
Child of Infinity in Omniverse

A fanfiction stories based on marvel, dc comics, naruto, dragon ball, Dxd, Death Note, Harry potter, , Campione and other animes and cartoons. * No Face slapping * No System * Genius Mc * OP Mc -----‐-----------××××××××------------------ There will be some bullshit at start so please bear a little as story progresses so i can introduce famous marvel and dc comic characters. -----------------××××××××-----------------

Hidden_shadows · Cómic
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68 Chs

Uzumaki country (2)

Meikou POV:

After seeing the man face my heartbeat started throbbing at a rapid rate but I calmed myself down and listening that from now they will live at our home I felt an unknow joy in my heart and seeing the way the girl caring for the boy, I can't control myself and asked the girl 'what is relationship between them?' at which she looked at me with a smile and said we are a family and this sentence kept buzzing my head, but I remembered a man can have multiple wives at which my inner anxiety calmed a bit and I realizing what I was thinking my face started blushing and I turned to see my sister looking at me with weird look and I turned my head to avoid her look.

( During warring state period polygamy was allowed if the both party agrees.)

Atilia POV:

Seeing the caravan slowing down, I looked at the girl who introduced herself as 'Mito' and said to her that I want to first meet with your clan leader and discuss this matter before living in his territory as not to cause misunderstanding in exchange we can agree at an appropriate condition at which she nodded and i also started thinking about our future plans and after half day we reached a medium size countries at which gate there was many pillar covered with simple runes which I recognized as my brother use runes it for various uses and also taught me how to use it and asked mito if they like to study rules and I saw her eyes suddenly shinning with bright light and she nodded and said in a resolute tone that she want to become strongest sealing master.

( Mito and Ashia uzumaki alone had invented 80 percent of sealing jutsu used in naruto anime with their own intelligence.)

So I noted this point in my mind and I can use this as a repayment method if they allowed us to live in their clan. ( While some people might ask with that much power why don't she just force her way in, first it isn't her nature to force other, second she just need a quiet place where she can take care of his brother until he wakes up and after that they can continue their journey.)

We entered their country and I hid my brother body and my horns with a illusion as not to raise too much attention, I saw mito and meiko looking at me with thoughtfull look but I didn't ask what they were thinking and after some time mito came to me and said that clan leader is ready to meet me so follow me at which I nodded and followed her to a room where a middle aged man with red hair was sitting in seiza position while having a serious look on his face and I copied his sitting position and removed my illusion on my horns and his eye squinted for a second and changed back to his previous serious eye and without useless chatter I asked him if he can provide us a quiet shelter for us which he nodded and asked if we are connected to any clan at which I denied as I don't even recognize any clan in this planet and then he nodded again without giving him chance to speak I manifested many rune in the air at which his expression became happy and said I can teach any two people of your clan my knowledge about runes at which he agreed instantly and called a old woman to show us the way to our new shelter. (japanese sitting position is called seiza.)

( Whirpool clans are sealing jutsu fanatics so they obviously like ruins as it is the basic requirement to make seals.)

The old lady guided me to a cultural designed building(japanese styled building) which gave a nice feeling and in backyard of the room was a sakura tree which made the whole atmosphere giving a joyous feeling and the old lady left seeing my satisfied reaction, I entered the building and saw three rooms, a bathroom with a wooden tub and a fireplace stove. I saw a cabinet in which there were three mattress was arranged, I picked one and spread it on the floor and then placed my brother on it and removed the illusion surrounding him and then released kaguya and shiryu from my inner universe.

( Wooden tub and fireplace stove becacuse t is warring state period and of course technology hasn't developed that much during that time. In any case they won't use those things as they don't need any food and water to live.)