
Our Main boy Characters

Kim Taehyung

* 23 years old

* can speak 3 language

* Married to Marcy

*gets jealous easily, is very protective

*friends with most of the husband's

*light sleeper


*25 years old

* can speak two languages

* Very over protective of Jocelyn

* will get jealous easily

* married to Jocelyn

*light sleeper


*24 years old

* possessive over Estephany

* Married to estephany

* Can get jealous easily

*light sleeper

Cynthia's mystery fiancé

*22 years old

* taller then Cynthia by like a foot

* Possessive over Cynthia

* Will Get JEALOUS over tiniest thing

* Can't wait to marry Cynthia

*Light sleeper

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