
A way out?

~Finding a way out will be difficult. But since there was a way inside there should be one to the outside also.~

~Since each reaction also has an equal and opposite reaction..~ He forcefully separated one of his strands with one of his newly acquired tendrils and played with it for a while in order to get a proper feeling for it.

~Then this might just work.~

With all of his mind he pulled on his tendril and made it move forward in a whip like motion. Just at the point where he would exert the full extend of his powers, he let go and accelerated. For once since he had entered this place, he felt a short pressure that did not originate from himself. He was moving. And quite fast at that. Since he had basically been training his mind from the moment he arrived here, he had naturally grown a lot since then. So his 100% pull concentrated on one object was not to be underestimated especially now, enhanced by his new form.

It was so severe actually, that the tendril used to throw actually shattered into fragments that shattered into dust the moment he stopped holding them together, Dyeing the void in a bright golden color as seen from his soul vision resembling the starry sky on a moonless and clear night.

~How beautiful.~

Seconds after however the stars dimmed and disappeared into the void. Whether he had moved too far away from them or the dust had simply been eaten up by the emptiness, he did not know.

~This body of mine is truly a masterpiece my pull has increased exponentially. Something like this would never have been possible had I not improved my mind to this extend.~

He now was moving through the empty space at an incredible speed.

~Since I have no idea where exactly I am anyway the direction I chose does not matter. So lets just pray for something to happen.~ He thought hoping to come across anything that may prove to be of significance ether for escape or for study.

~Not needing to focus for a while and just relaxing is truly the best thing there is. And this moving around how I want to really is a change of pace (pun intended) from all that drifting.~

His inner sphere constantly growing denser from the memories he continued to make, he flew and flew and flew until suddenly his speed slowed slightly and he felt a resistance.

~Oh what is this I feel? It is like there is something that wants to push me away from it. Interesting this is the first time the void is pushing instead of pulling. Maybe this will be my ticket to finally leave.~ He thought excitedly.

~In fact this reminds me of when I came here after my death. No this seems even stronger than back then. So maybe this is another entrance to this hellhole.~

He was sure. This had to be the way out.

Feeling the resistance growing even stronger than it had before, he pulled out another memory of gazing into the void, one among countless, and once again threw it. This time he used less of his power, and his limbs held out without a problem. Having aimed into the exact direction necessary to close the gap between him and the pushing force, which he had quickly calculated beforehand.

The force growing ever stronger the nearer he got could not stop him however.

~Lets see where this will lead me to. Anywhere is better than here really.~

Throwing another string, he made contact with the origin of the pushing force.

He felt space warp around him. The force grew stronger yet relentlessly trying to expel him back into the void.

~You think you can beat me? Pah. Well you haven't seen nothing yet.~

As if reciprocating his taunt the force grew stronger.

Instantly he pulled out another useless string and threw it like he had the first time with all his mind behind it. His tentacle and the string shattered instantly. This however did not bother him in the slightest since with his other arms he could just repair his lost parts later after he was done here.

Time slowed, down speed up, passed, and rewound. Space folded, bent and tried to squish him. Yet he held against. Time could not age him. Space not bend him. All of this came from his baptism through the void. Those forces being nothing when compared to the voids high phases before his transformation. His Will held. Beside him he saw other souls, that where moving towards him. >Or rather their strings that were already being dragged away by the force into the void, where they, could they not hold out like he did, would be de solved like in the stomach of a beast . He heard their wailing, their cry's echo through the place he was in, saying or rather wailing things he could not quite make out,likely because of the tunnels distortion. He wanted to help them, yet could not Wanted to spare them of the fate he had only narrowly escaped, yet it was useless.

With both sides moving at fast speeds, whenever he had reached out to one of them, the soul and he would collide and the other soul being obviously weaker, would shatter into dust instantly.

He wondered if any of them would survive like he had, or if they would succumb to the void or their own emotions telling them to give up.

He doubted it. Even if they could figure out how to hold themselves together, discover the soul perception or where lucky enough to not be ripped to pieces by the force of the exit or entrance, the void would probably overcome them someday like it had him, had he not figured out the SST in time, which ll by itself already was even more impossible to achieve than surviving the arrival in the void itself.

One could say, that had it been anyone but himself who had been in his shoes, they would certainly not have made it.

And then he saw it. An exit,where countless souls where coming in from. Most of them torn to pieces even before entering, with only their fragments or strings going into the funnel.

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