
Chasing after my destiny

'Chasing after my destiny' is a fantasy story about a boy whose parents had all the powers one could possibly ask for, but never got the chance to enjoy even the tiniest bit of it. He takes advantage of the major enemy the world is facing, to get his own 'power'.

Golden_Joseph_7861 · Fantasía
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48 Chs

Who cares! End this war.

Mark got to the castle's safehouse and went to meet the Visgardians at where they gathered with the rest of the villagers. He asked to see Avon and the two left to another corner.

"Mr Avon, we are in a tight spot. Jade said he wants to become the next president of Visgard if he succeeds in taking care of the groggs. The kings are closed to death and there's no other choice. We don't know what his plan is but it's better than nothing. What do you say?" Mark asked.

"Arrgg, you really talk too much. Who cares about him being the next president, it's not like we have an effective one." Avon replied. " Why would he even think of such at a time like this?"

"The thing is Jade is really pissed off right now and is not in the right state of mind. Just come with me." Mark said and dragged Avon by his wrist.


"What do you plan on doing Jade, I mean if they accept." Dr Bryan asked.

"Give me a minute." Jade said and went back to the room he previously was. He brought out a tube containing green liquid identical to the one Musc took before he started using abilities.

He came out of the room and stared at all of them before he started to talk.

"Can we wait for Mark to come? I don't want him...." Jade paused as the door opened, Mark rushed in with Avon. " Nice timing. This green liquid in my hand was what the giant grogg I fought took before he started using abilities.

I managed to get my hands on this when I held him from behind. He was having two set just like their scientist.

I believe this is what we are looking for."

Jade opened the tube and poured the liquid into his mouth and all of them were staring at him for a reaction.

"Jade? Did it work?" Mark asked immediately.

"I'm not feeling any different so let just...."


"There's no time they are here!" The king shouted.

"That was fast." Dr Bryan commented.

"Who cares." King Slaran shouted. They quickly rushed out of the lab leaving king Herman there.

Coming out they saw the trees flaming up, changing the background of the village. Houses which were still under construction were burning up like hell.

The groggs were standing at the village entrance while the soldiers were all tied up to a chain being held by Musc.

"It over, we won. We have your villagers and you are out numbered." The king shouted for them to hear.

"Can someone tell me why that guy in white is still alive? I definitely killed him." King Slaran said, pointing at Byag. The others just shrugged.

"Your majesty...."

"No need to talk me out of this Mrs Lillian,. It's not like I have much time to live so it's best I die protecting the village." The king said.

*On the other side.*

"Byag, show them your real strength and don't disappoint me this time." The groggs king said.

"Just leave it to me my lord. I'll surely take them out this time." Byag replied.

"Take it easy on them." Musc said with a 'thumbs up'.

"Sure." Byag replied. He removed two ability drugs, took the drugs and ran towards them.

Midway, Byag felt a heavy wind passed by him. He halted and turned back to see what passed him but there was nothing.

"Hey, I think I got more hostages here." Jade said. He was having his sharpened and hardened hand on the groggs king neck. "Take a step and he's dead."

The seven behind stood there and was watching in amazement as Jade sped out, one minute he was with them, the next he was at the other side.

"You know, I feel like you guys are playing God to us humans whereas you're just a normal being from another planet." Jade said, walking to the front of the groggs' king. His eyes were glowing like crimson. "Now, let's see you display those powers over me."

"You've got nerves." King vigord said. "You had your ch...."

"Your what?" Jade asked, holding on to the grogg's king mouth. "I guess I have a second chance."

'How fast is this human!' The groggs king thought, groaning in pain.

"Your majesty!" Byag shouted, stretching one hand to the king.

"Time to end this war." Jade whispered as he burned the king down to a crisp.

"Nooooo!" Byag shouted.

"Now it's your turn." Jade said with a smile. He was already standing beside Byag. "I believe you have a regenerative body, I guess it's expected of a genius scientist but what if you were killed just the same way as your king, would that still be possible."

"Please, spare us. We'll leave earth immediately, we were only following the king's orders." Byag said in a shaky tone.

"The king orders you say, but I learnt the king was in pretty bad shape since you came to earth. How come you never talk him out of these bull sh*t plan?" Jade asked.

"I...." Byag said before he got burnt into thin air.

"Sorry but there's no excuse for the lives you've taken." Jade said, walking up to where Musc and the rest of the groggs were. " As for you, are you going to still hold them as hostages or give them up for treatment."

"Stay there, don't come any closer or I'll burn them up." Musc shouted as he searched the small purse on his waist.

"Looking for this?" Jade asked, raising a red tube for Musc to see then he smashed it to bits. "Come on, just give up. Is that too hard to do?"

"Damn it! Just kill me, I'd rather die than give up."

"If that's so then...." Jade said as he sprinted towards Musc. "Your wish is granted."

Jade did to Musc just as he did to Byag. And it was remaining the few groggs who were all shivering like hell.

"Anyone still wishing to die?" Jade asked and they all shook their heads.

"Look at him acting all high and mighty, Hmn" king Slaran said.

"That's because he's now. He's now a guardian...." Mark said, as he walked up to where Jade was.

"Did he just say a 'guardian' as in the ones in my revelation?!" King Rizzo exclaimed.

"Really!" King Slaran exclaimed too.

"You have no idea." Rhen said as she also walked out of the group.

As the rest of them were about to make a move, they heard foot steps from behind.

"Did I miss much?" King Herman asked.

"Not really." Joe answered.

"Yeah, not really but the war is over." Dr Bryan also commented.

"Over! As in over over! No more groggs attacks?!"

"That's right!" Joe said enthusiastically.

"(Exhaling heavily) Thank God."

"I think we also have him to thank." Mrs Lillian stated, gesturing towards Jade.

"Sure we do." Joe said as they all went to where Jade was.

Jade untied the chains used on the soldiers, They were about forty or so. When he got to his squad, he stared at them for a moment.

"What about Kell?" Jade asked, gulping. They all moved there gaze downwards.

Seeing their reaction tears bursted out of Jade eyes as he fell to his knees.

"No no no no! how can you let her die like that?" Jade cried out.

Mark came and placed his hand on Jade's shoulder. "Jade, crying won't solve anything. Let's clean up the mess and mourn her properly besides we need to retrieve their bodies."

The groggs were all watching the drama going on in front of them until Jade raised his gaze towards them, sending a shiver through their spines.

"It's their fault, I'll kill every single one of them...." Jade said with rage as his eyes glowed.

