
Chapter 18

Max I am going to go and stay with Stephanie tonight but I will meet you at the courthouse tomorrow and I can't wait to start our life together I now know that what you said tonight was the truth it was all in the letter dad left me. I am so sorry for not believing you and I hope you can forgive me for all the things I have said and done. Just so you know I love you and have always loved you. That is why I can never keep a relationship after we broke up because none of them were you. I can't wait to be your wife tomorrow love, Cassidy

Max couldn't believe it. Cassidy still loved him. Max knew it was silly but he was now nervous about tomorrow. What if she didn't show or he said or did the wrong thing. He also knew that when Cassie set her mind to something she always followed through with it. Now he was disappointed that she wasn't getting a proper wedding so he knew what he needed to do. He looked at the clock and saw that it was only 7 p.m. so we grabbed the phone and started making calls.

At 10:30 everything was set for tomorrow. Malcolm agreed that they should get married in his backyard. He called her friends and family and told them about his plant and they all were excited and agreed to arrive at Malcolm's at 1:30 p.m. . he contacted all the Caterers and they would get there in the morning. Hey the last call was to Stephanie she confirmed the Cassidy and made it they're okay. Max told her what he had planned and she agreed to help by getting Cassidy to Malcolm's at 2 p.m. tomorrow. Max was happy with everything that he had accomplished and couldn't wait for Cassidy to see it tomorrow. Max knew he had a long day tomorrow so he went off to bed.

Stephanie what do you mean we're not going to the courthouse. I am getting married at 2 p.m. Cassidy said hysterically. Max called and said for me to take you to Malcolm's instead Stephanie replied calmly as they drove to Malcolm's. Cassidy started wondering what Max had up his sleeve. Max arrived at Malcolm's at noon to help get everything set up for his wedding day. As he walked around the back he saw Malcolm directing everyone on what needed done. Max walked over to Malcolm. Max what are you doing here I told you last night that I would get everything in order you just go into the house and get yourself a drink and relax until it's time for the ceremony. Malcolm said in a cool tone. Max headed for the house and began the countdown to 2 p.m. everyone started arriving and taking their seats.

Cassidy and Stephanie showed up at 1:45 and were directed to a bedroom upstairs to wait for someone to come and get them. Stephanie will you please tell me why we are at Malcolm's house and waiting in this room Cassidy said almost sounding frantic! Okay okay you can't tell Max that I told you but he wanted to give you the wedding day you would never forget so this is why we are here. Stephanie almost said in a whisper at that very moment Malcolm came in.