

[ MARVEL SERIES] warning R rated scenes in content Settings : EROTIC R0m-nCE/ ADVENTURE/ HISTORY/ ANGELIC MYTHS/ HERO/ HUMOR Tags : Angels , love , arrogant , billionaire , Age gap , Weird Love, Friendship, funny, sad. BOOK ONE OF THE PARADOX SERIES ~The plot. The story is about a boy named Joshua Sabastine Kel and a Arc Angel named Uriel El eloyn. And he's brother Michael el eloyn the chief arch angel of heaven. Joshua, an 18 year old Nigerian boy, who's parents were killed when he was just a baby and left with the care of his butler, now a young man who aspires to be a hero. His world goes into the unbelievable as he now finds himself in trouble with the Supernaturals. And Uriel on a self atonement journey now an anti hero on the earth in a place in San Francisco America, finds himself entangled with Joshua and Michael as they go through an exciting adventure of war friendship and trust together. What to expect..... Plot twists Witches Myths Deaths Gods Monsters Celebs you may know A happy or a sad ending Season 1 contains 3 parts, and a part contains 10 episodes each. Part 1 consists of Uriel's back story and fall, he's new found identity, and Joshua and Michaels encounter and the start of their exploits. Enjoy

Joshua_Kel · Ciudad
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10 Chs

The Trios

Delta state, warri, Stine estate Joshua's POV

As the video call with Peter begins, the weight of the impending crisis hangs heavily in the air. Diana, Ben, Clinton, Judith, and I gather around the table, our faces illuminated by the screens, each bearing the burden of the looming conflict.

Peter's words echo with a sense of urgency as he outlines the escalating tensions between Russia and the U.S.A over Palestine and Israel. My mind races with the implications of such a conflict, the potential devastation it could unleash on the world. The other part of this drive is out there Americans will go to no length to win a war infact both countries would. In a world now where there's superd powers peeps everywhere even Dem so called heroes are gonna choose sides.

Clinton's urgent plea to hand over the drive interrupts our discussion, his voice tinged with desperation. But a sense of unease settles within me, a gut feeling that it's not the right time to relinquish control of the drive.

"I understand your concerns, Clinton," I say, my tone firm yet resolute. "But for now, the drive stays with us. There are too many unknown variables at play, and we can't afford to risk it falling into the wrong hands. Having the that machine with a badass fallen Angel running around during this is not something we want. I'm into this cause I wanna bring justice to my father's killer not get involve in a global war with fallen Angels."

Diana and Judith exchange worried glances, but I stand firm in my decision, trusting my instincts to guide us through this uncertain time.

As the meeting progresses, we delve deeper into potential strategies to mitigate the crisis, each of us offering insights and ideas in the hopes of finding a solution. Despite the tension in the air, there's a sense of unity among us, a shared determination to navigate through the storm together.

Though Clinton's request lingers in the back of my mind, I can't shake the feeling that holding onto the drive is the right decision, at least for now. Only time will tell if my instincts prove to be our salvation or our downfall.

As we delve deeper into our discussion, the urgency of the situation intensifies with each passing moment. Diana, Clinton, Judith, and I exchange ideas, grappling with the complexities of the impending conflict.

Suddenly, a notification flashes on my screen, indicating an incoming transmission. I excuse myself momentarily from the discussion, my curiosity piqued by the unexpected interruption.

As I open the transmission, the face of the president fills the screen, his expression grave yet determined. His words cut through the tension in the room, his request for my immediate presence at a meeting in Aso Rock sending a shiver down my spine.

"The situation in Palestine and Israel has escalated further," the president begins, his voice tinged with urgency. "I need your expertise at a meeting concerning the growing conflict between Christians and Muslims. Your insights could prove invaluable in navigating through this delicate situation."

Amidst the urgency of the situation, there's a glimmer of unexpected sincerity in his tone as he addresses the past misunderstandings between us.

"I apologize for any past misunderstandings, Joshua," the president continues, his words carrying a genuine sincerity. "But now, more than ever, we need to put our differences aside and work together to prevent this conflict from spiraling out of control. And what better person to turn to than a superhero of your caliber and the richest man in the world at that."

A sense of resolve washes over me as I nod in acknowledgment of his words, a newfound determination fueling my commitment to finding a solution to the crisis at hand.

