
The Reawakening

The nightmare began when I woke; as my eyes opened, I was forced into a world of darkness. As I tried to sit up, I hit my head on what seemed to be a roof. Cramped and confused about where I was, I began to feel around in the darkness and realized that I seemed to be in a small wooden room, just the perfect size to fit my body in. As claustrophobia began to creep in, I frantically continued to feel around. As I felt around, I found a plastic tube from the right wall of the box and a small metal object next to it. As I felt around the thing, I realized the object was a small lighter. As the realization came, I felt relief that I could finally see.

This relief was short-lived, however, as I looked around and realized that I was not in a cramped room but in a box. With it becoming harder to breathe, I turned off the lighter, tossed it to the side, and desperately tried pushing the box's lid to see if it would open up. When the cover resisted my attempts to open it by not moving an inch, it tossed down dirt that fell through the cracks of the wood that made up the coffin's cover. Confused about why dirt fell on my face, the realization crashed down on me like a ton of bricks. I was buried alive. When I came to this realization, I began hyperventilating, breathing the little dirty air around me. Claustrophobia hit me like a bullet train, making me lose all reason. Desperately I started banging on the lid of this coffin I was trapped in and screaming my lungs out.

With no response from the world above, I slowly began losing air, making me suffocate. In fear of death, I desperately looked around for anything around me. Then I saw the strange plastic tube coming out of the coffin's side. I hope it came from above. I stuck the tube in my mouth and breathed through it. With luck, I felt clean air from the tube enter my lungs. With no idea how much air the tube could supply, I continued banging on the lid and screaming to the world above. Continuing this procedure for what felt like hours, I suddenly stopped after hearing a rustling sound from above. Listening with all my might, I heard it again, along with a muffled yell that was barely recognizable. Relief filled my body, and I began banging the coffin's lid and yelling back with all my might. Suddenly, with one final smack on the cover, the lid burst open, and the last dirt over the lid fell over me. However, this didn't bother me because I was free from that hellish box.

Without a second, I scrambled out of the hole and tackled the person standing over the hole. "What the fuck is going on!?" I yelled at him, some of my spit hitting his face. He was a big muscular man that looked to be around the age of twenty, he had dirty blond curly hair, and a dirty sweat streaked face. "Impossible.", he responded as he shoved me off him and stood up, looking down at me with a dumbfounded and horrified look. Confused at why he looked at me like that, he looked around me and noticed that we were in some luscious green field with a surrounding jungle outlining the area like a fence. A sudden stir of grass around me brought me back to reality. I noticed five other people surrounding me, all with the same horrified face looking at me as if I were a ghost. Standing up, I started spewing questions at the six people, "Who are you, people? What kind of sick people are you to bury someone alive? Where the hell are we? After catching my breath, I looked up at the six people around me, looking for any response from them. However, all I got in return were blank stares. "D-do you not recognize us?" The shortest of the six finally responded; he looked eighteen years old with a short body no taller than five foot six, black curly hair, and brown eyes.

"What?" I asked my mind to go blank. "Wait, do you know who you are?" The man who I tackled said with a deeply concerned face. I stood there for a minute, feeling my world disappear before me, as I realized that, honestly, I don't know who I am. I was so tunnel-minded about getting out of the hell I was trapped in that I never once thought about who I was and what was going on. "W-who am I?" I look at the man next to looking for an answer. For a second, the man stood there before answering, seeming to think of what to say. "Your name is Jackson Smith; you were the leader of the group of us stuck on this damned island, and the reason you got buried wasn't for some cruel prank but because, to us, you died a week ago."

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