter what room the other one is in." The two agreed to her point. "Was this part necessary to add?" Zeke asked. "All of it was." "Which part?" Skye asked. "As Zeke is a beta cuck, all dates are to be initiated by Moon or Sunny. They are to discuss with each other before hand, as Zeke will not have any objections." He said letting out a small sigh. "Is it wrong though?" "I still feel like it wasn't necessary to add." "But is it wrong?" Han asked again. "....no." Zeke said dropping his head. He raised an eyebrow at a peculiar line. "Should one of the women engage in any kind of fucking, they must warn the other, to give them adequate time to hide? What does that even mean?"

Moon and Sunny shied away looking around awkwardly. "Because of the shopping incident." Han said glaring at Sunny. "And the dinner incident." Skye said frowning at Moon. "I was asleep for three days. How are there already two different incidents?" "Well, turns out that crest those two bonded to. Doesn't need 'you' to activate it." Han said. "Just needs one of them get excited and the uplink is complete." Zeke face palmed. "Alright what happened?" He sighed. "Your girlfriend and I are going shopping for ingredients, and your other girlfriend there. Decided to use a battery powered simulation of you for over an HOUR!" Sunny cringed. "Which left Moon a screaming puddle in the toilet." Moon was bright red. "And what happened with you?" Zeke asked. "The rest of us went out to go get dinner, and while we waiting. Moon there decided to pursue her career as a DJ. I'm 100% sure she awoke something in that cashier." Zeke rubbed his face. "Alright, good to know."

"I mean...it's a pretty solid contract." Sunny said scratching her head. "Yeah...what the hell Han? How long did this take you to make?" "I had time while princess there slept." "You got a pen?" Zeke asked. Han slid one across the table with a smile across her face. Zeke quickly scrawled his signature. "Moon, we're gonna sell one of those cars." She pouted. "I know..." "You can keep the Mercedes. Sunny...you're gonna have to learn how to drive on the left side of the road, if you want a car." "Backwards country." She muttered. Skye shook her head. "Don't die on that hill. It's not worth it." "Great! Now that we're done with that. Zeke, can you please cook us something that doesn't taste like crap?" Zeke nodded checking the fridge. He reeled back horrified. "What the fuck happened in here!? It looks like a rabid animal got locked in here." Red leapt off the table with Raven snatching her out of the air. "That's gotta be a wakeup call to how bad both your cooking is. Red is willing to eat ingredients raw than after it being cooked." "Oh shut up! I didn't see you cook anything." "Yeah!" Sunny agreed. "Does a quadriplegic try and do gymnastic? No, they sit in their chair and watch the better person do it."

"It's fine. I need to go get groceries." Zeke said walking towards the door. Swinging the door open he was bombarded by another round of squeals. He slammed the door shut letting out a frustrated sigh. "Forgot they were out there." Summoning his suit and slicking back his hair he opened the door again. "HE'S EVEN SEXIER!" "PLEASE FUCK ME!" Zeke shut the door closing his eyes. "What did you think that was gonna do?" Han asked with a smile. "Did you think they wouldn't notice you or something?" "Yes." Zeke let out a groan burying his face into his hands. "If I'm going to be noticed...eugh.....I hate everything I'm about to say and do. Han, can you please..." He trailed off closing his eyes before bringing himself to terms with it. "Can you please style me." Raven flinched at Han shedding a single tear. "I never thought I'd hear those words. Come with me!" Zeke groaned as she yanked him up the stairs. "Han! Nothing crazy!" Moon shouted. "Don't worry, when I'm done with him. You'll be wearing crests every time you look at him." "She's gonna take a while, could you two just buy about 10 kilos of beef and pork mince. I'll cook it when she's finished."

Moon and Sunny came back with the groceries, pushing and shoving their way through the crowd. "Will you simps go home! He's taken!" Moon snapped. "He could always have more!" "I love him more!" "Just get inside." Sunny said pushing past. "Seriously they've been there for three days. Where are they going to the toilet?" Skye said looking out the curtains. "That's your concern? Not the insane thirst they're feeling for one guy because he got into a fight?" Raven asked. "Gotta get that famous dick." Skye shrugged. "MOON! SUNNY! IS THAT YOU!?" Han shouted from her room. "Yeah! We're back!" "Hold onto your damn panties!" "I'm not going out there like this. I asked for subtle!" Zeke hissed. "Oh quit being a bitch and go out." "You can't make me-AH! Give me that damn bottle!" "Help! Rape!"

