
A boy named Chris

In the forest, they heard some laughter mixed with falling leaves. The light of dawn is about to rule the heavens again, so everything could be seen, but nothing could be distinguished.

"You are very slow if you want to catch me you will have to run faster" A boy laughed loudly as he fled from a small pack of wolves.

* Grrr * * Grrrr *

His persecutors were angry, they had persecuted him for a little more than two hours without obtaining good results, this child was very elusive, and a while ago they had agreed to let him flee to look for another prey; but ... He dared to make fun of them, and in front of their leader! the "alpha" wolf did not usually go out to hunt, but their first babies had just been born and he wanted to give them a food obtained by their own effort, this was a sign of paternity and pride within the pack.

* Grrr * * Grr * * Grrrr * * Grr *

The wolf "alpha" was communicated by howls with his subordinates, all agreed on a plan and began to disperse; "It seems that they are faking a withdrawal ..." the boy put on a serious expression, he had grown up in this place and his instincts were very sharp; fleeing fierce animals was not new to him, but lately he felt something strange around him ... the animals seemed to be more intelligent and their group tactics were more sudden and effective, they were more organized ...

"Oh, it seems that I managed to escape, I'm very strong" the boy pretended to be ignorant of the tricks of his enemies while whistling and leaned his arms on the back of his neck ... he enjoyed this ... he stopped running and sighed hard, he wanted to be He listened, then walked for a while with his head straight, but his pupils were moving in all directions in search of some trace, his ears were shaking slightly, they were struggling to hear footsteps or branches break.

Without warning, four silhouettes moved in his direction quickly, you could not hear his movement because his footsteps were very light and moved faster and faster. He dodged with determination the small avalanche of wolves, immediately a new wave was approaching, he felt very worried ... due to his ferocity, I could not count them, but at least they add twelve, which means they can attack me from the back twice more, I must be careful, what do I do? ... several beasts growled in anger around him while he thought of an escape plan.

* Aúúú * * Aúúú *

Several wolves howled with force, they seemed to be called to someone because when surrounding to the boy they had not attacked it ... they are waiting for somebody ?, Perhaps their lead...?...

* Aúúúúú *

Everyone heard an awesome howl, it was a great show of authority, which caused terror in that child, at last, he realized why they had been so persistent ... their leader was with them ... he thought and prepared for the battle, something Big was about to start...

"Chris! Are you bothering the wolves again?" A hoarse and proud voice was heard by everyone in the forest.

"Mother, you scared my friends" Chris snapped as he pouted, the wolves fled without hesitation, their leader was embarrassed by this, but not another had an alternative to running, in front of them was an enemy that they could not win, a dragon !; his pride was badly hurt, and he wrote down this debt in his heart ... I will return! ... he roared to himself.

"Friends? They are just wild beasts that can not understand things as deep as those, they only know the law of the strongest ... humiliate the weak, and praise him who is more powerful than them" Chris's mother spoke with firmness, his son was no longer a small child, he had to learn that life and society were not a game and that everyone was not innocent like him.

"Mom, look, I found this near the bordering tree." Chris had a feeling that a long existential speech was coming, so he changed the subject as he pulled a strange and unknown object out of his "backpack," a blanket he had wrapped around him. of your chest and back.

"Did you forget that I told you not to go near that place? There are many dangers there ..." His mother spoke with an accusing look.

"I'm sorry ..." Chris paused as he looked at his mother tenderly.

"Jum, little rogue, what did you find?" She felt her heart soften and decided to ignore her lack.

"This is ... it seems you have a bit of luck, this is a low-level philosopher's stone, although it is not difficult to get it, this one, in particular, has a slight discoloration in the center that indicates that it was struck by a martial master"

"Martial master? Philosopher's stone...?" Chris spoke to himself aloud as his eyes shone and an insatiable curiosity seized his spirit, he had just turned ten and had been living surrounded by "bordering trees" without to know what was beyond, his heart could not stand being "caged" any longer.

"That is the world that exists outside this place, there are many very powerful monsters, humans have built great walls and cities, and a little further, there are the martial empires that govern the continent crystal water... the strongest survive, and the weak one is impunity murdered..." she finished her reflection with a look full of nostalgia, she seemed to be remembering something...


"There I will not be able to protect you! my son..." she felt that her body was shaken violently, but everything was an illusion, it was her heart that was being hurt, she was very traumatized.

"Mother..." he did not know what to say, he just repeated that phrase with sadness.

"Chris... I'll tell you everything you need to know when you turn fifteen years if you promise not to mention this topic until then and you can fulfill my strict training fully" She spoke with a cold tone while her heart hardened ... it was time to start to accept reality ... his son had grown up.

"Hai-" he smiled when he heard his mother and adopted a firm pose, both embraced for a while and the preamble of a great adventure took place ...

I hope you like this introduction, in the next chapter a little training and the "farewell"

*Sob* *Sob*

Apple0726creators' thoughts
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