6 CHAPTER 6 11th July 2040

Before moving further, lets get back to Professor's conference.

"But sir, why are you asking about the term 'Chrybdis'?" I asked.

"Your curiosity seems to be higher than the media." He replied with a big smile on his face.

I didn't react.

He continued,

"Let's start from the beginning, in 15th century, during the first voyage of Christopher Columbus, he witnessed a lightning stike into the ocean.

However, the mysterious behaviour came into public attention in the 20th century, when a cargo ship with almost 300 passengers USS Cyclops went missing in the Bermuda triangle, on it's way to Cape Town.

It's the ship, that was found in the port a few days ago. It is also said that it has mentions in some of the reports of WWII, about it's witnesses.

Later, it was also witnessed by Adolf Hitler, when some planes of his army went missing in the same place. And according to my concern, the plane crashes happening now are the planes of the Axis. Right?

Again in 2015, a ship went missing in the Bermuda triangle during a deadly hurricane. And yeah! I agree, that that ship hasn't arrived us yet.

Who knows, maybe hundred years later there would be another Prof. Zayn, explaining about the ship.

And the most interesting concept is that, the Greek mythology has evidence of all the current happenings. How? How is this even possible?

There, it is clearly written that it is all because of the sea monster, 'Chrybdis'.

What is it? Is it a sea monster? According to some modern theories, the role of paranomal activities and the presence kf aliens have been strongly suggested by those who believe something odd is happening.

Till date, no one. Not even a single person is able to identify the real reason behind all those happenings.

Me and my team are continuously working on it. We've found a thousands of evidences, but we're not sure about those.

To make it more clear, we've to get in there. And I've no idea how to do that."

He finished, leaving a huge sigh.

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