With a sense of purpose, I return to the discussion with Diana, Clinton, Judith, and Peter, my mind buzzing with the weight of the president's request and the looming specter of war.

Omniscient POV

As the urgent discussion regarding the escalating conflict unfolds, the atmosphere crackles with tension and uncertainty. Each member of the group grapples with the weight of the impending crisis, their minds consumed by the gravity of the situation.

Suddenly, amidst the fervent exchange of ideas, a blaring emergency alert pierces through the room, shattering the fragile semblance of calm. The message delivers grim news: one of the KEL factories is under attack by an unknown monster.

Without hesitation, Diana springs into action, her training kicking in as she swiftly mounts the communications room to coordinate a response. Clinton, ever the steadfast ally, suggests staying by Diana's side to offer support and assistance in any way possible.

Meanwhile, Joshua, fueled by a sense of duty and determination, makes a swift decision. With resolve etched into his features, he announces his intention to confront the monster head-on, his supercar standing ready to carry him into the heart of the danger.

In the midst of the chaos, Judith's concern for Joshua's safety shines through, her eyes betraying the worry that gnaws at her heart.

In a rare display of vulnerability, Joshua takes a moment to reassure Judith, his voice soft yet resolute. He acknowledges the dangers that lie ahead but assures her that he will do everything in his power to ensure his own safety.

With a gentle squeeze of her hand and a heartfelt expression of gratitude, Joshua bids Judith farewell, his determination unwavering as he prepares to face the unknown threat that lurks outside the safety of the compound.

As Joshua revs the engine of his supercar, a sense of foreboding hangs heavy in the air, each member of the group acutely aware of the dangers that await them. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there's a flicker of hope, a belief that together, they can confront whatever challenges come their way and emerge victorious on the other side.

. Joshua's pov. Kels aluminum and rizz roofing department.

As I arrive at the scene, the sight that greets me is nothing short of horrifying. The monstrous creature, with its four grotesque hands, lays waste to everything in its path, leaving behind a trail of carnage and destruction. The air is thick with the stench of blood and fear, my heart pounding in my chest as I confront the enormity of the threat before me. This is nothing like the criminals I fight.

For a fleeting moment, fear grips me, threatening to paralyze my every move. But then, as if from the depths of my soul, a surge of unknown courage surges through me, banishing the tendrils of terror that threaten to engulf me.

With determination etched into every fiber of my being, I face the monster head-on, my shield raised as a feeble barrier against the onslaught of its relentless assault. My gun feels woefully inadequate in the face of such a formidable foe, but I cling to it as my only lifeline in this desperate battle for survival.

Diana's voice crackles through the comms, her words a lifeline in the chaos that surrounds me. With her guidance and support, I steel myself for the fight ahead, drawing upon every ounce of skill and training honed through years of preparation.

As the monster advances, its malevolent gaze fixed upon me, I take a deep breath, steadying my trembling hands and focusing my mind with unwavering resolve. With each shot fired, each blow deflected by my shield, I inch closer to victory, driven by a primal instinct to protect those who depend on me.

In the midst of the chaos, amidst the deafening roar of gunfire and the agonized screams of the fallen, I find a sense of clarity unlike any I've ever known. Here, in this moment of reckoning, I am more than just a man fighting a monster or a man solving the case of his father—I am a guardian, a protector, a beacon of hope in the face of unimaginable darkness.

As the battle rages on, it becomes increasingly clear that I am no match for the monstrous creature before me. Despite my best efforts, each blow I land seems to barely faze the beast, its four arms wielding unfathomable strength against me.

As the battle rages on, it becomes increasingly clear that I am no match for the monstrous creature before me. Despite my best efforts, each blow I land seems to barely faze the beast, its four arms wielding unfathomable strength against me.

Just when it seems as though all hope is lost, a sudden burst of blinding light fills the air, illuminating the darkness with an otherworldly brilliance. Before my disbelieving eyes, two figures materialize on the battlefield, their presence commanding and radiant.

A man looking like an Angel, and his companion, A woman so beautiful she would make even the most noble of men go nuts, standing before me, their forms exuding a sense of power and purpose that defies description. With a single glance, I can sense the magnitude of their strength, their very presence instilling a sense of awe and reverence within me.

Without hesitation, they both launch themselves into the fray, their movements fluid and precise as they engage the monster in a battle unlike any I've ever witnessed. With each strike of their celestial weapons, they chip away at the creature's defenses, their combined might proving to be more than a match for the formidable foe.

