

[ MARVEL SERIES] warning R rated scenes in content Settings : EROTIC R0m-nCE/ ADVENTURE/ HISTORY/ ANGELIC MYTHS/ HERO/ HUMOR Tags : Angels , love , arrogant , billionaire , Age gap , Weird Love, Friendship, funny, sad. BOOK ONE OF THE PARADOX SERIES ~The plot. The story is about a boy named Joshua Sabastine Kel and a Arc Angel named Uriel El eloyn. And he's brother Michael el eloyn the chief arch angel of heaven. Joshua, an 18 year old Nigerian boy, who's parents were killed when he was just a baby and left with the care of his butler, now a young man who aspires to be a hero. His world goes into the unbelievable as he now finds himself in trouble with the Supernaturals. And Uriel on a self atonement journey now an anti hero on the earth in a place in San Francisco America, finds himself entangled with Joshua and Michael as they go through an exciting adventure of war friendship and trust together. What to expect..... Plot twists Witches Myths Deaths Gods Monsters Celebs you may know A happy or a sad ending Season 1 contains 3 parts, and a part contains 10 episodes each. Part 1 consists of Uriel's back story and fall, he's new found identity, and Joshua and Michaels encounter and the start of their exploits. Enjoy

Joshua_Kel · Ciudad
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10 Chs


3 years later omniscient POV

« **Breaking News: Ongoing Crime Scene Grips City as Citizens Await Arrival of Hero "The Man in Green"**

*Rise FM, warri, Delta state, May 24, 2024*

A tense atmosphere looms over The streets of Eyara. as law enforcement agencies scramble to contain an ongoing crime scene in the heart of downtown. Reports indicate a daring heist at the City Bank, with masked assailants brandishing weapons and causing chaos in the streets.

As police cordoned off the area, residents have been fervently awaiting the arrival of their new hero, known only as "The Man in Green." With a reputation for swooping in at critical moments and turning the tide against criminals, The Man in Green has become a symbol of hope and resilience in Delta state.

Eyewitnesses recount scenes of panic and confusion as the perpetrators, clad in black, stormed the bank, demanding access to its vaults. Meanwhile, bystanders are heard whispering about The Man in Green's imminent arrival, hoping for his intervention to bring an end to the chaos.

Authorities have urged citizens to remain indoors and cooperate with law enforcement as the situation unfolds. The Mayor has issued a statement, reassuring the public of the city's commitment to restoring peace and order.

Speculation mounts as to when The Man in Green or as he is put, captain Nigeria will make his grand entrance, with residents clinging to the belief that their masked wonder will soon appear to deliver justice and save the day.

Stay tuned for further updates as more details continues to unfold.

Kels POV

Yup that's my call. After learning about my father's death, The past few years has been hard for me. But it also seemed as a toll was lifted off my shoulders. I now knew what my dad was all about and fully understood the legacy he left behind for me. I left my P. A Judith in charge of KEL ENTERPRISE. since I wasn't having too much time for it anyways I wasn't one of an entrepreneur type. And she really has bright ideas that's been proving strong so far.

I told some of my friends about it, The ones I trust that is. I told Diana of course, Judith Peter, Ben was the propagator and I also told Clinton ford. Thought it'd be good to have the head of national security on my side. I told them all about the drive and my intentions of finding the other one Diana was a bit reluctant giving the fact that I'll be dealing with things beyond the physicals. Judith was all the way support but was also kinda scared of the dangers ahead. Peter was even more reluctant than Diana was. Clinton was super supportive about it mostly about finding the other drive so we could know what we were after. And how to stop it.... I guess

The world thinks the man in green is dead and so does the people who killed him. Whoever they are, they're still out there and I'm going to bring vengeance to them. No one knows the identity of the man in green so wether my father is dead or not, same cannot be said for him. Wherever they are, be them supernatural or not. They'll get what's coming for them, I want to see the fear in their eyes when they look upon me and see this mask.

I arrived at the top of a sky scrapper dressed in the iconic and symbolized suit of predecessor. A green, white, and black costume, featuring a star-spangled motif, with a star emblem on my chest. My uniform includes a green helmet or cowl with white wings on the sides, a white, and green shield, which I added to the original custume. gloves, boots, and a utility belt. The design is both functional and symbolic, representing mine and my father's commitment to defending truth, justice, and the Nigerian way.

The city's pulse throbbed in my veins as I swung across the skyline with my grappling hook. the wind whipping through my green costume. The urgency of the call spurred me into action – the City Bank was under attack. With every swing, I felt the weight of the shield on my back, a symbol of protection and justice.

