
Choice of Change

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What is Choice of Change

Lee la novela Choice of Change escrita por el autor David_Ajibade_1503 publicada en WebNovel. ...


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Monlit Embrace

In the mystical town of Eldridge, where the supernatural and the mundane coexist, the novel unfolds a tale of love, resilience, and enchantment. Emily, once a beacon of societal perfection, falls in love with Daniel, a werewolf hidden in the shadows. Their love faces the crucible of societal judgment, but as the town grapples with change, Emily and Daniel's relationship becomes a sanctuary amidst chaos. As the couple navigates the challenges of societal discord, the novel explores the dynamics of love overcoming prejudice. Themes of familial and friendship support, along with the adjustment to each other's lifestyles, add layers to their journey. The story delves into the complexities of the human-werewolf connection, bringing forth emotional ups and downs that test the resilience of their bond. The narrative unfolds with the societal turbulence affecting not only the couple but the entire town. Eldridge witnesses a supernatural awakening, revealing hidden powers among its residents. Amidst the chaos, Emily and Daniel emerge as leaders, guiding the town through a transformative period. The novel takes an unexpected turn with a lunar eclipse, unraveling ancient prophecies and mystical omens. The couple faces shadows of doubt and uncertainty, both internal and external. Tensions rise, and allies emerge, leading them into supernatural enclaves where support becomes crucial. The story spans 20 chapters, exploring the couple's journey amidst societal upheaval, love blossoming in hidden corners, and their evolution into leaders during a cosmic reckoning. Each chapter is rich in detail, from the moonlit nights to the mysterious Healing Crescent. As the narrative progresses, the couple faces a midnight reckoning, navigating through shadows of doubt and whispers of betrayal. The plot unfolds with a lunar eclipse, exposing the couple to ancient forces and prophecies. The characters adapt to newfound magical abilities, emphasizing unity and forgiveness. The climax builds with a celestial event—the Confluence of Stars. Eldridge becomes a canvas for cosmic energies, and the couple stands at the center of a town transformed by the enchantment. The cosmic unity becomes a testament to love, resilience, and the enduring magic that binds the supernatural and the earthly.

ogunlajaprecious · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Temukan Kebenaran

Tragedi aneh menimpa enam orang diantaranya tiga orang laki-laki dan tiga orang lainnya perempuan. Segala bentuk identifikasi kasus telah terpecahkan, terkecuali kasus Melati. Mereka semua hampir terbunuh oleh peristiwa sebelumnya yang kemudian secara misterius menimbulkan semacam kekuatan mutasi didalam masing-masing individu. Alien? Subyek eksperimen? Kutukan? Karma Tuhan? Anugerah? Mari kita cari tahu. Berawal dari rasa ingin tahu Melati terhadap Arum bahwa semuanya dilakukan oleh penelitian perusahaan Ayahnya. Namun tanpa diduga Arum pun berkeinginan untuk bertemu seseorang lainnya diluar sana seperti Melati yang memiliki kekuatan aneh sepertinya. Nama : Melati Umur : 26 Tahun Identifikasi : tergeletak diatas meja makan didalam rumah dengan darah keluar dari matanya tanpa henti, pukul 03:00 dini hari. Korban ditemukan oleh rekan kerja setelah korban menghubunginya karena merasa tidak enak badan pada pukul 02:40. Kasus : tahap penyelidikan Nama : Jaka Umur : 24 Tahun Identifikasi : tergeletak tepat didepan apartemen pada pukul 23:30 dengan luka tebasan benda tajam dibagian kedua lengan atas. Kasus : Dugaan Perampokan Nama : Arum Mawaratih Umur : 27 Tahun Identifikasi : tergeletak didepan kamar mandi dengan luka goresan di kedua nadi lengan pada pukul 06:16 Kasus : dugaan percobaan Bunuh diri Nama : Genta Gemilang Umur : 27 Tahun Identifikasi : terjatuh oleh sepatu yang basah. Cctv melihat pergerakan korban cukup gelisah hingga pukul 00:33 korban berjalam di lorong lantai 28, kemudian menghindari kucing hitam yang tiba-tiba melintas di sehingga terpeleset dan kepala korban membentur kursi lobi. Kasus : Kecelakaan Tunggal. Nama : Asri Purnama Umur : 25 Tahun Identifikasi : ditemukan di toilet umum apartemen dengan luka dalam sayatan di leher dan keadaan pakaian dalam terbuka. Ditemukan oleh penetap apartemen lainnya kepada pihak keamaan apartemen pada pukul 04:04. Kasus : tindak asusila, percobaan pembunuhan. Nama : Wisnu Wicaksana Umur : 25 Tahun Identifikasi : tersentrum oleh arus pendek listrik dari kabel headphone yang dipakai ketika tidur. Ditemukan oleh pihak layanan makanan setelah korban memesan makanan untuk pukul 23:06. Kasus : Kecelakaan Tunggal

januar_Putra · Fantasía
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9 Chs

