

"In two hours, my plane will fly. I still have things that I haven't put in my suitcase. Help me pack them up," said the handsome 30-year-old man, tall and burly. A young entrepreneur in the hospitality sector owns a coalfield in the Kalimantan region, Indonesia, while looking at the beautiful woman in front of him. "You know, it's not free to do all this," the woman said with a smile. The handsome man smiled. "You can do whatever you want," said the handsome man with his gaze fixed on the beautiful woman. That woman is Clara Wibisono. A beautiful 24-year-old woman who is used to living in luxury. Clara always saw things in terms of money. One day, an unfortunate incident happened to her family and made her lose her property. To support her luxurious life, Clara is willing to become the mistress of a young and wealthy businessman. For her, there is no beauty without money, there is no happiness without money, there is not even a life without money. Clara's job is to serve men in bed and Clara is free to use the man's money whenever she wants. Clara even got all the luxury amenities from the man. However, as time goes by, love grows in Clara's and the man's hearts. Since then, unexpected things have happened. Problem after the problem came to Clara and the man. Will Clara and the man be able to survive amid complicated love and relationship? Especially for Clara, after knowing the other side of the man's life, which turned out to be much more complicated than Clara had known before.

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182 Chs


Briel turned her head, she stared at Clara intently, making Clara nervous. She doesn't know what Briel's response to Clara will be.

Briel then smiled.

"No, Mommy Clara is good. Mommy Clara is very good," said Briel.

Clara and Bram looked at each other, both smiled. Clara was happy to hear Briel's answer, as was Bram. Bram felt calm because Briel considered Clara a good mother. That means Clara is indeed the right mom for Briel.

"Okay, so Briel understands, doesn't it, that what Aunty Liora said is not true? Aunty Liora only feels afraid, but her fear will never happen because Mommy and Dad love Briel very much," said Bram.

Briel nodded with a smile.

"Erm, Daddy!" Briel screamed when Bram suddenly carried her.

"It's late, it's time for Briel to sleep. Dad will take Briel to Briel's bedroom," said Bram.

Briel nodded, she chuckled as Bram continued to kiss her cheek halfway to the bedroom. Briel was tickled by Bram's attitude.