
Thousand years old flower

Amidst the kingdom of elves lies the calm, placid moon lake that stood the test of times. The waters of the moon lake was known for its healing properties but most of all it was known as one of the sacred grounds of moon elves. Long before the war came to place, the moon lake served as healing grounds for fallen and wounded soldiers in battle.

However, that event was far forgotten as the connection and link between human and elves grew weaker by day.  It wasn't until now that for decades, a human is finally brought into the place, despite the agonizing tension of two sides, and hopefully would bridge the missing gap.

Expedition head Aadi, easily distinguishable as expedition head, could not help but be mesmerized at the once infamous moon lake, looking deep within its ebb and seeing his reflection startled by ripples of the disturbed water. He find that the moon lake was nowhere near any bodies of water he had seen before.

From a closer range, it was giving off a pleasant vibe that soothes his inner spirituality. In spite of this, he can't help but wonder, could it be? That not only does the moon lake heal but also restores spiritual energy?

His questions may go unanswered, considering he has no spiritual capability to confirm his suspicions on.

There was only his observation and communication skills that he honed for the best, and as of now that was solely the skill he had to offer, just to keenly observe.

The moment of silence lingered as Miya walked up to the king of elves whom as of now was standing at the far edge of the lake, carrying what seems to resemble a jade flower; green in hue and magical in nature.

"I can't believe my eyes! It's the thousand year old jaded flower!" Emissary Aadi blurt out, shock evident in his voice as he stared attentively at the glimmering flower against the passing sunshine.

Alucard looked curiously at the emissary, flickering his eyes between the flower and at the expedition head. 

"What's a thousand year old flower?"

Finally, a trainee asked. Granger also has now full attention on the flower, for never in his life he had heard of something as old as the flower mentioned. Jaded.

He travelled oftenly, passing several woods and conducting trade to various merchants, usually as an errand, and from his missions the jaded flower was a first he had heard of.

Is this the flower needed for his cure?

"The thousand year old jaded flower is an ancient herb that is grown only in the Enchanted forest. Living up to its name, usually the flower takes a thousand years to bloom, and if it does it must be picked at the right time and made into a medicinal tonic as soon as possible."

"And if not?"

"I heard that subtly it will slowly loose its effects."

"I didn't know the emissary would know much about healing."

The expedition head slightly became flustered. "No...it's because I learned too much from the high priest, bearing in mind that we had been friends for years."

The demon hunter trainees nodded. Just then, elder Morogue of the Leonin race came and deliberately walked towards Alucard. Holding a mortar and pestle in his hand in what appears to be a combination of grounded herbs.

"Did you get it all m'lord?" Miya  asked diretly. The elder nodded as a reply and peered his attention to Alucard. He bowed in front of the demon hunter which surprised him in return. Not knowing how to respond, Alucard also gave a slight bow. The elder smiled at his uneasiness and confusion.

"I have heard that you have save one of our kind before. And I personally would want to relay my gratitude to the one who saved Harith..." He trailed on, clearly pertaining to Alucard and the day he had saved Harith.

"He was my nephew, and someone dear to me and to my people. And the moment I received news that you managed to save him, I was truly grateful. For this, I personally asked the king to aid you today and offer you one of our sacred herbs that many warden leonin tended. It is the leonin's pleasure to serve someone who saved one of us."

Feeling gratified, Alucard with his bandaged arm, gave a brief salutation.

"It is also an honor." Alucard replied.

The elder asked for the tonic the chief cleric concucted. The trainee demon hunter who was in charge of carrying the tonic gave it to the elder's welcoming palm. Bringing the tonic's mouthpiece to his nose, he momentarily wafted its scent. Trying to identify the kind of herbs the chief cleric made.

"Very impressive. This is a tonic that slows down the effect of poison. There is no doubt for the cleric's wise choice of herbs." The elder Morogue critized positively, making the emissary a bit proud for his kinsmen.

The elder after grinding the thousand year flower into his mortar, handed it to the elf king who upon receiving, took out a miniature bottle in his necklace and pour in a drop or two of its contents. The bottle itself or what the king did was a mystery for them, however they chose not to instill questions since the main agenda was to heal their master Alucard.

The elder took the combined herbs from the king's hands and gave it to Alucard to drink in which he carefully did. Tipping his head to drink its contents, slowly the purple hue surrounding his arm seems to become faded, until eventually his normal tone of skin returned normally.