My Long Lost Mate

"Oh! Thank you for catching that little troublemaker. Please give her back to us," said one of the guards while panting for air. Not knowing what to do, I frantically held the man's hand and pleaded, "Please save me! They are going to hurt me! I don't want to go back!" The man first looked at me for a couple of seconds, then at the guards. "Go," he said to the guards grimly. Surprisingly, he was on my side. I was counting on my lucky stars to ask for help from him and I was fortunate enough to earn it. "What?" asked the guards, confused by the man's words. "I said go... before I kill you," he threatened. I was hiding behind the man's back and couldn't see his face, but my guts told me that he meant his words. The guards looked surprised by his words but quickly recovered from them and, instead, started to challenge the man, "We won't go before you hand us that girl." The man sighed and said, "I warned you." After that, the man let go of my hand and turned my body around. "Don't look," he said, before starting to walk towards the guards. Every step he took exuded confidence, and he was not the least scared of the guards who were armed with swords when he himself had nothing but his bare hands. I closed my eyes even with my back towards them and heard one of the guards scream trying to attack the man. No longer after that, the only sound that I could hear was something like... bones breaking. A few moments later, it was completely silent. Is he done? The silence was soon broken by footsteps that I assumed were getting closer to where I was. Is this the footsteps of the man or the guards? That was the question that popped up in my mind. I was ready to run, but before I could proceed to do that, two strong arms gripped both of my shoulders, turning my body around. I nervously opened my eyes to find a pair of red eyes staring softly at me. "Are you okay?" ... The story revolves around a girl who was tortured and the leader of werewolves. (A slow burn book) ... ***CAUTION*** Updates are irregular, as it will depend on Author's availability. [The art cover fully belongs to me. Art commission by the amazing Instagram artist @heytheathea]

winterdaisy55 · Fantasía
246 Chs

The Mansion of Myths

Atlas Looker is a 13-year-old boy who lived with his father in the country for most of his life until one day, on his 13th birthday his father suddenly disappeared. With his father gone, Atlas was put in his mother's care for the time being until the police could locate his father. When he was picked up by his mother, She told him that she owned a mansion deep in the woods and rented out the rooms for free to humanoid mythological creatures. She called it "The Mansion of Myths" Now, Atlas has to live in a house with his mother who he had not seen in forever and numerous other people that are like him while also trying to find clues relating to his father's disappearance. What will come about from Atlas's stay at the Mansion of Myths? Will he ever find out what happened to his father? Will he finally make friends? And possibly a lover? Just who is he? Who are the people around him? Why does it seem like everyone has a secret? Including him. [Hello! I've come up yet another story! But this one is an original, It's not a fanfic this time. This is a BoyxBoy story as well as some GirlxGirl, So if you don't like that then please quietly leave. There will be multiple ships in this story and possibly multiple other story lines. I don't own any pictures or music I put in this unless I saw otherwise.] [Ps. I'm sorry for making so many stories and never finishing them but This just helps me get all the ideas out of my head and gets me inspired to write. Hope you enjoy it!! Also there might be smut/Lemon later on in the story but that will be when they are of legal age, as the main couple are only 12 and 13 at the beginning. Thanks!]

Shyphoenix_1130 · LGBT+
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2 Chs

My Sugar Lady, Coose Me

Bella yang sempat di keluarkan oleh perusahaan di Jakarta memilih merantau di kota Jogjakarta. Walau awalnya tidak mendapat persetejuan dari keluarganya tapi dengan tekat bulat Bella pun akhirnya berangkat ke Jogjakarta. Bella yang di Jogja tidak memiliki keluarga sama sekali bahkan itu adalah pertama kali dirinya  merantau di kota orang. Bella pun sempat kebingungan untuk mencari tempat tinggal tapi akhirnya dirinya pun mendapat tempat tinggal. Selama di Jogjakarta dan selama membiasakan diri dengan lingkukan yang baru, Bella merasa ada yang janggal dengan salah satu penghuni kosan yang dirinya tempati. Aresha namanya. Keganjilan pun bermula dimana Ares selalu memperhatikannya dengan mata bak elang. Selama satu bulan pun keanehan di kosan semakin terasa, terlebih lagi dengan munculnya bercak merah-merah di sekujur tubuhnya. Selama satu minggu Bella tidak bisa berpikir lalu dengan sikap Ares yang mendadak berubah membuat Bella yakin jika Ares memang menyeramkan. Terlebih lagi Ares mengajukan syarat jika Bella harus menjadi sekertarisnya atau tidur dengannya selama satu minggu. Di saat hal genting tersebut Bella memilih tidur dengannya daripada memilih menjadi sekertaris Ares. Kejadian itu pun kembali terjadi dan Ares mengakui jika Bella hanya miliknya di saat Ares telah bertunangan dengan Ara, pacar yang telah dirinya memacari selama 5 tahun. Bella yang merasa jadi selingkuhan pun merasa kesal dengan sikap Ares. Ingin menolak atas semua prilaku Ares tapi Bella tidak bisa menolak semua itu. Ara yang curiga atas sikap Ares yang akhir ini berubah mulai menyelidikinya bersama Bella. Karena bagi Ara, Bella orang yang bisa di jadikan sebagai sahabat. Posisi Bella begitu pelik, awalnya datang ke Jogjakarta untuk kerja tapi dirinya malah kejebak antara cinta Ares dan Ara dan menganggap dirinya perusak hubungan mereka. Merasa tidak enal hati dengan hubungan mereka Bella pun memutuskan untuk pulang dan tidak akan kembali ke Jogjakarta lagi. Akan tetapi, justru hal itu memancing Ares murka, Ares pun mengamuk saat diberitahu jika Bella pergi ke kampungnya yang asal. Sebenarnya Ares kenapa? yuk baca kalo penasaran!!

Pelangi_Senja_0802 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
11 Chs


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