
-31- Turmoil

"Ding dong..."

The bell signaling the end of class echoed through the school building, reaching the ears of every student in Class D.

However, not a single person in Class D got up from their seats; they remained silent, engulfed in a stifling atmosphere that permeated the entire classroom.

It seemed like nobody had fully grasped the sudden and cruel reality they were facing, as they continued to sit there motionless.

Understandably, how could they?

Until yesterday, the students in this class treated the school like a paradise, living a life of luxury and entertainment.

Now, not only had their lives taken a drastic turn, but their future would also be drastically altered, as they would become the bottom of the entire school hierarchy. How could a group of students who had barely reached adulthood accept this all at once?

After a long while, the classroom gradually began to stir.

The first disturbance came from the back row of the classroom.

However, it wasn't from Nanaya Hori, Horikita Suzune, and Ayanokouji Kiyotaka near the window, but from the side closer to the classroom door.


Amidst the loud impact, a student viciously kicked their desk, startling the entire class.

The perpetrator of this violence was none other than the top of the blacklist in the minds of the female students in the class—a basketball club member with red-dyed hair resembling a delinquent—Sudou Ken.

"What do you mean Class D is the worst? That we're all defective!? Bastards!?"

Sudou Ken exclaimed with a violent tone, his face contorted with anger.

"So, not only do we have to live without points from now on, but we also have to be looked down upon by students from other classes!?"

For Sudou Ken, this seemed to be an unacceptable reality.

Of course, Sudou Ken's inability to accept this situation was purely emotional.

Essentially, Sudou Ken was a delinquent—rough in speech and behavior, with a terrible temper. Apart from his strong athletic abilities, he had no redeeming qualities. Even on the grade sheet posted on the blackboard, he didn't score above 20 points in any subject. In terms of ability, he was undoubtedly suited for Class D.

So, Sudou Ken's inability to accept being in the worst class was seen by others as just throwing a tantrum.

However, others were not the same.

"I cannot accept it either, absolutely not."

A bespectacled boy clenched his fists, trembling with anger, his face full of indignation.

This boy was Yukimura Teruhiko, almost on par with Horikita Suzune in academic ability. His grades, as seen on the blackboard, were impeccable enough to compete for the top spot. It could be said that his refusal to accept being in the worst class was based on rational grounds.

"Am I really stuck in the worst class instead of Class A? How am I supposed to accept this?"

Yukimura Teruhiko voiced his anger.

Unfortunately, in the face of Yukimura Teruhiko and Sudou Ken, someone expressed disdain.

"How pathetic. There's nothing more pitiful than seeing a man in a panic. Can't you guys be a little more mature?"

The only person in the class who wasn't immersed in the bleak atmosphere made this statement.

This person was tall and muscular, with blond hair, exuding an arrogant aura. While everyone else was sinking into depression due to the cruel reality, he was casually trimming his nails with a nail clipper.

This person was none other than the arrogant brat who sat next to Nanaya Hori on the bus a month ago, occupying the priority seat—Kouenji Rokusuke.

"No matter how you shout here, reality is reality. Continuing to resist will only make you look even more pathetic. Not beautiful at all."

Kouenji Rokusuke made this statement in a tone of arrogance while casually manicuring his nails.

Naturally, this infuriated Sudou Ken.

"What are you talking about? You bastard!"

Sudou Ken seemed ready to advance, but was stopped by Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki.

"Wait... wait! Don't be impulsive!"

"Stop it! Sudou!"

Ike Kanji and Yamauchi Haruki hurriedly restrained Sudou Ken.

But it wasn't just Sudou Ken who was provoked by Kouenji Rokusuke.

"Do you think you can stay out of this, Kouenji?" Yukimura Teruhiko spoke with suppressed anger. "If you fail the next midterm, you'll be expelled."

Yukimura Teruhiko seemed to be warning Kouenji Rokusuke that he wasn't exempt from consequences.


"So, are you suggesting that I might fail?" Kouenji Rokusuke responded nonchalantly, "Then take a good look at the grade sheet and see how perfect my grades are."

Upon hearing this, everyone in the class shifted their gaze to the grade sheet.

The result left them all dumbfounded.

Because Kouenji Rokusuke's name was among the top.

In all five subjects, Kouenji Rokusuke's lowest score was above 90 points, enough to rival Horikita Suzune and Yukimura Teruhiko.

In other words, this arrogant and proud young man was also an academic genius.

"The perfect me has no weaknesses. Please don't use your senses to judge my level, OK?"

Kouenji Rokusuke said with arrogant confidence.

Only now did Yukimura Teruhiko realize.

"Since you're so academically strong, don't you feel indignant?" Yukimura Teruhiko asked incredulously, "You've been assigned to Class D, with no guarantee of further education or employment."

Yukimura Teruhiko's words didn't shake Kouenji Rokusuke.

"So what?" Kouenji Rokusuke didn't even stop trimming his nails, maintaining his style, "I have more self-recognition, acknowledgment, respect, and self-esteem than anyone else. Even if the school arbitrarily labels me as 'D', it means nothing to me. Even if they want to expel me, it's fine because they'll come crying to me afterward."

This arrogance wasn't just because of Kouenji Rokusuke's inherent pride.

In fact, there was a reason for Kouenji Rokusuke's arrogance.

Because Kouenji Rokusuke was the only son of the Kouenji conglomerate.

And the Kouenji conglomerate was one of Japan's leading conglomerates, holding a high position in the financial, commercial, and social sectors, with connections to many of the country's leaders.

"So, I never thought the school would help me with further education and employment. I'm going to inherit the Kouenji conglomerate in the future, so whether I'm in Class A or Class D doesn't matter."

Kouenji Rokusuke dismissed the school with contempt in his attitude, arrogantly elevating himself.

Perhaps the reason why he was in Class D was also because of this arrogant personality?

Including Yukimura Teruhiko and Sudou Ken, everyone felt angry at Kouenji Rokusuke's arrogance but was helpless.

"Damn it!"

Sudou Ken could only vent by kicking the chair, further deteriorating the atmosphere in the classroom.

In this situation, Hirata Yousuke seemed to want to do something.

However, that had nothing to do with Nanaya Hori anymore.

Because Nanaya Hori had already left the classroom.

Together with Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

And before the two of them, another person had left the classroom.

That person was Horikita Suzune.

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