

In the vibrant heart of New Orleans, a tale of mystery and supernatural intrigue unfolds at the University of Louisiana. "Compulsion" invites readers into a world where the lines between myth and reality blur, and ancient folklore shadows the modern day. The story begins with three university friends – Elise, the artistically gifted and curious; John, the charming and fitness-focused; and Annabelle, the adventurous and spirited traveler. Their routine campus life takes a dark turn following the mysterious arrival of Crimson Adler, a striking and enigmatic new student with an uncanny knowledge of folklore. As the friends delve into their Occult Folklore class, they find themselves drawn into a series of unexplained events that echo the chilling tales they study. The discovery of a local blood cult, the Midians Bloodborne of Orleans, and a haunted house with a sinister past propels them into an investigation that challenges their understanding of the world. Balancing their academic lives with their nocturnal investigation, the friends confront unsettling phenomena and disturbing revelations. Their journey is marred by internal tensions, as personal feelings and rivalries surface, especially when it becomes evident that each has a different and complicated connection with Crimson. As they edge closer to uncovering the truth behind the Midians and the haunted house, they grapple with the realization that some legends are rooted in reality. The death of a well-known student, rumored to be connected to the supernatural, heightens the stakes, leaving them to question who they can trust. "Compulsion" weaves a captivating narrative set against the backdrop of New Orleans' enchanting history. This story of friendship, mystery, and the supernatural explores the depths of curiosity and the dangers of obsession, culminating in a climax that threatens to change their lives forever. In a city where history and folklore intertwine, the group's pursuit of truth leads them to confront the darkest corners of both the city and themselves.

Kyuseishu · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

The excitement was palpable as John sent out the location of the night's event: a renowned house party near Bourbon Street, hosted by the charismatic and popular senior, Jericho Montgomery. Known for his legendary parties, Jericho was the quintessential university jock, and his events were the highlight of the social calendar.

Elise, Annabelle, and John were meeting up with Crimson Adler to head to the party together. Each of them had put special effort into their outfits for the night, keen on making an impression.

Elise emerged in a shimmering silver mini dress that hugged her figure, the dress sparkling under the evening lights, reflecting her artistic personality. "How do I look?" she twirled, seeking approval from her friends.

John, leaning against the wall in a stylish black shirt paired with dark jeans, gave her a thumbs-up. "Like a star, Elise. Seriously, you'll outshine everyone there," he complimented, his tone casual but sincere.

Annabelle made her entrance in a bold red backless dress, turning heads as she approached. The dress was both daring and elegant, much like Annabelle herself. "Well, I'm ready to turn some heads tonight," she declared confidently, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Crimson Adler, ever the enigmatic figure, stood slightly apart. His outfit was a perfect reflection of his unique style: a sleeveless black tight crop top showing off his toned arms, paired with black oversized trousers. His rock boots added an edge to his appearance, and the black sunglasses, despite the evening hour, lent him an air of mystery.

"Wow, Crimson, you look like you've just walked off a fashion runway," John remarked, unable to hide his admiration.

Crimson gave a small, amused smile, his eyes briefly meeting John's. "Thanks, John. I do like to make an impression."

As they made their way to the party, the excitement of the evening ahead was a tangible force among them. The night was young, and the possibilities endless. Little did they know, the events of this party would be far from ordinary, marking the beginning of an unforgettable chapter in their lives.

As Elise, John, Annabelle, and Crimson approached the house near Bourbon Street. The sound of thumping bass and lively chatter spilled out onto the street, signaling the party was in full swing. Neon lights flashed from the windows, casting colorful patterns onto the crowd of students milling around outside.

"Looks like Jericho's thrown another banger," John remarked with a grin, his eyes scanning the lively scene. "This is going to be epic!"

Elise laughed, her excitement palpable. "I swear, these parties keep getting bigger every year. Let's dive in!"

They entered the house, immediately enveloped by the energy of the party. The interior was crowded, the air warm from the throng of dancing bodies. Music pulsed through the space, a rhythmic heartbeat that seemed to drive the movement of the crowd.

Crimson, with his striking appearance, drew curious and admiring glances from the partygoers. His ethereal aura seemed almost out of place amidst the typical college party scene, yet it only added to his allure.

"Wow, Crimson, you're like a celebrity here," Annabelle teased, nudging him playfully. "Got your fan club already."

Crimson just smiled, a mysterious glint in his eye. "Seems like an interesting crowd. Your university life is certainly... vibrant."

John, who had been keeping a close eye on Crimson, chimed in. "You ain't seen nothing yet. Wait till we hit the dance floor!"

As they moved through the party, the group was greeted by friends and acquaintances. Elise and Annabelle exchanged hugs and quick catch-ups with fellow classmates, while John introduced Crimson to a few of his friends, who were clearly intrigued by the newcomer.

The group eventually found a spot near the makeshift bar set up in the living room. The air was thick with the scent of various perfumes and colognes mingling with the aroma of alcohol.

"So, Crimson, what's your poison? Or do you only drink... you know, blood?" John asked with a playful wink, playing up the vampire theme from their folklore class.

Crimson laughed, playing along with the joke. "I think I'll stick to something a bit more traditional tonight. How about a beer?"

They grabbed their drinks, the casual banter and laughter flowing as easily as the alcohol. The atmosphere was infectious, each of them gradually loosening up and fully immersing themselves in the spirit of the party.

As the party's rhythm took over, the trio and Crimson found themselves immersed in the vibrant atmosphere. The music, a pulsating beat that filled the air, seemed to heighten the already simmering tensions among them.

