
Code Geass: Lelouch Self-Insert

C_317 · Cómic
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13 Chs

Battle of Saitama Ghetto Conclusion

It feels good to be back writing this story so I hope that I can still make good chapters.

Other news my legs are still in slight pain but their not as bad as before so I hope that everything is back to normal for me.

Other news my favorite event IRL is in two months so everything is starting to look up for me.

Hopefully I can finish my story (Cody Rhodes Reference)

Besides this little update onto the story.

/Cornelia P.O.V/

Hearing my thought to be dead brother speak about something only, including those who attended that party, I knew I soon turned my gaze to Zero. Seeing him stand completely still waiting for me I grew suspicious of him and fixed my gaze to his surroundings to find multiple Knightmares ready to fire their weapons standing or crouching in the treeline.

"Where are you Lelouch?" I asked hoping to know his condition.

"No need to worry sister Nunnally and I are well." He said with a small laugh. Hearing him say he is well made me fell joy knowing both he and Nunnally were well.

"What is your location so that I may see you?" I asked trying to focus on our conversation and Zero himself as well as his soldiers.

"We are in hiding thanks to Zero's help." He said with warmth. Confused I fixed my gaze on Zero and asked a question to my brother.

"Zero is helping you hide?" I asked not believing that a man who killed one of my siblings would protect two of his "Enemies".

"If it were not for Zero and Suzaku's help Nunnally and I would have been nothing but burnt flesh when the missile hit the Kururugi Shrine." He said with a somber tone.

Saying nothing I gazed at Zero trying to figure out his character only to see nothing that gave away his intentions. Frowning I asked Lelouch why Zero would help Britannian Royalty disptite helping two royal members hide.

"He and I desire the world to change for Nunnally dear sister." He said with a cold tone. Confused I asked him what he means.

Getting a sigh Lelouch explained to me his reason.

"Zero and I wish to create a world where nobody is has to fear the morrow, where everyone, even strangers, can smile to one another as well as not be identified as lesser people for Nunnally." He said with a conviction rarely seen in many people who wish to accomplish what they desire.

"So you will go to war with the place you were born from against your family." I asked with a sadden tone.

"The Charles Zi Britania is my enemy dear sister." He said with a tone befitting of a commander.

"Zero acts as my face in the battlefield while I fund our revolution." He said making me sadden that I would have to go against my own family in war.

"I see." I said before Lelouch hung up. As I closed the phone I stared at it with contemplation.

/Lelouch P.O.V/

Smirking under my mask I looked towards my sister with a plan in motion.

Clearing my throat to catch her attention Cornelia remembered that I/Zero was still standing near her. Holding her weapon on her hip I extended a hand.

Staring at it she asked why I extended my mand.

"I promised Lelouch that I would try to not harm Euphemia and yourself as a agreement for his cooperation due to him caring for both you and your sister." I said as she showed a small bit of a twitch on the edge of her mouth.

"This is also a handshake to show a sign of respect to a worthy opponent on the battlefield." I said waiting to see what she will do.

After a few seconds Cornelia shook my hand "I will honor our agreement and follow through with your terms." She said shaking it.

As she was about to let go I gave her back hand a form of kissing with my mask acting my face. Afterwards I turned to my Knightmare and spoke as I left.

"I hope to have a proper battle with you in the future Princess." I said not bothering to face her as I into the forest with my Knightmare as I ordered the geassed soldiers to follow my every command and act as my spy's in the army as well as the Government Burial.

/With Cornelia Third P.O.V/

After Zero kissed? her hand she stood rooted to her place wondering as to why a man would try to court his enemy. Disregarding it she called Guilford and Darilton to inform them about the situation.

/Thirty Minutes Later/

After the whole meeting with Zero took place Cornelia ordered her soldiers to withdraw and began a meeting with her two Knights.

Telling them about the whole meeting, with the exception of him kissing her hand, they began pondering what to do.

"To think one of Britannia's own Royal Prince's would go against his own country." Darilton said with a grunt smoke highly of the situation.

"What should we do Princess?" Guilford asked worried for the Princesses mental state.

"..." Saying nothing Cornelia thought of what to do with the situation she has in front of her.

On one hand her brother was working alongside the man who killed their half brother. And on the other her two half siblings were being protected by the same man. With those thoughts in hand Cornelia had no clue as to what to do before looking to the phone Zero left for her to call Lelouch.

Remembering their were two contacts Cornelia opened it up and saw the number 0. Knowing who it Most likely was she told Guilford and Darilton to stay quiet.

After a few moments of silence the phone picked up and the familiar voice of Zero flowed out.

"I expected you to call much earlier than this Princess." He said in the silent room.

/Author Notes/

Thanks for reading and thanks to Dragonight240_G and dragon9976 for your powerstones.

As always I hope everyone has a good Day / Afternoon / Night for whenever you read this story.