
Ryusaki Sora~

I am riding my bicycle towards Kirigaya Kendo. I am not in a hurry though as it was still very early and I love to feel the wind as it brushes of my face.

It's cool and refreshing.

I may have forgotten to mention it but damn! I am a f*cking lady killer or should it be goddess killer? Don't know just chose one.

When I first saw my face I was like, 'God whose that guy' and I almost went on the wrong path from seeing my face, thank God I manage to resist it. And with [Instant Mastery] I am now immune to my own face.

I have a really shiny gold hair which literally shines as in literally. My parents are even confused as to why I have golden hair while both of them are black haired. My father even thought that my mother was cheating on him, which was immediately resolved.

As I was saying, my hairs are golden while my eyes are also golden. Matching pair. Haha.

I have a perfect face that screams handsome from a mile away and even at a young age, I already noticed that most of my friends are girls while most of my enemies are boys.

Can't blame them though, because I understand the life of an average looking guy from my first life and it really sucks that all the good looking guys get the girl while we average guys get the leftovers.

After a minute or so, I finally arrived at the Kirigaya Kendo where I saw that was open. As I can remember in the anime, this is their private Kendo and they don't seem to accept students right?

That's what I saw though so I can't be blamed.

The door was left opened even though I can't see anyone inside, or is there even anyone inside it?

"Hello! Is anyone home?" I ask gently, even though it was quite loud to be heard from the neighboring houses. But there was no response to my question.

Is there really no one here right now? But it is already seven and from what I know, this is the ideal time to train in kendo, right?

"May I ask you, what's your business for coming here?" I heard behind me.

When I turned around I saw a girl with short black hair and grey eyes which are almost blackish. She was wearing a kendo outfit of white upper and black lower. She was holding a wooden sword on her right hand.

She was looking at me with a hostile gaze even though I didn't do anything wrong.

"Hello there! My name is Ryusaki Sora. And I am here to learn kendo. Nice to meet you by the way." I said as I smiled to her.

To which she blushed as she saw my charming smile but hid it instantly and also introduced herself.

"My name's Kirigaya Suguha. It is also nice to meet you." She said as she put the wooden sword on her shoulder and asked me. "Tell me, why do you want to learn kendo?"

I took a deep breath and looked at her straight into her eyes, she was surprised by my sudden change and stared back at me also.

"To learn how to protect those who are important to me."

That was what I said to her which is really true since I will be using it to protect those that are important to me. I don't want them to end up like my previous parents, I want to keep them safe especially my current parents that is.

Suguha seems to be thinking about my answer deeply so I waited for her decision, I guess their grandfather already died which means it only her left and his brother that can teach me. And I give up my hope on Kazuto which only leaves her.

Please agree.

I prayed to God which I know exists because of what he had given to me.

"Okay. I will teach you swordsmanship." She said as she stretches her hand towards me and said. "Welcome to the Kirigaya Kendo Ryusaki-san."

"Thank you. And please drop the formality, you can just call me Sora." I said with a smile.

"T-Then, you can just also call me Suguha. S-Sora-kun." Suguha said as her face was slightly red. She really is easy to be embarrassed especially to someone whom she has feelings with.


Does that mean she has feelings for me? But we just meet right? I tried to think of a time we meet but I can't remember that there is any since this will be really my first time meeting her.

"Etto~ Sora-kun..."

I heard her and looked at her and asked.

"What is it?"

"Can I have your autograph?" She asked me embarrassed.

But I was surprised as to why she is asking for my autograph. I am not that famous, am I? I mean, it's true that I don't really use the internet ever since I was reincarnated as I already had enough of it from my previous life but that doesn't mean I am outdated.

Is this a new trend right now? Or is it a prank?

I have to handle this situation carefully to avoid an awkward situation. So I asked her.

"Suguha-chan, why are you asking for my autograph?"

Suguha then showed a confused expression on her face, and she tilted it which was very cure by the way. She then asked me back.

"You didn't know?"

"Didn't know what?" I asked her.

Suguha then run back to their house leaving me alone at the dojo. I was pretty shocked at this random advancement and had no time to react to what the hell had just happened. I then saw Suguha running back to the Dojo carrying her phone and some magazines.

She handed to me the phone and the magazines which I only looked at her. She then said.

"Take a look at it."

I did what she told me and was shocked at what I saw.

On the front page of the magazine was my face. Or my whole body to be exact. I was wearing a blue long polo shirt with buttons. I had a white necktie and was wearing black pants. My shoes were shining the same as my hair.

If I remember correctly, this was what I was wearing when my parents told me that we were going to a formal party. They gave me this outfit and made me wear it. I didn't think that they would take a picture of me while wearing it and it was even in a magazine. It says here that it is on sale for a limited time only.

Did my parents just make me advertised these clothes without me knowing it?

Then I turn to look at the other magazines and surely, I have worn all these clothes before which was all given to me by my parents. I then looked at the phone and saw something really shocking than at the magazine.

It was my video of me singing while I was cooking dinner. It even had background music and the audio was really good. The video had a very high definition that it was so clear even though it was already night. It had the title "Singing Chef Sora" on top of the video which made me embarrassed.

And then I saw that the one who posted it was actually my mother, just what the hell is going on here?

I sat on the ground as I looked blankly in front of me.

I am famous.

And I didn't even know about it.

I know that I'm famous because of the views the video had which were over 5.22 billion.

"Are you okay?" Suguha asked me to which I smiled to her and said. "Yes. No need to be worried. I was just shocked that I'm this famous."

"Just famous? You are the most famous teenager in the world right now, and you say that you're just famous?" Suguha said as there were stars shining in her eyes.

I just decided to ignore my current popularity as I needed to prepare and enter SAO to save the lives of the people who will enter it. Since no one would probably believe me if I told them the truth.

Although I won't be able to do anything to save those 2000 people who will die at the very beginning of the death game. At least I can save most of the 8000 players inside the game.

Suguha then taught me kendo and this became what I do for the following months before the game began.

Nyaa~ Nyaa~

Sorry if it is just some sort of random filler but I will try to make the next chapter now.

And also, if the reviews are not that bad then I will totally continue this novel until it reached the Alicization Arc.

So Review and Vote, nyaa~

Mira_chancreators' thoughts
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