John, with a drink in hand, sidled up to Crimson. His manner was casual, but the keen interest in his eyes was unmistakable. "So, Crimson, how are you finding the university life? Got any cool hobbies or stuff you do for fun?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

Crimson smiled, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "It's been an interesting experience so far," he replied. "I enjoy exploring the city, its history, and hidden corners. You could say urban exploration is a hobby of mine."

Elise, overhearing parts of their conversation, waited for her turn to speak with Crimson. When the opportunity arose, she approached him with a question that had been lingering in her mind since their last encounter. "Crimson, I was wondering about your take on the folklore we've been discussing in class. Do you have any favorite legends or myths?"

Crimson's eyes lit up at the question. "Ah, folklore is a window into the soul of a culture. I'm particularly fascinated by the stories that blur the line between reality and the supernatural. Each tale has its own allure, don't you think?"

Meanwhile, Annabelle, who had been watching the interactions, saw an opening and took it. She walked over to Crimson with a boldness that was characteristic of her. "You know, Crimson, a guy like you must have people falling over themselves to date you," she flirted, her tone suggestive. "What's your type? Or are you just enjoying the single life?"

Crimson, ever the enigma, responded with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I find that life has more to offer when you're not bound by expectations. As for types, I believe everyone has their unique charm."

Throughout the conversations, Crimson maintained an air of intrigue, his answers thoughtful yet evasive. It was clear he enjoyed the dance of words, skillfully navigating the trio's curiosity without revealing too much about himself.

The party was at its peak, the air vibrating with the thumping bass of music and the lively chatter of university students. Elise, John, Annabelle, and Crimson mingled among the crowd, each lost in the revelry of the night.

Suddenly, a piercing scream shattered the festive atmosphere. The music screeched to a halt as a wave of confusion and fear rippled through the partygoers.

"What the hell was that?" John shouted over the commotion, his eyes wide with concern.

"Something's wrong," Elise exclaimed, her face turning pale. "Let's check it out!"

They rushed through the throng of students towards the backyard, where a crowd had begun to gather. Pushing their way to the front, the horrifying sight that greeted them sent chills down their spines.

Lying on the ground was Jericho Montgomery, the life of the party, now lifeless. His neck bore two deep, puncture-like wounds, from which blood had pooled onto the grass beneath him.

"Oh my God, Jericho!" Annabelle gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. "This can't be happening!"

Students around them were panicking, some crying, others frantically calling for help on their phones. The backyard was a scene of utter chaos.

Within minutes, the wailing sirens of police cars and an ambulance filled the air. Officers and paramedics pushed through the crowd, trying to secure the area.

A police officer began questioning the bystanders. "Everyone, please stay calm! We need space to work. Does anyone know what happened here?"

A murmur ran through the crowd, with no one certain of what had transpired.

"It looks like an animal attack," one of the paramedics muttered to a colleague, loud enough for the group to hear.

"A coyote, maybe? Or a large dog?" the other speculated. "There have been sightings on the outskirts of town."

John turned to the group, his face a mix of shock and disbelief. "A coyote? Here? That's insane!"

Elise, trying to make sense of the situation, added, "But those bite marks… they look so… deliberate."

Crimson, who had been silent all this while, finally spoke, his voice calm yet tinged with an unplaceable emotion. "Sometimes, the world is not as we know it. There are deeper shadows where we least expect them."

The police began ushering the students away from the scene, trying to maintain order. The group, still reeling from the shock, slowly moved back to the front of the house.

As they walked away, the reality of what had happened began to sink in. The night that had started with excitement and fun had ended in a tragedy, leaving them with more questions than answers.

The vibrant energy of the party rapidly evaporated as the chilling reality of Jericho Montgomery's death settled in. Students, once lost in the carefree revelry of the night, now hurried away from the scene, their faces etched with shock and fear.

Amidst the chaos, Elise, John, Annabelle, and Crimson found themselves huddled together, trying to make sense of the night's harrowing turn. The flashing lights of police cars and the distant sound of an ambulance siren added a surreal quality to the scene.

"Can you believe this? It's like something straight out of a horror movie," John said, his voice trembling slightly. The usual joviality was gone, replaced by a palpable sense of dread.

Elise wrapped her arms around herself, as if to ward off the cold reality. "This is just... it's too much. Do you think it was really an animal? Those bite marks..."

Annabelle, usually the most composed, had a distant look in her eyes. "I don't know, guys. After all that talk about vampires and folklore, this just feels... weird. And with Crimson showing up right before all this?"

Crimson, who had been quietly observing the scene, finally spoke up. "It's a tragic coincidence, nothing more. Jumping to conclusions won't help anyone."

"But it's all just too strange, don't you think?" John pressed, his gaze flickering between Crimson and the flashing police lights. "First, the folklore class, now this? It's like the universe is messing with us."

"We should probably head back," Elise suggested, her voice barely above a whisper. "There's nothing we can do here, and the police will handle it."

The group silently agreed, each lost in their own thoughts as they walked away from the house. The night air felt heavier, charged with unspoken questions and fears. The excitement they had felt earlier in the evening had dissolved into a somber reflection on the fragility of life and the mysteries lurking just beneath the surface of their everyday world.

As they reached the dorms, they exchanged a quiet goodbye, the usual hugs and laughter conspicuously absent. The night's events had cast a long shadow, one that would linger in their minds for days to come.

The once-clear lines between folklore and reality seemed to blur, leaving them to wonder what secrets lay hidden in the shadows of New Orleans.