
The Chase and The Orphanage

Chou: Alright I'm entering the orphanage.

Knock knock. The door opens.

Sister Maria: Oh my! You're Chou right? One of the famous Eruditio Rangers?

Chou: Why yes and I have come to investigate about a certain person who has visited this orphanage a while ago.

Sister Maria: Why Anything for our City's great heroes! Would you like some coffee?

Chou: No thank you. Let's just get right into the interview.

While Chou was investigating the orphanage, Bruno was tailing Claude.

Bruno has been keeping watch of Claude until Claude walked into an alleyway and suddenly disappeared.

Claude: I know you've been tailing me Bruno.

Bruno turns around to see Claude in his hood looking menacingly at his eyes.

Bruno to himself: What? I could have sworn I was out of his vision the whole time unless I was following his mirror image...

Claude: I must admit you always do a great job of tailing me but your never good at chasing me, knowing that this is you're 7th attempt.

Bruno: We won't fail this time!

Claude: Is that so? Well then catch me if you can!

Claude runs swiftly into the busy streets and Bruno chases after him into the market place. Meanwhile, Chou is already interviewing Sister Maria about Claude.

Chou: What's your name Sister?

Sister Maria: My name is Sister Maria Agnes Dela Cruz.

Chou: Alright then Sister Maria, What do you know about Claude and how are you related to him?

Sister Maria: Well he used to be an orphan here you see. Back then he the orphanage was really rough. Barely anyone donated back then. However, ever since Claude grew up and got a job he's been constantly donating to our orphanage and many other orphanages.

Chou to himself: Hmmm She seems to have no idea on how Claude gets all his money...

Chou: Do you happen to know where he's going next?

Sister Maria: Well, he did say he was meeting his partner at the town square.

Chou: Thank you for your cooperation. (To team comms) He's heading for Town Square. Don't let him get away and watch out for his partner.

Bruno: Alright I'm in pursuit he's fast but I'm faster!

Lolita: Were stuck in traffic right now. I don't know if Johnson and I can make it there in time.

Chou: I know a shortcut there! I can cut him off if you can stall him Bruno!

Bruno: I'm on it!

Bruno and Claude swiftly navigate the busy streets of Eruditio. Claude was obstructing the path any way he can for Bruno, but this doesn't stop him since he has Metal legs.

Finally Claude trips over a small protruding brick on the road and Bruno was able to get close to him.

Bruno: I got you now!

Claude: Thats what you think. Mirror images activate!

Claude uses Dr Rooney's device to make a dozen mirror images of himself running in all directions.

Bruno: You won't get away this again! Ball Away!

Bruno does his famous volley kick that hit each mirror image with such power and precision. The ball rebounded each mirror image quickly shattering them before they get away.

Bruno: It's over now Claude. Give it up. Lolita is on her way here with Johnson.

Claude: Hysterical Laughter

Bruno: What's so funny?

Claude: Do you really think I would be stupid enough to trip on a brick? It was to stall time so my Mirror image would be close to town square and I would be able to exchange places with it. What's even funnier is that that ball you're using isn't even your ball. It's my mirror image of your ball. I stole it using a mirror image when you turned around to face me. I threw across the wall of the alley when you were distracted.

Bruno's ball shatters into pieces.

Claude: In any case you failed again. I'll be exchanging our places now.

Bruno: I won't let you!

Bruno slide tackles Claude however Claude switches just in time and Bruno shatters another mirror image.

Bruno: He got away!

Johnson and Lolita arrived without Bruno noticing since he was contemplating his failure again.

Lolita throws Bruno's ball straight at his head.

Lolita: Hey Ball Head! Get in the car! We can still chase him with Johnson as our ride.

Bruno: Alright Chou it's all up to you now!

Claude runs towards the last corner before the Town square.

Claude: Alright! Time to get ou-

Chou: Roundhouse Kick!

Chou kicks Claude hard enough to make him go flying and hit the wall.

Chou: It's over now Claude. I know your secret as well. You too are an orphan and you constantly visit the orphanage you came from. to support it. Am I right?

Claude: Wait... Don't tell me you guys stole the funds back from the orphanage! I'll give you the location for the rest of the money I have just don't steal it back from the orphanage.

Chou: Don't worry I won't do that. I too am an orphan who understands the pain and suffering you had to endure too.

Claude: I give the orphanage funds so the rest of the orphans don't have to go through what I went through in that orphanage. The orphanage used to serve only soup. Now they serve steak and pizza!

Chou: If this is the reason why you steal then I would understand however I will have to turn you ov-

Claude: Dexter NOW!

Dexter throws a stun grenade at Chou and he was knocked back against the wall while Claude limps his way over to the escape motorcycle. Claude and Dexter make their escape until Johnson and the others catch up.

Claude: Man are these guys persistent. Dexter shoot their wheels!

Johnson: Ahhhh! That hurts you know! That's it! It's time to go at lightning speed ⚡

Johnsons speeds up tremendously and knocks Claude's motorcycle out of balance leading them to crash into the side rail.

Bruno: I told you I'd get you this time!

Claude: I'm... I'm just... I'm just getting started! Come on Dexter barrage attack!

Lolita raises her shield to cover Bruno and Johnson.

Lolita: Ahhhh there so many bullets I can't see what's happening.

Eventually the shooting stops and it seems that the ones who launched the barrage attack were only mirror images.

Claude once again barely escapes for the 7th time.

Bruno: Target escaped Chou... Mission failed. Again.

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