
Conquering The Naruto World

A man is reincarnated into Naruto after his death watch his growth as he conquers the Naruto world.

BlackKingJade · Cómic
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

It's been a year since Kuro was in the academy and despite the suppression from the teacher maintained his spot as number one during theory test but when it came to his physical body he beat the civilian children at his age and Shikamaru who was lazy.

But the other clan kids including Naruto performed far better thanks to either resources or professional training they got at home. Naruto just never seemed to run out of stamina but that was to be expected with being the asura reincarnation and a host of the kyuubi.

Kuro could only sigh in response as he floated in his inner world. Tall buildings, snow, wind, fog, rain and a night sky with a moon. Over the past year he managed to add many things into his mind since he put most of his focus there not worrying about his physical body as this to him was far more important.

"I should be safe now, having to deal with harsh storms and hail and finding the needed information in one of the many buildings should be enough to deal with someone who would want to peek inside my mind. '' Spoke Kuro to himself as the falling rain changed into snow as he started in his reflection, although he enjoyed the rain the snow felt more comfortable.

Exiting his inner world, he paid his attention back to class now that most of the children could read some more technical content was being added. For example, did you know that there used to be dragons roaming around the world which after an uchiha ancestor witnessed one of them breathing fire created the fire dragon jutsu?

Or when Hashirama was in his early days had already mastered the use of wood release to grow food which ended up sustaining the Senju clan during many battles in the warring states era despite the uchiha clan members constantly trying to burn their crops?

These were the interesting things that made him more attached with the world that was 1like a dream to him. But today wasn't going to be one of the normal lessons today would be "the talk." that needed to be had with young children who after this year would start learning jutsu.

"As your teacher I need to inform some of you about something." The shitty teacher who after giving the non orphan and noble kids a gentle look gave the opposite to Kuro, Naruto and a few other orphans proceeded to give a speech.

"What the hell is with this world and being discriminatory towards orphans? This bitch of a teacher reminds me of Sakura. Who insulted an orphan in front of another orphan for being an orphan, speaking of that, why isn't Sasuke here yet?" Thought Kuro in the inner world giving the outside world the appearance of him paying attention.

"The shinobi world is dangerous and you could lose your life at any time, so at the start of this year I need to give you this message to allow you all to choose whenever to stay and risk your life or go on being an average person.

Once you make your choice you can't take it back and change your mind until you either die or get injured beyond the point of being able to do missions." The teacher was strangely casual with this and except for a few students who left the majority stayed in the class.

Which was much better than the last year where he made the mistake of being serious with the speech causing a loss of potential graduates.

Kuro was tempted to leave but remembering the multiple attacks on the village he knew he needed to gain self protection so despite his urge to leave stayed due to his fear of death.

"Good, now let's get started with the lesson about the weapons you would be using as shinobi, the common ones being kunai and shuriken.

But some particularly skilled with weapons sometimes will use Swords or a Kusarigama and next year the class will be able to decide what weapons you would like to use but for now only shuriken and kunai."

After teaching the class the basics the teacher took them to the field to practice with them, he used a dulled shuriken in case one of the students was horrible enough to accidentally hit another student.

When it was Kuro's turn to practice he felt a strange sense of familiarity and ease with the way he held his shuriken and according to his instincts managed to land all of them on target with 4 out of the six landing in the center.

But to Kuro's chagrin the idiot teacher ignored the results and quickly moved onto the next student which was Shikamaru who purposely made his shuriken miss the center and landed them in seemingly random ways on the target.

"Those were amazing results for the first time Shikamaru, keep it up." Said the teacher with a gentle smile on his face despite being ignored. Seeing that happen, Kuro spoke to Shikamaru who was lying down and Choji who was eating chips.

"What flavor is that?" Kuro asked, pointing to the chips Choji was eating during the test.

"Barbeque, it has a deep and rich flavor along with notes of hickory and a mix of honey and other spices in smell. It's one of mankind's greatest inventions in terms of flavor. Wouldn't you agree Shikamaru?" Eating chips as he spoke Choji greatly annoyed Shikimaru who had a starkly different view.

"Those are too unhealthy and greasy for my taste. Kale and mackerel flavored chips are the better ones despite the limited quantity they offer a premium choice in terms of potato chip quality and a light seasoning with a fish taste which is superior to any other chips." A lazy voice replied while yawning.

There was just something magical in kale that wasn't found in other places and Shikamaru no matter how many times he and Choji argued about this couldn't help but be friends thanks to the other's taste in food and pastimes.

"I think you're both wrong , cheddar Sourcream chips are vastly superior combining a perfect mix of yin and yang, light and heavy, with its delicate taste of sour cream on the first bite with the mellow and sharp cheddar as a after taste the flavor is akin to a banquet in your mouth." But before the offended Choji and Shikamaru responded, Naruto ran over there after hiding secretly after the test and overhearing the conversation.

Naruto's voice, expression was loud, blatant and unpredictable as he spoke up about his favorite flavor of chips.

"Ramen! Ramen has the best flavor, it's delicious!"

"No, despite ramen being a good dish it's too complex of a taste to get right on the chip in comparison to you three bbq is the best fla-!"

"Wrong Choji, mackerel flavor is obviously superior-!"

"I can't believe this, have you heathens ever had Sour cream and Cheddar (Ruffles) its the Supreme-"


And from there Kuro's new friendship began with Ramen, Chips, Clouds, and a bleeding student and teacher who was hit by Naruto's shuriken.