Descending into the chaos, I saw the masked assailants, their weapons glinting in the neon glow of the city. I may be human, but my determination was unyielding. With each move, I relied on my training and the agility of a seasoned fighter, dodging bullets and deflecting blows with my trusty shield.

The battle was fierce, and the odds seemed daunting, but the cries of the innocent spurred me forward. They believed in me, in the man In green, and I couldn't let them down. During the battle something weird happened to me. one of the thugs gave me a good punch that got me off balance and my mask immediately fell off my head. I was seeing stars at the moment. Just then one of them points the guns at me and fires the beam to my face. He saw it, I saw it, we all saw it. it had already hit my face I could already feel the heat. But just then it was as if time was paused and the same thing that happened to me three years ago repeated itself. I felt a hand on both my shoulders and it pulled me away from the beam as it passed only grassing my hair and hitting the glass wall behind me. I was surprised but got no time to lose and so did they. I immediately got up and charged towards them with more fury this time and With each strike, I pushed myself beyond my limits, fueled by a sense of duty and the desire to protect my city.

As the last assailant fell, the tension in the air dissipated, replaced by a sense of relief and gratitude. I may wear a green costume and carry a shield, but it's the resilience of the human spirit that truly defines The man on green. And as I stood amidst the aftermath, I knew that as long as there was injustice in the world, I would always be there to fight for what's right. I was now without my mask and as I walked out jubilations was rampant and pictures were being taken everywhere.

"Look it's captain America" a kid shouted.

"No son that there is Captain Nigeria" and old man corrected him. I think I liked the sound of that.

"He's mask's off"

"Its Joshua Kel, Stine's son"

" Mr Kel"

" Joshua"...." Joshua Kel"

Yup that was my signal, to get outta here.

Few moments later I arrived at that creepy cool basement I found 3 years ago which is now my new lair by the way. I was watching the news about my heroics on NTA I was a celebrated hero of hope... Just like my father. And in the midst of my bliss that's when this someone decided to interrupt with a news I had forgotten.

Diana Clinton and Judith walked in and slammed some bunch of news papers on my desk.

"News flash, son of late billionaire philanthropist Joshua Kel the Captain Nigeria"

Diana said as she helped herself with my bottle of whiskey.

" Congrats guess who just became even more popular" Judith said sitting leg crossed like an angry MILF aunt.

Clinton... Nice going bro, well played. What else did you expose that ur father was the man in green?

Ben.... That was careless sir.

Joshua..... But what's wrong with it?

Judith... What's wrong with it you say, you are an entrepreneur for crying out loud do you know where this puts Kel enterprise, you've made enemies and those guys will stop at nothing to hurt you.

Joshua.... just calm down love.

Diana.... There's a point where even you draws the line Kel. Those guys don't have that consciousness.

Joshua..... Something happened. Something weird happened to me during the heist. I felt dizzy all of a sudden and one of the guys gave me a really good punch..... I felt it down my spine.

Clinton....(chuckles) first time?

Ben..... You need treatments.

Joshua.... Yh but not that. Remember the first time we discovered this place, how I said I felt a hand push me down the stairs,

Ben..... Yes

Joshua... It happened again. This time more obvious even the thugs noticed it. While I was down one of them had already placed their energy guns on me and fires a shot. It had already gotten to my face like it was already on my forehead. Then all if a sudden I felt the hand again like time paused, it pulled me away from it the only thing that was affected was my hair. Even the nigga that pulled the shots noticed This.

Diana..... You're making me scared.

Clinton... Ben, What is it? You think it has anything to do with the name ELOYN.

Ben... I don't know yet, although it is possible just I don't know how, your father did made mention of him protecting you.

Judith..... Isn't eloyn supposed to be God? So some how u felt the hand if god on you twice.

Clinton.... Could be your guardian Angel.

Joshua.... That's not possible.

Clinton..... It very much is Kel trust me I've heard of people who are able to converse with their own guardian angels or demons which ever.

Joshua.... So you are saying, there's a guardian angel somewhere Around me now,

Judith.... Or a demon what so ever

Joshua..... Not cool missy. If I can't even see this how am I even supposed to fight them.

Ben... We'll get to that sir, first you have a federal court statement by 12 today concerning your new found identity, and a press conference by noon at ASO ROCK.

"Great just great"

Omiscient pov, somewhere in Ibadan.

In the dimly lit streets of Ibadan, the air thick with the scent of impending danger, Uriel walked alongside Jezebel, his girlfriend and partner in chaos.

As they searched for the man rumored to hold knowledge of Leviathan. the streets seemed to come alive with whispers of malevolence. Lower demons, drawn by the darkness within Uriel, slithered from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with malice.

