
Chapter 2

When Kas opened her eyes, there was a goat staring at here.

"The heck do you want?" Kas groaned.

The animal did not respond.

Freaking goats, always staring like some creeps, they never leave her alone, do they?

Kas got up, noticing the bushes and trees around her. She was staring at the forest.

Anyone else would have freaked out by the fact that they randomly woke up in this very random place. But our protagonist was more than used to this.

I mean, you'd get used to this too, if every time you fell asleep - you teleported. Sure, you'd panic a bit, but if you lived like this for the past 10 something years, at some point, you'd have to get used to this.

Well, I don't know. That's what I think. In the end, who am I? Just a random author, whom you've never met and will never meet. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe, You would never get used to this.

After all, you'e probably a bit different from our protagonist.

When a kid, she was told by her parents that she'd get some kind of magical powers once she turns 18. Even then, Kas didn't have any hopes for a cool superpower. Afterall, her cousin's skill was eating rocks (don't even ask how they found out), her mom's super power was adding or removing fingers on her hands, and her dad's ear would always grow back, no matter how many times he tried to cut it off.

So, we could say that she was prepared to this from a young age.

The first time she teleported was on the night of her birthday. She woke up on the bookcase in their family library. Next day, she woke up in a pond. After that, she found herself chilling in her neighbor's shower. Luckily, her neighbour is a sphinx and doesn't like showering much.

Although at first Kas avoided going to sleep, quite soon even she got used to her disappearing tendencies.

What was also peculiar, was that with each year, her powers would grow. So if in the first year, she'd teleport somewhere around their neighborhood, after her twentieth birthday, she woke up in another city.

So clearly, Kas was not freaking out when she trees and other green stuff around her.

What freaked her out, was the fact that this scenery looked somehow familiar.

And Kas had never, ever woken up in the same place twice.

She looked at the goat, she looked at the withered grass underneath her, and then she looked at the purple moon, hanging right above her head.

"Well, that looks awfully similar to our backyard."

Kas turned back and indeed saw her old house right behind her.

Under there window, there sat her cranky grandma. Technically, Grandma Ha wasn't Kas's real grandma, but everyone called her that way. In fact, now that I think about it, no one actually knew who she was, because one day she appeared in their house, and everyone was too lazy to ask why.

"Kas, come here," she said.

The girl walked over.

"Kas, you see that goat?"

Kas nodded.

"I'm sorry I wasn't able to wrap it properly. You know, goats hate wrapping paper. I hope you like it."

Grandma Ha's glass eyes were sparkling, as she continued excitedly:

"Happy eighteenth birthday, Kas!"

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