

In a different world , in a different time...across the universe a soul from Earth struggles to survive. A world plagued with war, monsters, demon's, natural disasters and many more dangers, a human soul preserves. Where humans fly and the oceans boil , a human not of this world painfully survives. But even with those, he doesn't give up, he struggles against the heavens, against the river of destiny, his words haunting his enemies....his face their haunting their dreams in the night as he chuckles to himself. "Crimson Wolf....going dark."

SilentTreatment · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Loophole 4

After taking a good piss Heng headed back to his tent, and took a booklet from his folded  spare clothes. It was small insignificant bundle of paper,  but if Heng could describe it was, 'a small and portable devil's handbook'. If the 'Roaring Tiger ' technique was like the bible of power in this world, the 'Yang Ignition ' manual Yin Hai had given him was the shortcut to that power. 

"Heh...what bullshit this is." spoke Heng as he looked and read through the manual for the uptenth time. In it it was written in detail the method of passing quickly through the 'Qi Condensation' stage , and to the Qi Ignition stage. Usually someone would train for years and years to get to the Qi Ignition stage as the body of the practitioner got used to the Vital Qi , until I couldn't anymore, and under the forcing of the practitioner formed a drop of Vital Qi in his heart. 

It was a process streamlined through thousands and thousands of years, by sweat and blood, but as man always wants things quicker, the 'Yang Ignition ' manual was created to spead up the process. It used a certain kind of breathing, Vitality pills,  and the use of accopunture to rile up the true 'Yang Qi' in a person body ,and implode it at certain parts of the body. It was a quick method of cultivation,  but it was also a costly one.

The human body was a delicate organism that required equilibrium,  especially one of True Yang,  and True Yin. As the 'Yang Ignition ' art made use of the True Yang Qi to quickly force the cells of a humans body to regenerate after they imploded of Vital Qi over saturation , it left the body in an imbalance. 

"Caution to any user's of this manual.  Power comes at a price,  so be prepared to pay it."read Heng the two  last sentences of the manual with a smile." Heh, no shit...

Heng felt the situation of his body,  and clenched his fist before taking some deep breaths. The invigorating feeling was addicting,  so much so that Heng had to stop himself from using the Manual once again. 

'Man , Yin Hai wasn't kidding when he gave ms the book. This is definitely a treasure worth a lot of gold coins,  but it's usage is also somewhat restricting. Firstly I need to have a steady supply of Vitality Pills,  and also often expend my True Yang Qi,  something that isn't recommended. 

A person who does such a thing may suffer from reduced lifespan,  sickness,  or even lose his sanity after some time of using it. Still, the benefits.....'

Heng glanced at the outside and couldn't help but feel small. In this new world where power was truth, no matter how right he was he would loose,  so he had made up his mind to become as powerful as he could. It wasn't just a feeling,  it was an instinct that had surfaced since he came to this world.


'I'm still to weak to think about such things, but at least I have some kind of foundation.' Heng closed his eyes and the two current pillars of his showed themselves.

             HIGH ALERT 

Your vision pulses  when  an enemy outside  your field of vision looks at you. Mark enemies,  their equipment  , and their formations when aiming downsight. 

            FAST RECOVERYIncrease recovery rate by 35%. Effective only by staying still for five seconds.

These two 'skills ' 'abilities ' or 'talents ' of his had followed him since he had come to this world,  and seemed to be unique to him as no one said anything about such things, god knew he had tried to find out. These two abilities were what made him stand out from the crowd. ' Fast Recovery ' made his cultivation somewhat faster,  and ' High Alert ' kept him safe from enemies,  but it wasn't as simple as it seemed.

As he had found out after he used the ' Yang Ignition ' manual to bolster his cultivation,  he found out the 35% increase wasn't only restricted to his Vital Qi accumulation,  but to every aspect of his body, that including his wound recovery speed; internal or external, the detoxification of his body from unwanted substances,  higher immune system, and also  faster true Yang Qi recovery. The manual said he should train only once in two days to try not to harm himself from the lack of true Yang Qi or from the impurities of the Vitality pill,  but Heng didn't really feel any of it. It was almost magical.

On the other hand 'High Alert ' was more of the combat oriented skill, but he still hadn't truly unlocked its full potential.  The first part of the ability was self explanatory,  but the second part had somewhat eluded him as firearms didn't exist in this world,  but after wrecking his brain for a while  he may have found s loophole in this.


The next day,  after marching for miles again, the others were resting,  one but one of them, Heng was instead somewhat far from the camp with the excuse of finding something to eat, but in truth hev was doing an experiment.  He noticed some kind of big rodent on the ground and without hesitation got its attention with  a kick to the ground. 


The rodent immediately became alert at Heng and hissed at him, but Heng only smiled and pointed a crossbow at it. It was just a tiny one without an arrow on it , but as Heng closed an eye and looked towards the rodent , something magical happened.  The surroundings blurred and the image of the rodent was enhanced.



As Heng burst out laughing,  the rodent escaped into the trees.