With a knowing glance, Uriel and Jezebel tightened their grip on their weapons, preparing for the inevitable clash. As the first demon lunged, Uriel's blade sliced through the air with deadly precision, its silver edge singing a haunting melody of vengeance.

Jezebel, a whirlwind of fury and grace, danced between the demons, her movements fluid and calculated. With each strike of her daggers, she seemed to defy gravity, her every motion a symphony of death.

But amidst the chaos, Uriel felt a surge of power unlike any he had known before. It was the darkness within him, a reminder of his fall from grace, yet also a source of strength. He unleashed waves of black flames, engulfing the demons in a blaze of agony.

Together, they fought with a ferocity born of desperation, their bond unbreakable in the face of darkness. As the last demon fell, a sense of grim satisfaction washed over Uriel. But their quest was far from over.

Turning to Jezebel, he locked eyes with her, a silent understanding passing between them, gives her a deep hot kiss and With a nod, they pressed on, their resolve unwavering. For in the heart of darkness, they would find the truth they sought, no matter the cost. Whatever the owner of the drive was working on if it is leviathan all of creation as we know it is at stake.


In the courtroom Joshua Kel is confronted by government officials who demand that he turn over the Man in greens shield and mantle and work for the government or not work at all.

[In a formal courtroom, with Joshua Kel seated at the witness stand, surrounded by lawyers and government officials. And he's best friend Peter Mc 'Call and Clinton Ford of national securities. The atmosphere is tense as the proceedings begin.]

Government Official: [Addressing Joshua sternly] Mr. Kel, you stand accused of withholding vital technologies at which you run ur vigilantism, from the Nigerian government. You are ordered to hand over the Shield and full properties of the man in green suit immediately.

[Joshua leans back in his chair, a sardonic smirk playing on his lips.]

Joshua Kel :[Coolly] With all due respect, gentlemen, Captain Nigeria, or as you call it "man in green" is not a weapon to be controlled by bureaucrats. It's a mantle passed on to me by my father the previous One who was killed... Murdered to be precise. I redeveloped it to protect innocent lives.

[The government officials exchange incredulous looks, clearly unimpressed by Joshua's defiance.]

Government Official: [Raising his voice] Mr. Kel, you are not above the law. We demand that you comply with our orders and relinquish controlto the government.

[Joshua's expression hardens as he meets the official's gaze with steely resolve.]

Joshua: [Standing up, his tone firm] I understand your concerns, but then again yourr talking to a man with 800 billion dollars in his account so far as I'm concerned ni am above the law. I cannot in good conscience hand over something that I know could be misused in the wrong hands. I know what you do to supes, turn them into weapons, brainwash them for ur tools, no I'm not going to be one of them. I'm not working for no government.

[The courtroom erupts into murmurs and whispers as Joshua's bold declaration hangs in the air. The government officials exchange frustrated glances, realizing that Joshua is not going to yield easily.]

Government Official: [Through gritted teeth] You leave us no choice, Mr. Kel. We will pursue every legal avenue available to ensure compliance.

[Joshua nods mockingly. unflinching in the face of their threats.]

Joshua kel: [With unwavering determination] Do what you must. But know this – I will do whatever it takes to protect the world, with or without your approval.

[With that final statement, Joshua kel exits the courtroom, leaving the government officials to ponder their next move.]

Later again at the final press conference at noon. NTA station.

In a packed room filled with reporters and cameras. Joshua kel, stands confidently at the podium, looking out at the crowd.

Joshua : [Smirking slightly] Ladies and gentlemen, for the past few days, there have been reports about a secret project. Something that my father's been working on, and I intend to finish. Something that could change the world.

[The reporters lean in, hanging on his every word.]

Joshua: [Pauses for dramatic effect] Well, I am here to confirm those reports. I am the man in green.

[The room erupts into chaos as reporters start shouting questions, cameras flashing wildly.]

Joshua: [Raises his hand for silence] I know, I know, it's not what you were expecting. But the truth is, I've been living with this secret for a long time. And I've realized that the world deserves to know the truth.

[He takes a deep breath, his expression serious yet determined.]

Joshua: So, I've decided to take a different approach. No more secrets, From now on, The man in green will be a beacon of hope, a symbol of strength, and a force for good in this world just as it use to be.

[The room falls silent as Tony's words sink in, the weight of his declaration palpable.]

Joshua Kel: The truth is... I am the Captain Nigeria

[With those words, walks away from the podium, leaving the reporters buzzing with excitement and intrigue, as the screen fades to black.]

To be continued....

Next....mysterious connections.

What do you think or who do you think is the thing always pulling Joshua at akward moments. Drop ur thoughts

Joshua_Kelcreators' thoughts