
Code Geass: Azure Prince

Claudius El Britannia, The 4th prince of Britannia, A person who wasn't supposed to exist was in fact a transmigrator. Armed with future knowledge he would control it for his benefit while not entirely changing the timeline.

9yearsoldkid · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
26 Chs


Claudius p.o.v.

Enjoying Suzaku's shocked face, I enjoyed the drink in my hands as he regained himself and began to prostrate before me.

He was interrupted from getting up and bowing on bended knee by the waiter bringing his food that I had brought from the viceroy's palace to the rooftop of the prison because I couldn't take Suzaku directly from prison to the place without raising some suspicion.

"I would eat if I were you unless you want the food to get cold, and don't worry about it being poisoned I know you didn't kill my brother?"

He was going for the fork as soon as I said food as he was no doubt refused such luxuries during his stay but froze like a statue when I said I knew he was innocent.

Before he could ask why or how I continued.

"You were in the Lancelot at the time and were under constant supervision by the special corps. And if you wanted to kill my brother why would you sneak into the G1 to do it when you had a one of a kind Knightmare that could easily destroy anything its path."

He relaxed; as it seemed to him, I took Lloyd's testimony as credible, unlike the purebloods.

"You see I was impressed by your abilities you showed and have heard that you are a prodigy in Lloyd's words when it comes to piloting a knightmare. So it was to my surprise that such a valuable and prospective knight such as you could have been the assassin, so I looked into it myself."

He was both listening and sneaking bites of his steak as it was going to disappear as soon as I was done.

"I found that the evidence against you is nothing but circumstantial and false accounts of what happened. What with the discrepancies of what really happened and my brother's strange behavior there is too little evidence to implicate you."

"But your highness, what about my court martial, am I still to be transported to it in a couple of hours?" He asked curiously.

"You'll still be transported in a few hours to the courthouse where the trial will take place with me as acting consul now that I've taken temporary control of Area 11 until a new viceroy is selected. However, I suspect it to be a short trial since I shall absolve you of all charges and proclaim your innocence."

Suzaku looked like a weight was lifted off his shoulders as he was happy to be alive, but part of him was reluctant for some reason.

"Why the long face you don't seem to be happy to be told you'll live?" I asked knowing he wanted to die to atone for killing his father.

"No, I'm relieved to hear it but I'm worried about what will happen to the elevens since there is no one to blame." The foolish white knight was forever selfless and selfish at the same time a truly special combination.

"Don't worry about the pureblood's they have been handled and their foolish plans for a pure Britannia have been as well." Suzaku looked like he wasn't sure what I was talking about him, was this guy an idiot or just so wrapped up in his own quest for redemption.

"Oh, whether or not you were found guilty the purebloods planned to eliminate the honorary Britannian system to purify the military and would have made life much more difficult for your people whether you lived or died." He looked horrified at the implications of my statement, which was good that he still had a heart.

"But don't worry I have no intention in destabilizing the Area any further as their foolish beliefs would lead them to do." I took a drink of water avoiding the wine and other alcohol to remain focused.

"But that is not the only reason I wanted to meet with you Suzaku, I wanted to ask you what are your goals and dreams for the future? Though of course I already know his answer but I want it to answer my question himself," Then again I could just show up and declare him innocent at the trial but this was a chance to determine if I could turn Suzaku to my side instead of the emperors and Lelouch's.

"My goals and dreams sir?" Suzaku got quiet and put down his knife and fork before looking to me.

My goal is to change the system from the inside and to help the people by doing so?" He said it with such youthful arrogance I had to stop myself from scoffing at his naivety.

"So you want to change the system, how would you do it?" He looked like he was at a loss but quickly regained his composure.

"I would work my way up until I can affect real change that would benefit everyone?" Funny how his goals and mine are so similar however I'm closer to the top than he'll ever be and I'm still no closer to changing things.

"Let me tell you something Kururugi, your dream and goal to change this system will never succeed." He was about to argue his point, but I had more to say.

"The system of government we have in place now, the monarchy has stood for hundreds of years, many nobles benefit from the current system, yet you would have them change their ways for another's benefit especially for those they see as less than human but just a number? You see the system you speak off is nothing but a group of individuals following a set of social norms and ideals put forth and run by my father the emperor. So your plan is to change my father's mind then I wish you luck."

"No, that's not, if the people just." Suzaku was at a loss for words.

"Any system is only as good as the sum of its parts. You are just one voice trying to change things that have led to the formation of an empire that stands as the most powerful in the world. To change things like you want, you speak of revolution and social upheaval things I don't think you desire."

"What would you change your highness?" Suzaku asked equal parts curious and bitter.

"Britannia is on the path of destruction already, It's rotten to the core. Things only change when people unite under similar ideas and have a strong leader to guide. I believe that We shouldn't just focus on the future because what we need to do is to focus in the present because that's where you can truly help people and only that can we truly have a better future. We only look what's in front of us but we never see what's behind us because of this we weren't able to help those in need."

