
Chapter 11

Cassidy now tell me the truth has this guy ever put his hands on you in any way. Cassidy didn't answer all she could do was look at the floor because she was too ashamed for letting it happen in the first place. Cassidy I asked if he ever put his hands on you! what do you want me to say Max? I just want to know if this truck has ever hurt you. Max took one look at Cassidy and knew deep down in his gut that Nick had. Yes, Max Nick had put his hands on me quite a few times!

one time he hit me so hard he broke my nose. Max was beyond mad knowing that some scumbag and put his hands on Cassidy but to break her nose made him even matter. I can't see why on Earth you put up with it? I put up with it because Nick would tell me that no man would love me for me. They would pretend to because of the money and that if I left him he would hurt me and finally when he realized that I was telling the truth about me and dad being on the outs with one another is when he broke my nose and that was the final straw for me.

I had to get out of there before he hurt me more than you already had. Cassidy have you ever thought about getting a restraining order or even just let the cops know what is going on? No Max I have not because what can they do? There is a lot they can do Cassidy and if you are not going to go to the cops then I'm going to stick around until something is done or until he leaves you alone. Max I didn't tell you all this for you to be my babysitter. I am a big girl and can take care of myself!

I never said you couldn't take care of yourself, Cassidy. I just want to stick around for a while and anyways I need a vacation so why not take it now. Max if you were just talking about taking a vacation then I guess you can stay here if you want I mean unless you have other plans. No I have no other plans so does that mean you're okay with me staying here? It will be nice to have someone in the house once Aunt Sylvia leaves. What is she leaving Cassidy? She said something about going home tomorrow. She said she is missing Alex! Not meaning to sound stupid but I thought Sylvia only dated women. Cassidy couldn't help but laugh.

Max, Alex is not her girlfriend, he is her hundred 30-pound Rott/boxer mix. He has her baby and it broke and Sylvia's heart to have to leave him behind he is with her neighbor right now. By the way Max and Sylvia said a package arrived for you today did you get what you were waiting for? Yes, she gave it to me earlier when I stopped by if. if you don't mind me asking what was it? It was the package that I had Allison overnight to me.

At that very moment Cassidy cell phone rang and she almost jumped out of her skin because there was only one person who would be calling her at this time of night! Mexican see the distraught look on Cassidy space so he picked up the phone and answered it: