Hello, guys! This book of mine is going to be about stories of cheating and regret. I hope you will like the stories. and my stories do not contain any adult material. Disclaimer: My stories are created solely for entertainment purposes, and are not intended to harm or offend anyone in any way. I hope that you will enjoy these tales and find them to be a source of entertainment and inspiration.
my name is haul, I was born in a small town, when I was 10 years old, my family relocated to a small country town in Russia after my dad secured a job here.
It was a difficult time for me. I was young, overweight, of brown complexion, with an accent, and struggled to grasp the local culture.
Unfortunately, a group of unruly kids at school made things worse by bullying me, making life quite unpleasant.
Fortunately, I was able to maintain good grades, and as a result, I received a scholarship to pursue a degree in science at a renowned university located in a large city. On the first day of tutorials, I was overjoyed.
During my time at the university, I came across a reserved and awkward-looking young woman sitting alone.
Her name was Olga, and she too from a rural town. It turned out that she had recently relocated to the city to live with her second cousins. Moreover, Olga appeared to be on the heavier side.
Olga and I quickly connected over our shared experiences of the difficulties we faced in high school and the joys of being in a diverse, multicultural city.
As it turned out, we had many common interests and ended up joining several of the same clubs and societies at the university, such as video games, board games, same cultural clubs, and ballroom dancing, among others.
After about a month or so, I mustered the courage to ask Olga out, which was a significant milestone for me as this was first time for me that i asked a girl out.
she said yes. and We decided to keep our relationship a secret and became each other's first everything - first kiss, first love, and first serious relationship.
Following a year of dating, Olga moved into my apartment, and life became even more wonderful.
Our relationship was free of conflict, and we rarely disagreed. We shared many of the same hobbies and interests, and our friends were continually drawn to us. Additionally, we remained strongly attracted to each other.
Our relationship was good - two lovebirds building a life together. However, after dating in secret for two years, we finally decided it was time to introduce each other to our families.
My parents were quite conservative, but they knew I would date around and were glad that I had chosen someone like Olga, whom they could relate to.
On the other hand, Olga's parents were initially harsh and aggressive towards me. However, their attitude changed after they met me.
Upon meeting me, Olga's parents immediately took a liking to me. However, they had one condition - they wanted us to get married.
This created a problem for us as Olga and I had already discussed our plans to pursue graduate school after completing our bachelor's degrees.
Although Olga and I both dreamed of having a family, we had agreed to postpone those plans until after we completed our graduate school.
However, after meeting her parents and some introspection, I decided to accelerate our timeline. My new plan was to propose to Olga in two years' time.
We came up with a plan to tie the knot during the five-month break after completing our bachelor's degrees.
We intended to take some time off to travel, enjoy our honeymoon, and then resume our studies as a married couple pursuing our career.
Meanwhile, I made a decision to lose all my excess weight and become the attractive groom that Olga deserved.
Although both of us were overweight, we never had any issues with our appearance, and we found each other attractive regardless of our size.
I was determined to improve myself and become the handsome man that Olga deserved to be with, regardless of her weight.
It didn't matter to me if she remained overweight for the rest of our lives, as my goal was to better myself and be the best partner, I could be for her, without causing any heartbreak.
Initially, Olga was supportive of my weight loss, and she appreciated the new me, with all the energy and confidence that came with it.
After a year of hard work, I managed to lose 40 kgs and reached my ideal body weight.
I started lifting weights and building muscle mass. Olga became increasingly insecure about her weight, but I would always reassure her that it didn't bother me.
However, we started having more disagreements. Olga was upset that I always cooked my own meals and wouldn't go out to eat with her as often, as I spent most of my time at the gym.
She even started to say that I was too attractive for her, which led to arguments between us.
I kept reassuring her that this wasn't the case, but things kept getting worse. With only one year left until graduation, I finally let Olga's father in on my plan.
I asked for his permission to marry Olga, with the condition that we would wait until after graduation to have the wedding, so that we could focus on graduate school without any distractions.
Her father agreed and was thrilled. But with only 8 months left until graduation, Olga started acting distant and strange.
I knew something was wrong, and at first, I thought it was just the stress of graduate school entrance exams and coursework.
Two weeks into her distant behavior, I opened up her laptop and found someone on her recent messages.
I saw a message from a guy named Sam on Olga's messenger that made me suspicious. Sam was a friend of Olga's who reminded me of an annoying, socially awkward and uncultured guy who was also overweight and had a bad temper.
