
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Película
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158 Chs

Chapter 50

[S.H.I.E.L.D., Trident Headquarters]

[Nick Fury is reading the new report with a black face]

[Since the last 'Boreal God' incident in northern Norway, he has been anxious]

[The huge valley and the nearby primeval forest have been destroyed, the peaks have collapsed, the earth has cracked, and the lake has even been evaporated by some terrifying force!!]

[It's hard to imagine what terrible thing caused that!]

[Even a determined man like Captain America asked him why he had to dig himself out of the North Pole after he came back.]

[If all SHIELD agents had been present to deal with such a horrific scene, they would probably have had their cremation and funeral expenses waived.]

[Might as well be an old popsicle]

[Of course, Captain America also brought back some useful clues.]

[That's a huge circular mark]

[According to the report of researchers in the bureau, there is also such a mark in a certain document recording Nordic mythology.]

[So this incident was codenamed 'Northern God']

[But other than that, there are no clues]

[At this moment, the harsh ringtone of his cell phone rang, and after he answered it, a very mature voice came from inside:]

["Director, the energy signal from before has appeared again."]


["Vermont, a straight-line distance of 1,200 kilometers from the headquarters! By the way, will the captain come again this time? I couldn't do it last time…."]

[Nick Fury stood up suddenly and said:]

["This time I will go there in person!"]



[As the rainbow bridge transmission disappears, the stars in the sky return to their positions]

[Thor stood up staggeringly from the dirt.]

[At this moment, he was stooped, dressed in ragged clothes, and looked lonely, no different from a tramp.]

[At this time, a meteor crashed to the ground not far away, making a huge roar]

[He recognized it as Mjolnir]

[However, Sol did not run over excitedly]

["Goodbye, Asgard"]

[After saying something silently in his heart, he left in the opposite direction of the hammer.]

[Half an hour later, a Quinjet landed]

[Nick Fury walked out wearing an everlasting black trench coat]

[It wasn't until he saw familiar marks on the ground and a set of footprints that his cold expression finally changed.]

[At this time, Coulson's anxious shout came from a distance.]

[Nick Fury hurried over and saw a huge crater like a meteorite impact!]

[as well as….In the center of the pit, a short silver hammer that can still be seen clearly in the night]

[In an instant, the pupil of his one eye shrank to the size of a pinhead!]

[He has an impression of this thing!]

[In the mythological records of previous reports, it is said that the thunder god believed by the Viking tribe 600 years ago came to relieve them from disasters.]

[There is a shadow of this hammer on the waist of Thor, who is drawn on parchment and wearing armor.]

["So, has the myth really come true?"]

[He let out a long breath and couldn't help cursing:]

["Damn Fuck, the problem is big this time...!"]



[Since driving Thor away, Loki has begun to work on one last thing]

[Kill the chicken to scare the monkey!]

[The God King is newly established and still has his second son]

[Don't look at those lords who come here to surrender and offer their loyalty]

[But some of them may not have different thoughts]

[As for the affairs of the Fire Kingdom, which involve the secrets of Ragnarok, Loki has no intention of spreading them out.]

[At the end, when the flame giant's mind was about to be frozen, he clearly felt another powerful force passing away in a flash.]

[Thor really thought that Odin didn't kill Odin because Surtur would be resurrected.]

[But he was keenly aware that there was a deep

er secret inside.]

[But now, he can't grasp the fleeting power at that time, and he even feels spiritual warning!]

[Obviously, with his current strength, he cannot solve this secret.]

[He will return to that frozen world in the future]


[A few months later, as Loki expected, 23 of the twenty-seven lords in Vanaheim united to rebel against the Vanir.]

[It is worth mentioning that one of Thor's three warriors, today's miner Hogan, has the blood of one of them.]

[On the surface, this incident is a rebellion against the Warner Protoss.]

[But the root cause is betrayal of Immortal Palace!!]

[Because the power of the Vanir Protoss is simply unable to rule Vanaheim, it has been maintained by Asgard for thousands of years!]

[Facing the request for help, Xiangong naturally agreed.]

[But Loki didn't choose to take action himself!]

[He just gave his Vulcan Sword to Sif]

[this day]

[The Rainbow Bridge comes to Vanaheim again]

[The Warner Protoss originally thought that the new god king of Asgard would lead the powerful Asgardian army to come and wipe out the enemy with a devastating force.]

[But when the colorful torrent disappeared, it was discovered that it was a small team with only a few dozen people.]

[The leader was just a young female warrior holding a sword.]

[It doesn't look like he's here to counter rebellion, but like he's here for a trip.]

[The Warners felt slighted]

[They asked to see Frigga, the previous Queen of Gods, who was one of their people]

[Sif was not surprised. The God King had already told her that this would happen.]

[After all, this reaction is normal]

[Anyone is waiting for the boss to help, but in the end, only a younger brother comes, and he may also become emotional.]

[She didn't argue, she just announced the will of the God King to put an end to the rebellion immediately!]

[As soon as these words came out, although the Warner Protoss did not understand, they did not dare to disobey]

[Then, a very strange scene occurred]

[I saw it at the junction of huge plains and forests]

[Dozens of Asgardian soldiers wearing golden armor faced off against a swarm of black soldiers, with tens of thousands of rebels with a full range of arms, including giant shield soldiers, beast cavalry, magic archers, warriors, and even a mage group!]

[As for the army of Jotunheim, according to the will of the God King, there is no need to approach the battlefield.]

[Among the rebels, a soldier who was two and a half meters tall and holding a sword like a door panel laughed loudly at this scene.]

[In fact, it's not just the Warners who are waiting for Asgard's army, they are waiting too!]

[This is a temptation]

[If the new god king is still so powerful, then they will surrender again at the minimum cost]

[Vice versa…Kill all the Vanir Protoss and rule Vanaheim completely!]

[And this scene now undoubtedly tells them that the new God King is a waste, and they can start to wash away the shame of these thousands of years!]

[But just when the lords were about to order an attack, everyone suddenly saw a female warrior holding a sword and walking out of the Asgardian team.]

[Then get down on one knee!]

[Such a scene made many lords stunned, and then laughed loudly, thinking that this was Asgard trying to sue for peace on behalf of the Warner Protoss.]

[At this moment, they saw the female warrior holding up the golden sword with both arms and shouting with great fanaticism:]

["respect…The Oracle of Loki, King of the Gods!"]

["Under divine punishment, those who kneel will live!!!"]