As the dust settles and the echoes of battle fade into the distance, I stand in awe of the spectacle unfolding before me. Both of them, with their unwavering courage and unmatched skill, emerge victorious, the monstrous creature lying defeated at their feet.

Struggling to rise from the battlefield, my limbs heavy with exhaustion, I approached both of them with a mixture of awe and disbelief. The man's mischievous grin contrasts with the gravity of the situation, his introduction tinged with an unexpected playfulness.

"Uriel," he says, his voice carrying a hint of mischief, "at your service. And this is my fiery companion, Jezebel."

" Jeze what now?"

I can hardly believe my ears as Uriel introduces himself and his formidable companion. The idea of standing in the presence of an angel feels surreal, like something out of a fantastical tale. Not to talk of him aligning with a with and the witch calls herself Jezebel. But the undeniable truth of their existence is written in the scars of battle and the lingering echoes of their divine power.

Though I struggle to comprehend the magnitude of their presence, well o don't care whatever it is they seem fit to call themselves, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for their intervention. With a voice laden with emotion, I offer my thanks to Uriel and Jezebel, acknowledging the pivotal role they played in securing victory against the monstrous foe.

"Thank you," I say, my words tinged with reverence. "Your help has been invaluable. I cannot express my gratitude enough."

"Alright that's enough". Uriel said interrupting me from my sense of gratitude.

" What? " I asked in confusion.

" I'm looking for something your father had a connection with. or should I say your father created. That's what brought me here not this fuckin shit head" he said seeing the sense of confusion in my eye. But I was still lost.

"The drive, a drive, any hard drive in all of the things you inherited there's no little drive..... Huh"

"This custume is his, everything you have now is his your super hero life is from him so there's no way you can tell me you don't know about the drive. so where is this drive". He added..

At that moment a flick of consciousness dawned on me.... I haven't heard from Diana nor Judith from the coms back at base, and now these two comes up from nowhere talking about my father asking for the drive. Oh fuck it..

Immediately, I headed for my car, leaving them standing there as I zoomed away like I was the god of speed towards my estate.

As I approached, dread began to gnaw at me. My worst fears were confirmed when I arrived to find it destroyed—utterly decimated. The once grand structure lay in ruins; smoke billowed from shattered windows and debris littered the grounds.

My heart sank as I saw Diana, badly impaled with a rod through her side. Blood pooled around her as she clung to life by a thread. Nearby, Judith lay unconscious amidst the wreckage, her body limp and motionless.

Clinton was nowhere to be seen—gone without a trace—and so was the drive that Uriel had spoken about so urgently.

I fell to my knees amidst the devastation and chaos, feeling overwhelmed by sorrow and anger. How had things escalated so quickly? And what would I do next?

As I knelt amidst the devastation and chaos, overwhelmed by sorrow and anger, a sudden burst of light pierced through the darkness, drawing my attention. Before my tear-filled eyes, Uriel and Jezebel materialized on the scene, their expressions mirroring my own shock and disbelief at the devastation before us.

For a moment, we sat in stunned silence, the weight of the situation pressing down on us like a suffocating blanket. But then, with a sense of purpose, Uriel sprang into action, his movements swift and decisive.

Approaching Diana's wounded form, Uriel's hands glowed with a divine light as he carefully removed the twisted rod from her body, his healing touch closing the gaping wound with miraculous speed. With a soft exhale, Diana's eyes fluttered but she still remained unconscious.

Turning his attention to Judith and Ben, Uriel's healing powers worked their magic once more, their wounds closing as if by magic. Though still unconscious, their breathing steady and their faces relaxed, a sign of the healing process taking place within them.

"We need to get them to the hospital," Uriel declared, his voice carrying an air of authority. "They need medical attention beyond what I can provide."

As the gravity of the situation began to sink in, Uriel turned to me, his gaze steady and unwavering.

"Joshua," he said, his voice gentle yet firm. "We need to talk. There are matters of great importance that we must discuss."

Confusion and grief still clouded my mind, but amidst the chaos and devastation, I knew that Uriel's words carried weight. With a solemn nod, I rose to my feet, ready to face whatever revelations lay ahead. Where the fuck do I go from here.

To be continued.....

Next.... 10. "The sins of the father".