I got up and prepared to leave, looking back at Suzaku, who seemed to be seriously pondering my words.

"I hope you find a goal for the future worth fighting for Suzaku, you have great potential as a pilot and maybe as a knight, I'll see you at your court marshal." I then left with Mary on the helicopter, leaving a confused Suzaku questioning his place in life.

I planted the seeds of doubt, now I just had to wait and see if they sprout into different ideals than the ones he curses himself with in the future.

Suzaku p.o.v.

After my meeting with Claudius, I was taken back to my cell and left there until I was to be taken to my court-marshal by a military escort.

While I was in my cell, I thought about what the prince had said.

He told me my goals were impossible and misguided but agreed that things had to change and even praised me in his own way.

Did he have a better solution?

Instead of readying myself to face the law, I was tortured inside by doubt of what to do after this, seeing as Prince Claudius had all but agreed to set me free.

Eventually, they came to bring me down to the transport.

I didn't fight it because after this show I would be a free man, as what I would do after I still didn't know.

As the convoy made its way towards a bridge, we stopped.

Coming from the other side was a fancy looking car with a Britannian flag on its front.

As the car stopped the flag was light up revealing a masked man wearing a dark cloak reminiscent of nobility.

He then proclaimed he was Zero.

This confused me as what was this guy trying to accomplish, trying to save me?

I would have been grateful had he not done it in such a showy way that put civilians at risk.

This man, Zero's ruthlessness, was affirmed as he revealed the presumed canister of poison gas that I knew was empty.

I tried to yell out that it was not real, but the shock collar the guards put on me prevented me from speaking.

The man named Zero then proclaimed that he killed Prince Clovis.

This surprised everyone present and I was sure that the worst would come to pass. However, I was proven wrong.

Eventually, he was able to negotiate my release in exchange for the chemical weapon.

When I was free and near the man I tried to ask what now, but I was cut off by the collar once again.

And before I knew it he activated the capsule releasing a pink colored gas that blanketed the bridge.

I was grabbed and made to jump into a waiting container, which caught us, and we made our escape into the ghetto.

Now I stood in the ruined theater speaking to the man who rescued me from the convoy that was taking me to my freedom.

"Looks like they treated you rather roughly, now you know what they're really like private Kururugi."

Did I really?

While most saw me as just an eleven before all this started, the past few days I met Lloyd, Cécile, and Prince Claudius, who all saw me as a person with potential.

They were so different from all the other officers in the military as I was beaten, harassed, and mocked.

But I stuck through it and found those who wanted the same things as me.

"Britannia is rotten to the core if you wish to bring change to this world then join me."

The masked terrorist named Zero offered.

Hearing his words I can't help but chuckle a bit "Someone I met earlier said the same thing and to think you feel the same way too. "

Hearing my words Zero became surprised for a second but managed to recover himself quickly.

I might have thought of joining him before all this happened but now.

"Is it true, are you the one who killed Prince Clovis?" I asked Zero.

"This is war, why wouldn't I kill an enemy, Commander?"

"And the gas, those were civilians out there?" I asked whether he actually used a real chemical weapon on civilians thankfully he didn't.

"A bluff to help things along, the result not a single death," He answered in his echoing voice that was heavily modified.

"The result that all that matters to you I suppose." Memories of what happened seven years ago came back to me as I mulled over my past failure.

"Join me the Britannia you serve is a worthless dominion." Was he right, was there no hope for Britannia, no he's wrong, I've seen different.

The prince who I met on the battlefield was proof that there is hope and he was fighting for it in his own way, and even if he's right about changing things that don't mean I shouldn't at least try.

"That may be true, but this nation can be changed for the better, and from within I've seen it," I replied looking into the reflective mask of Zero.

"Changed?" Zero asked aloud put off by my answer.

"And any gains by contemptible means aren't worth anything." I then turned to leave to get back before I was labeled as a fugitive.

"Wait where are you going?!" Zero asked his voice raised and un-composed.

"My court-martial begins in an hour." I had to get back to clear my name not just for my sake but for all the Japanese people who work within the system and rely on it to sustain them.

"Are you mad, the only reason they're giving you a trial is to find you guilty, the judge, the prosecution, and defense!" Zero shouted out alarmed at my seemingly suicidal decision, it seems he did not know about Claudius visiting me and his promise to set me free.

"Rules are rules and if I don't go, they are going to start cracking down on elevens and Honorary Britannians."

"But you'll die!" he shouted louder this time.

"I don't mind." I lied, before meeting Claudius, I wouldn't have minded dying but now I had to find a way to change things.

"You're an idiot!"

"An old friend of mine always used to tell me that, he'd say I was a fool, it's my weakness I guess." Looking back at my unnecessary savior.

"I'd tried to bring you in, but you'd just end up killing me. And if I'm going to die it will be in the service of the people. Even so I thank you for saving me." The last part I drew out, as I never required a rescue in the first place, as I walked back to face my fate.