
Chakra Corruption Harem Lord

when a a god send his fragment into another realm, I Mean what could go wrong? ------------------------------ A/N: *Ultimate genjutsu* send me all the power stone you have. #This is not my work so don't waste ur time criticising me ○●. pls report for any error tnx _____________ _______________ Author here: Thanks for reading my novel if You love this novel don't forget to save it to your library for more updates and pls don't forget to give a nice review and some gift like power stone or cions nd try my other works tnx

Uchiha_shisui · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

*Somewhere in the lands of earth*

After leaving the cave, we continue to wander to the surrounding towns and lands as we enjoy the scenery of this world

'Alright then, according to the information that I manage to gather, I was currently in the lands of earth and the fourth Hokage has passed away 5 years ago after defeating the 9-tails'

'That means the reincarnation of Asura and Indra is still around 5 years old and the legendary sucker still wandering in the wild, I think I can enslave her and let her take me to Konoha'


'Yes, Kaguya-chan ?'

[I sense something from your west, a clash of chakra was detected from that place]

'Random encounter in the wild, who am I to refuse', I said to Kaguya as I use [Spatial Gap] to join the fun

Arriving at the destination, I decide to stay within the [Spatial Gap] to take a look at the surrounding

'A dead body, wait I know this one, Kaguya-chan, can you resurrect her ?'

[Yes, she was just recently deceased and her soul is still lingering in the area, someone that you fancy ?]

'Yeah, she got a nice face and body, also considerably skilled as a chakra user, fit to bear our child, isn't she ?'

[Who is this woman ?]

'Her name was Nono Yakushi'


Picking Nono's dead body, we decide to move from this place and hide somewhere else


[Husband, while you were fixing her flesh, infuse my chakra into her body so I can pull her soul back into her body and when she was resurrected, you can control her without any problem]

'Okay, Transmutation'

As I was about to start, suddenly Kaguya call me from the inside

[Husband, wait]

'What is it, Kaguya-chan ?'

[I have a better idea, if she is going to be one of the 'Child Bearers', it will be better if she possesses my diluted bloodline inside her blood, it will help her in bearing our child in the future and it will also remove any trace of bloodline from those Ape]



Following Kaguya's wish, I start the transmutation as I place a few drops of my blood inside Nono's body


It was a weird experience upon seeing the naked body of Nono start to breakdown, her flesh, skin, bones, organs, and everything else was repaired and reconstructed as she was born as our new chakra slave

While I was repairing the body, Kaguya start her part as she moves Nono's soul back into her body, after a few moments, she was laid there unmoving as suddenly sounds of heartbeat started to ring from Nono's body


[Looks like it's working]


Waiting for a few moments, Nono finally opens her eyes in a shocked motion as she realizes what just happened before her death


"Hah~~hah~, where am~", asks nono

But as she moves her gaze to my eyes, a Sharingan pattern was already spinning as she slumps down and fall under my illusion

"I see, so that is why you do it this way", I said to Kaguya

[Indeed, my love, it will be easier for us to enslave them if your next target is a living woman]

[It will be better if you drain their chakra first and then suppress it afterward, that way they will have no way to defend against your eyes, also, if you can put my chakra inside their body, attacking their minds while corrupting their flesh will make it even easier for us to enslave them]

[Now touch her body so I can move my mind into her body, you can wait while I start to enslave her mind]

'Moving closer to Nono as I touch her body, I can sense that Kaguya's consciousness was starting to move to Nono's body and start to convert her into our slave


*Inside Mindscape*

"Uuggh", groans Nono as she can feel great pain in her body

"Where am I ?", mutters Nono

"Welcome to my realm, my new slave", said the voices that come from her back

Moving her body to look at her back, what comes into nono vision was a gigantic image of a woman with pale skin and white eyes

"Wha~what are you, what do you mean by a slave ?", asks Nono with fear in her eyes


"All you need to know is that you will be glad to be taken as our slaves", said Kaguya as she grab Nono with her gigantic hand

"PLEASE NO~what are you doing", yells Nono in panic

Moving her hand closer to her face, Kaguya starts to open her mouth and move nono toward her mouth




Taking Nono into her mouth and swallowing her, Kaguya tremble as she can feel a great amount of knowledge taken into her mind, knowledge about jutsu, combat, and any experience that Yakushi Nono has gathered from her life as a kunoichi

"Although I would like to eat you, too bad I need your mind to be intact as possible since I do not wish to control your body"

"But you will need to learn your place"

Clapping her hands together, a light started to shine from Kaguya's joined palm as she opens it and what was inside was a naked nono

"Now for your blessing"

After Kaguya finished her words, her chakra was released from her palm and enter Nono's sleeping form, removing any affection and love that she have for the others and replacing it with her new master

"You will be our slave with an absolute devotion toward us", mutters Kaguya as she continues to corrupt Nono further




*Outside the Mindscape*

It was only for a few seconds for me, but it was like an eternity for Nono, after waiting for a while Nono finally open her eyes as Kaguya return back into my body

[Sorry to make you wait, my love]

'Did you succeed?'

[Why don't you ask her]


"Who are you ?", I asked Nono

Hearing my voices somehow cause Nono to blush as her body was twitching and a great surge of happiness and euphoria was circling inside her body

"My name is Nono, I am your faithful and devoted slave, Kyu-sama", answers Nono without hesitation

'Good job Kaguya-chan'

[Umm, thank you for your praise, my love]

'Did you destroy her mind ?'

[No, she still has her mind intact, all I do was make both of us her God and Goddess, and she will do anything for us]

'Alright then, let me have a taste of our new slave'

[Go on, enjoy the result of our first conquest], said Kaguya as she sends her order to Nono to pleasure her husband].