
Spoiled girl

After knocking twice on the door of the study and getting no reply, Jiang Xiuying paused her lips and looked downstairs holding the rail. She saw from afar that Midori was still seated where she left her. " I wonder if she would be able to pass the test" Jiang Xiuying rested on the rail and cupped her chin using her left hand. It's time for her to choose her fifth personal maid. It was a tradition for the females of Lu Family to have a different personal maid every year. Her first maid was already happily married and had just given birth to a son. She made sure to give all of her previous personal maid a happy ending. She had immediately liked Midori as she saw her sharp eyes that reveled the kind of person she was. She preferred people that doesn't look innocent at first glance than those ones that look like they are scared of wind caressing their skin. Thinking about it reminded her of her fourth personal maid that looked innocent but due to her efficiency, Jiang Xiuying had no choice but to accept her only for her to begin stealing some of her things. At first, Jiang Xiuying overlooked it since she wasn't lacking anything and it wasn't obvious but after she caught her in the act of stealing a necklace that she herself hasn't been able to wear due to the special place it held in her heart, her fourth maid was reported to the police and apprehended.

" Miss Xiuying " Ye Xiao approached her and greeted respectfully bringing her back to the present.

" Huh?" Jiang Xiuying turned to the direction of the voice. " Assistant Ye!! There you are. It seems Chairman Lu has refused to see me today" She said worriedly and noticed Ye Xiao used his eyes to tell her something which she was unable to understand.

" What do you mean?" She asked him knitting her brows in confusion. She had always been slow witted and couldn't understand Ye Xiao's eyes movement.

" Spoiled girl.....you are here. Why would I refuse to see my beloved granddaughter " A voice sounded from behind Assistant Ye. Ye Xiao moved to the side revealing a man in his late seventies standing straight like aging has got nothing to do with him.

" Chairman Lu!!!" Jiang Xiuying exclaimed and ran to his side to support him." How have you been? I heard you travelled, hope you aren't tired"

" Aiya....spoiled girl....I should be the one asking you that question. " You have been away from home for almost a month and when you returned back you fell ill. Does that mean Japan weather doesn't suit you again" Lu Xiande said with a smile revealing slight wrinkles on each side of his eyes.

" Aiya....Chairman Lu.... I miss Japan weather more than anything." She said as they walked inside the study with Ye Xiao staying outside the closed door of the study.

" Oh....really? If you miss Japan that much why did you insist on going to China? By the way, I heard from Beichen that you left Yuxuan in China. Knowing about his condition how can you leave him in the hands of a stranger?"

" Yuxuan's condition have greatly improved and he isn't in the hands of just any stranger. I left him with a friend of mine that he is comfortable with. " Jiang Xiuying said calmly as she helped him to his seat.

" Comfortable with? You know better than all of us that he can only be comfortable when he is close to Yutong but you decided to take him away from Japan due to your selfishness. You have never thought about if what he really wanted was to follow you to China. Just because he held your hands when you were about to go, you concluded he wanted to follow you....Spoiled girl, come back to Japan before it's too late" He said the last part in a pleading tone while staring intently at her unmoved face.

" Chairman Lu, Yuxuan likes it more in China. He can at least meet new people and start his life afresh so that Hus condition can improve. I will make it a point of duty for him to visit Yutong when I'm chanced. " Jiang Xiuying said. She was bent on not returning with her son to live permanently in Japan. A place filled with unpleasant memories.

" Alright.....if you say so" Jiang Xiuying eyes lit up on hearing Lu Xiande surrendering but her excitement was only short lived. " You have to remember that when you first joined the Lu family four years ago with your children, you refused to have your children registered under our household name under the guise of allowing them to stick to only a family name that belongs to that of their father whom you have refused to tell us about till now. You deprived them of having a family name and now you want to separate them at young age. Jiang Xiuying..... what is it that you are really after?"

Jiang Xiuying's shoulders trembled slightly as her gaze wavered after hearing what he uttered. He rarely calls her by her full name which means he must be very serious right now.

Lu Xiande wasn't done yet. He continued this time in a stern voice. " It's fine if you don't want to stay permanently in Japan. Just know that I'm giving you a month to visit Yutong with Yuxuan. If you are still unable to visit her, I will take Yuxuan away from you and nothing will be able to stop me. If you don't want to lose two of your children at the same time because of your selfishness, you kn....."

" GRANDFATHER!!!! " Jiang Xiuying exclaimed in annoyance. '' You have no right to to take my children away from me not when I'm alive. You will never be able to do so" She shouted and stormed out if the study closing the door behind with a bang. She knew Lu Xiande was capable of taking her children away from the powerless her but as a mother, she couldn't stand someone threatening her with her children. .

" I will never let you touch any of my children " She said and entered the cab that parked at the front of the Lu Residence.