60 A Gentle Touch of Love

Stefan's tenderness and his concern shook Mikołaj's heart. They also shook his body, starved because of forced abstinence caused by illness. He was, however, strong enough to love, so he himself, boldly, reached for the Swede's crotch.

"You're already tough," he observed.

"I've been tough for over a week. From the moment you yelled at me in my office. "


"You know how much I love when you rebel and get angry."

"I know," he admitted and chuckled. It occurred to him that although Stefan was clearly the dominant one in their relationship, he, Mikołaj, decided when they would make love each other.

"I think I've recovered enough to do some exercise," Skrzynecki said.

"But only a little," said Stefan. "You had an operation a week ago, so no matter how much you beg and plead with me, there will be nothing to disturb your sensitive tummy."


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