Zeke begrudgingly walked out. The top of his hair long and messy with the sides short and faded. Perfectly dishevelled past his eyes, revealing the metal earrings. His tongue fiddled with the lip piercing. He wore a white button up dress shirt, over black slacks and under a tight blazer. Han sauntered out displaying Zeke. He stood between them, oblivious to their gawking. "These earrings and piercings are stupid. I'm taking them off." "Leave them on." Moon and Sunny said firmly startling him. "Is this really doing it for you both?" The two nodded. "Can I just wear them in bed instead?" The two locked eyes before back to Zeke. "That is acceptable." Zeke hesitantly took them off handing them to Han. "Zeke, give them the show." "What show? You mean this?" Zeke pushed his hair back. Han pulled the tops of both Moon and Sunny down revealing their sensory links crests. "HA! I am the best! Alright Zeke cook us something I'm starving." "We come first-" Han slapped Moon and Sunny. "No! Food first. We're not waiting for you two have your orgy." "We won't take-" Skye and Raven pulled Zeke away from them, pushing him into the kitchen. The two watched on in dismay.

The others watched Zeke masterfully work in the kitchen operating all the stoves and preparing the ingredients. "Um so what's the sleeping arrangement between you three now?" Han asked. "Uh...I guess we could just share one bed?" Zeke said. "Snoring." Han said. "Um, I guess we could swap who sleeps in my room?" "Ew, I don't want her sleeping in my room." "Where were you sleeping, when I was out?" "She shared my room, and never again." Skye glared at Sunny. "I'm not that bad." "You snore like a chainsaw cutting through metal." "Zeke, what do you think of their snoring?" Han asked. He shrugged. "I think it's cute." "What." Everyone else muttered. "What? I think it's cute." "You're fucking with us right?" Han asked. "No, I think it's cute. I guess, Sunny, you sleep with me when it's your turn, and I'll sleep with Moon in her room on her turn?" The two nodded.

Zeke placed a large bowl of noodles in front of them. Covered in a garlic chilli sauce scattered with chunks of pork and beef mince. "It's not gonna taste that-" Zeke stopped with the room being filled with the sound of slurping. "Oh man, we're never letting you two cook again." "Agreed." Skye said. Raven and Red nodded along wolfing down their food. "They could always learn how to-" "Never let us cook again." Moon said wiping her mouth. "Ever!" Sunny said shoving a mouthful in. Zeke sat back in his chair smiling. "I forgot to ask, what happened to the others?" "Adrianna and Elizabeth went home with the other three. Weaver said he be in touch. Edelgard is busy and Brianna is prepping to go through another Rift." Han said. "Guess there's only one thing left to do." Everyone paused watching Zeke walk towards the door. They followed along holding their bowl of noodles. Opening the door Zeke winced hearing the screams and squeals.

"Alright, I need you all to leave the property. I don't know what you're all hoping for, but I'm happily taken by two beautiful and amazing women." Moon and Sunny tilted their heads. "Awww. That's so sweet-" "I CAN MAKE IT THREE!" "I'LL FUCK YOU BETTER!" "Well that didn't last long." Han said. 'Alright didn't want to try this, but it should work on humans.' Zeke activated his Demon's Blood. The crowd of women reeled back in awe. "What's he doing?" Han asked. Zeke clenched his fists the ring of frost expanded. Han dropped her bowl of noodles throwing up with the other women doing the same. "What's wrong? What's happening!?" Raven asked kneeling beside her. "Last warning. Leave me and my friends alone, or this feeling gets worse." Zeke echoed out. The women stumbled away covering their mouths. Zeke returned to normal. "Well that takes care of-EUGH!" Han's fist drove into his testicles wearing the consecrated ring. Zeke fell to his knees groaning. "YOU PIECE OF SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!" She shouted. "Monarch's Authority..." He whimpered before collapsing.