He was in the same clubs as us such as board games, video games, and anime. When I read Olga's messages to Sam, she had been talking about our relationship for over a year.
Sam had even confessed his love for her a few times, but Olga turned him down, saying that it was a silly mistake. I was devastated to find out that Olga had been sharing our relationship details with Sam for the past year.
when I scrolled more and found that Olga cheated on me with Sam two weeks ago.
I was furious and heartbroken. Without wasting any time, I packed my clothes and printed out the messages between Olga and Sam as evidence.
I don't have a lot of stuff as most of it belonged to Olga. I moved into my friend's house and asked them to protect me from Olga.
I also informed my landlord that I would not renew the lease and sent a text message to Olga telling her that I knew about her infidelity and that we were over.
I quickly moved most of my belongings out of the apartment.
When Olga found out, she became very angry. She went to our mutual friend's house after realizing that my stuff was missing from our apartment.
Olga was crying uncontrollably and trying to reach out to me, but my friends had deleted all her messages. According to her, Sam was a silly mistake, and she never intended to hurt me.
She cheated because she thought that I was getting fit to find a better girlfriend and upgrade from her, which was totally untrue and made no sense.
She said ''Could we meet and talk to have another chance?" I want closure. I decided I was done with her and never wanted to talk to her again, and I've stuck to that.
Olga's dad started calling me aggressively the day after I broke up with her, demanding an explanation for breaking her heart. Her older brothers also called and made threats.
I sent a long email to Olga and my parents explaining what happened between us. I talked about how we had plans to get married, but she cheated on me.
I even included screenshots of her messages as proof.
I also apologized for any drama or shame that this may bring to our families, as family status is important in our culture.
I asked for space to focus on getting into graduate school. Within an hour of sending the email, Olga's dad called me and apologized for his daughter's mistake.
He said he would come and apologize in person, even offer me money to take Olga back. I accepted his apology, but I made it clear that I didn't want any further contact with her or her family. I wished them all the best.
A week later, Olga's family came down to our city, took Olga back to their country town, and pulled her out of her courses. As a result, she didn't graduate on time and couldn't apply for graduate school.
She came back a year later to finish her course, but unfortunately, she failed. After that, she lived at home and was unemployed for a year before taking a retail job.
She gained a lot of weight and now looks very different. Unfortunately, the news about her cheating spread among our community.
Olga's family faced rejection from our community after news of her cheating came out. Olga became depressed, and her family resented her for lowering their social status.
Meanwhile, I left to attend med school in a different state. I received tutoring requests from my other parents.
i tutor their children there i met with maria who was gorgeous and good with heart and she was pursuing her degree as well.
She possessed both inner and outer beauty, with a stunning smile that illuminated any room. However, what truly made her exceptional was her beautiful soul.
Her dedication to serving the community through volunteer work was not driven by a desire to boost her chances of getting into graduate school, but rather a genuine concern for others.
Having tutored her for a year, I came to realize that I had fallen deeply in love with her. When I finally mustered up the courage to ask her out, she confessed that she shared the same feelings for me as well.
However, due to her religious beliefs, she was only interested in pursuing an arranged marriage in accordance with their family law. Despite never having dated her, I knew in my heart that she was my perfect match.
I approached my parents and, after some negotiations, they were able to arrange our marriage with her parents.
It was agreed that we would be engaged for a period of two years, until we had both completed our respective academic programs.
Many years ago, i and Olga had created a romantic bucket list filled with activities we wished to experience together as a couple. When Maria stumbled upon the list, I explained our history to her.
She expressed interest in the list and suggested we work on completing the activities together, with a few modifications. Our goal was to finish the list before we married.
As we checked off each item on our romantic bucket list, Maria enthusiastically documented our experiences through photographs and scrapbooking.
Our list included activities such as hiking up a mountain, dancing, exploring cities, and traveling to cities like Rome and Paris.
a couple months before our scheduled wedding maria published our scrap book on Facebook.
Somehow Olga found access to the scrap book on Facebook. she sent a scathing message to maria saying she stole her idea.
maria messaged back a vicious message saying how terrible Olga is how bad it must be to lose someone like me and that the scrapbook was our idea together.
Prior to our wedding, the news of my marriage appeared to have triggered Olga, causing her to spiral out of control and engage in self-destructive behavior.
She was admitted to a mental health ward for three weeks, which caused a major stir within our community.
her parents tried to arrange marriage her with the boy named ash but ash found out about Olga's past and went crazy to stop the marriage at all cost.
This was many years ago, I have now been happily married to Maria for many years.