
Chronicles of the warborn

In the mystical World, a kingdom once steeped in grandeur and magic, the tranquility is shattered by the thunderous march of war. As the unified armies of neighboring lands converge upon Eldrador, the capital city, the fate of the World hangs in the balance. Amidst the chaos and bloodshed, a newborn prince is born into the House of Zark, the rulers of the Kingdom of Zarkenia. Destined for greatness, yet thrust into a world torn apart by strife, the young prince becomes the unwitting centerpiece of a battle for supremacy. With the fall of Eldrador, the prince's life is plunged into peril. After the fall of Zarkenia, he is spirited away by a loyal guardian, embarking on a journey fraught with danger and discovery. The prince must navigate treacherous landscapes and face unimaginable foes to reclaim his birthright and restore peace to the Kingdom. But as dark forces gather and ancient prophecies unfold, the prince realizes that his destiny is intertwined with the very fabric of Zarkenia itself. With courage and determination, he must rise to the challenge, harnessing the latent magic within him to confront the darkness that threatens to consume everything he holds dear. In a tale of epic proportions, filled with magic, intrigue, and adventure, the newborn prince embarks on a quest that will test his mettle and define his legacy. For in the heart of chaos lies the seed of hope, and only through courage and unity can the Kingdom of Zarkenia be saved from oblivion.

Mr_Storyteller · Fantasía
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16 Chs

The Fall of Zarkenia

Two weeks before the attack of Vlatania and the fall of Zarkenia, Political instability rose as King Alfred Zark, favored commoners over nobles, and made rules that enraged the nobility. There was an atmosphere of betrayal that, King Thrain Calanthor of Valtania saw and reached out to neighboring kingdoms to form an alliance. The goal is simple: to reclaim western lands from Zarkenia.

Prince Felix Calanthor, appointed as the commander of this unified army alongside Grand Duke Lord Kael, set plans in motion. Unbeknownst to their ranks, Tycon, a commoner initially, was revealed as Lord Tycon, the bastard son of Duke Cedrick Valor, and Prince Felix Calanthor, heir of Valtania. This alliance forged a bond between them as they grew strong to weaken Zarkenia's hold.

In a tent within the unified army's camp, Prince Felix and Lord Tycon made plans late at night with maps spread out before them.

"Tycon, our path to Eldoria must be swift and fast," Prince Felix stated, in a determined manner.

Lord Tycon nodded yes with his eyes on the maps. "I will lead our forces with utmost speed, Your Highness. Eldoria's capture is a crucial step in cutting Zarkenia's supplies for war ."

As they discussed their plans, a messenger ran into the tent, breathless after running. "Your Highness, news from our spies"

Prince Felix and Lord Tycon turned looked at the messenger

"Our spies have confirmed Duke Asher Flynn is in Eldoria. It seems Zarkenia is making its border strong," the messenger said, in an urgent manner.

Prince Felix exchanged a glance with Lord Tycon,

"Prepare the troops," Prince Felix ordered. "Lord Tycon, you will lead our forces first to Eldoria and conquer it swiftly so we can rest assure in making our move towards the capital ."

The night with a clear sky under the blue moon, Lord Tycon's forces move towards Eldoria, their movements swift and silent. The border province was ahead.

As they approached Eldoria's outskirts, Lord Tycon gathered his commanders for a final briefing.

"We will attack in the morning," Tycon said, "Our mission is simple and clear: take Eldoria under our control and capture Duke Asher."

His commanders in one voice said yes, my lord.

The battle of Eldoria was fierce, the clash of swords echo throughout the battleground. Tycon's forces clashed with Duke Asher Flynn's, neither side seeing any prominent result.

In the chaos, Lord Tycon fought with bravery, his blade cut through enemy ranks. Duke Asher Flynn met Lord Tycon on the battlefield, they fought like titans free from the worry of war.

"You cannot hold Eldoria, Tycon!" Duke Asher shouted, his sword hitting Tycon's with a Grrr clash.

Tycon's gaze never left Duke Asher's blade. "Eldoria will belong to Valtania," he moved, pressing the attack with his full force.

The battle boiled, each side fighting with all of their force.

Meanwhile, Prince Felix with the unified army moved towards the capital towards Zarkenia's central plains. Traitors within Zarkenia's ranks helped in their progress, providing important info and weakening the kingdom's defenses.

As they approached the capital, Eldrador, the unified army faced minimum resistance. The kingdom's celebration of a new prince's birth covers the enemy's arrival.

"charge forward my men" Prince Felix commanded,

The unified army moves forward, with a roar with their flags flying high as they enter Eldrador.

Within the city's walls, King Alfred Zark with his royal guard moves towards the enemy with resolve, despite the betrayal that struck him.

"Defend the capital" King Alfred shouted, telling his men to stand firm against the enemy.

During the battle, Tycon's forces destroy Eldoria's defenses, overwhelming Duke Asher Flynn's remaining forces. The duke himself fell in battle, his defeat signaling the enemy's win.

Tycon stood as a winner in the aftermath, with his armor stained with blood, as the city of Eldoria lay conquered at his feet.

Back in Eldrador, the unified army's onslaught continued, the city's streets running red with blood as chaos reigned supreme. King Alfred fight with all that he had, but the betrayal proved to be great.

As the unified army closed in on the palace, King Alfred stood firm with his sword pointing towards his enemies.

"Traitors! You will not take my kingdom!" King Alfred shouted, seeing his allies who turned into his enemies.

Prince Felix met King Alfred with eyes to eyes, his expression grim yet resolute. "Your reign ends here, King Alfred. Your kingdom belongs to Valtania now."

then the final fight started, and the clash of swords echoed. Prince Felix was filled with the power of youth, unlike the king. but the king was experienced. seeing the King's scars, Prince Felix said

"Scars are not a sign of wisdom, They are just the price of past mistakes. I am here to prove myself on the battlefield, to bring honor to my kingdom"

King Alfred's gaze narrowed. "You speak of honor while attacking me with traitors, Is that the lesson you learned?"

Shame can be seen in Felix's eyes, but anger quickly replaced it. "The lessons I learn are not found in books, but on the battlefield, Everything is fair in love and war."

With this sentence he landed a fatal blow on the king weakening to the extent that he was left with no power, he couldn't even stand.

With a last strike, Prince Felix blows the King's head.

With the fall of the King's head, the kingdom also falls. Prince Felix emerged victrious