
Chapter 2: Rivalry Ignites

News of Lucas's heroics quickly spread throughout Crimsonfall City like wildfire. His actions that night, where he thwarted a robbery and saved a distressed shopkeeper, became the talk of the town. The moniker "Crimson Guardian" was soon on everyone's lips, a name that resonated through the alleys and streets, whispered with awe and admiration.

"Did you hear about that kid who stopped the robbery last night?" a citizen unexcitedly says.

"Yeah, they're calling him the Crimson Guardian now. He's like a real-life hero!" another noddingly replies.

The tale of his bravery was recounted in hushed tones at cafes, in bustling markets, and within the confines of homes. People were inspired by the notion that someone among them could rise to protect the city in its darkest hour.

"Who does this Crimson Guardian think he is, interfering with our business?" in a gang meeting of Rival Gang Member.

"We can't operate with this guy running around. He's bad for business." said the leader of the gang.

Lucas's actions had disrupted the balance of power in Crimsonfall City. While some hailed him as a hero, others viewed him as a nuisance, an obstacle to their criminal endeavors. As his legend grew, the city stood at a crossroads, unsure of what the future held with the enigmatic Crimson Guardian in its midst. 

"Moonshadow, they call me now. I guess I'm making quite the impression." Lucas smirkingly said.

Lucas's experience last night started to happen again, warning Lucas of a strong presence. Lucas, who now wants to know about these powers of sharp senses, turns around.

"Who's there?" Lucas Curiously asks.

A dark figure emerges from the shadows, pointing a sword at Lucas, and asks:

"Impression or not, this city doesn't take kindly to newcomers, especially those who play the hero." the dark figure takes authority.

Waoh, a freaking katana! Who is this guy? "You're not exactly a welcoming committee either," Lucas exclaims raising an eyebrow.

"SILENCE! I am ordered by the "crimson hult" to capture you, so I, Jean of the 4th division hereby capture you," said Jean of a secret organization holding the katana steady.

4th division? Lucas confused

A series of chains behind Jean captures Lucas.

What the hell? "HEY! Let me go, you jam!" Lucas speaks struggling against the chains.

"My name is Jean," Jean exclaims.

"Whatever, just let me go," said Lucas

Jean bends his head and says "It's not my authority to let you go, the decision will be made by the leader," and pro sites to take Lucas to the base.

"Tho, tell me what artifact did you use" Jean asked Lucas.

Leader? What is this about? What's going on here? Lucas is exasperated.

"what do you mean artifact? do I look like a drug dealer to you?" said Lucas

"Don't act dumb, you know what that is, after all, you did receive a blessing but looks like you won't tell me well, you will get your treatment so, just wait," Jean threateningly says.

What is this guy saying? Lucas expresses.

The situation had taken a sinister turn. Lucas found himself captured by a mysterious figure named Jean, who seemed to be affiliated with a shadowy organization called the "Crimson Hult." Questions swirled in Lucas's mind, but one thing was clear—this encounter was far from over.


"welcome for a visit, please come again!"

"Next please,"

"Umm, yes sir what may I get you?"

In a chilling tone, the figure asks "A fresh human please,"

"huh" shaken by the request.

the figure insistently asks " A fresh human please,"

The atmosphere in the coffee shop grew tense. The enigmatic figure's request sent a shiver down the cashier's spine, and the other customers exchanged alarmed glances. The chilling words hung in the air, leaving an unsettling feeling in their wake. Crimsonfall City was about to confront a darkness, unlike anything it had ever seen.

"COME ON, let me go already!" Lucas said, his voice quivering with desperation.

Despite his increasingly frantic pleas, Lucas found himself ensnared by the unyielding chains of the enigmatic figure named Jean. The situation had taken a dire and unsettling turn, and the answers Lucas sought remained maddeningly elusive. Jean, however, remained disturbingly silent, his eyes filled with an inscrutable darkness.

Don't be a dick now! Lucas thought, his mind racing in terror. The air grew heavy with an ominous tension as Lucas and Jean both sensed a malevolent presence looming nearby.

"It's a Rasfi!" Jean exclaimed, his voice filled with a grave urgency.

Meanwhile, at the nearby coffee shop, the sinister events escalated:


A bone-chilling scream pierced the air, carrying with it a palpable, threatening aura that sent shockwaves of fear through anyone who heard it.

"HUMANS! I WANT HUMANS!" the figure roared, the words dripping with menace.

"I see..." Jean muttered, his gaze fixed on the source of the disturbance. "I don't want you to cause trouble, so stay put," Jean said to Lucas.

With those ominous words, Jean abandoned Lucas, leaving him helplessly bound by the chains in the heart of the sinister alley.

"Hey, don't leave me behind!" Lucas angrily replied to Jean disappearing into the shadows.

Amid the chaos and encroaching darkness, Jean's retreating figure vanished into the ominous shadows, and Lucas was left all alone in the chilling, malevolent alley, but Lucas relentlessly tried to free himself. Thus, Lucas struggled against the chains that bound him, his frustration and fear fueling his determination. He knew he couldn't just give up and let this mysterious Jean take him away to an unknown fate. With each frantic twist and turn, the chains seemed to tighten, but Lucas refused to relent.

End of chapter 2.

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And due to my academic exams, I won't be able to post for a brief period.

But I will be back after a month.

Thank you all so much.

Melt_kcreators' thoughts