
Celestial Supremacy

The Skirmyth is a rouge planet terraformed solely for countless savage criminals whose guilt are beyond forgiveness. To put it simply, it's a prison planet overrun with violence, brutality and death. It is not a mistake to call it a hell. Erizalli, an escapist with multiple personality disorder have eventually found himself sent to the most horrendous place to end up with, the Gardabulan City of the planet Skirmyth. In an eon where advance technology and spirituality are constantly thriving alongside the destructive and endangering warfare among various race, Erizalli must press himself to adapt and improvise to realize his ideal world.

CowardInTheCloset · Ciencia y ficción
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2 Chs


Reek smells of bloods, sweats and unknown mixtures of odors spooked the nostrils of Erizalli. If not for being a former janitor, he wouldn't be able to tolerate the horrifying odors that stubbornly lingers even before he enters this narrowed and dark passageway.

Until now, he never felt the extremity of nervousness because the more his steps was spent along the way, the more his hearing was starting to get a wind of faint commotion.

To be honest, he would not hesitate to follow his threatened instinct and attempt his escape if not for the metal chains detaining his hands. He was cuffed and linked to another person, front and behind that his action will not go unnoticed if he endeavor to meddle with it. But he tend not do that for now.

The guards around him were rather vigilant towards his movement considering the past deeds he has done and how they were perturbed of his queer outside look.

On his head, a yellow top hat is seated above his disheveled and long hazy hair, but not too long to exceed below the limit of his head.

His eyes look straight on a fractured heart-shape frame of a glasses, left only a single pink-colored len. There were remnants of a shaved beard below his chin and a small moustache under his nose.

His body fitted a normal black tattered robe, threaded of enveloping furious snake on its back. Upon his footwear, he is equipped with a mismatch color of woman high-heels.

If a fashionista make a critique out of his entire outfit, walking out would be the correct response to this whole eyesore!

The disharmony of colors and poor choice of his clothes combination leads to a repercussion of an aesthetically mess!

"Erizalli let me gain control of the body! I promise that I will make sure for us to escape this time without the guards knowing." a voice of different persona inside Erizalli's mind, restlessly voiced out his concern.

"No, Ares. You had your turn earlier and it only resulted for the guards to catch your act and put emphasis on restraining us. Look how watchful they are to me, it is over now." Erizalli spoke in reluctance.

"I don't care, Erizalli. Give me the control!" Ares insisted.

"No way, just lay low." Erizalli strongly denied Ares insistence.

"Stop pushing yourself Ares, Erizalli is right, it is his own body, and don't forget that you are the primary suspect why all of us are here. It's first and foremost all your fault!" another voice interjected inside Erizalli's mind, yet in a feminine tone.

She grudgingly continued, "What were you thinking when you selfishly barged in an expensive store without Erizalli's consent!? And to make matter worse, you dashed out without paying for the clothes and stuffs you wore!"

"I don't care, Appollana! It is basically Erizalli's fault for being poor, and you partially share some of the blame too. We will never be caught at the end if you did not trouble me and forcefully snatch the control of his feet out of my grasp!" Ares irritatingly retorted to Appollana.

"That is because you tried to take off my precious heels. Those are limited edition and manufactured from a renowned shoe company! You d*mn hot-head!"

"What? Are you crazy??? The reason I tried to throw away your pointless footwear is for us to flee without hindrance! Moreover, we are residing inside the body of a man. What will be the use of a heels? You are straying us further from our true gender! " Ares strenuously reacted.

"Gender? Have you forgotten that I have my wants and needs as a woman? Perhaps you really thought that the robe you inconsiderately fit to us is impressive just because I did not intervene with your choices, and what's with the boring plain hat?"

"B!tch! Don't look down at my robe! Its serpentine design is fire in my eyes! It is by far striking than the shoes of yours! About the top hat, I intended it as a surprise gift for Erizalli once he woke up!"

Erizalli grew conflicted and could not take them any longer. Therefore, he interrupted before Apollana escalate the conflict more.

"Hey guys, pleases stop. No more adding fuels to the fire. I don't like it when the two of you are arguing." Erizalli attempted to pacified his two conflicting persona.

"Fine!" Ares conceded.

"You guys do not understand the value of my shoes! Hmp!" Apollana stubbornly push her view.


Even after all the silly arguments and quarrel they had in Erizalli's mind, nothing drastic seems to change on his surface other than adding a bit of tension on his face.

The two unusual persona living freely and talking with independence inside his mind does not raise much concern to Erizalli. What is more is that he was not even bothered of eventually granting them an absolute control on the body which originally his own.

Furthermore, he never entertains the notion of flushing them out of his mind as he adopts and treat them more than a personality.

Whereas in the past, Ares turned out to be his saving grace during the loose and ceding phase of his life. It is the time where he was immersed in the pleasure of slipping away from reality through hallucinations caused by drugs and alcohol addiction.

As a middle-aged man of 30, the reality expected Erizalli to mature and accumulate a lot of wealth, yet the only wealth he saved up is a heavy and chronic depression.

The truth distressingly became his burden. Born in unfortunate family, grew up untalented and half-witted that the society will somewhat consider him with intellectual disability.

It is true that the era he lives has a massive amount of advanced information and utilization in terms of technology and spiritual energy. However, a dim-witted fool who possess valueless assets could only wish upon acquiring these desirable goods.

Thus, he was pulled in the life's deeper part of dark abyss where he found himself trapped for a long time.

"Erizalli! You are on your usual habit again. Stop spacing out! Our situations is too precarious for you to distract yourself in nonsensical thoughts." Apollana helplessly remarked.

Erizalli's face turned apologetic after he ground himself again.


Before long, the person at the head of the chain finally passed through the end of the light.

The aggressive cheering reaches a higher volume this time that it become more deafening, especially to the newcomers.

Erizalli soon had the view of what is beyond the light, confusion immediately loomed on his face after he surveyed the total range of the field in front of him.

Ahead is a field that resembles a soccer field, and its size is twice of that. Barren of things that nothing else can be observe other than the hard flooring, passageways embedded on the walls and a giant gate situated at the end, opposing his position.

He set his glance higher as he intends to measure how tall the wall of cement enclosing around him. Dried blood smeared the wall and slashes of cracks that immediately tells an evident battle have occurred in this place.

Above of this wall were layer of ecstatic audience, spouting taunts and death wishes. Its as if their desire for thrill will be satisfied once again in the next minutes.




Unbeknownst to others, Erizalli indulge less knowledge regarding to his whereabouts.

"Where are we?" Erizalli asked in uneasy tone.

In contrary to Erizalli, Ares and Apollana immediately took warning from the crowd's outward behavior.

"I don't know either. The people around us are obsessed like they are expecting for blood or something. Perhaps something grievous will happen to us soon like what they meant that now we are here." Ares warily mentioned.

"These people are getting on my nerves. They are all brutes and ruffians who make fun of us like we are sort of an animal." Apollana spoke as she finds it unpleasant to receive some of the loathsome attentions from the crowd.

The trio may not realized their current circumstances, but the other people who are chained alongside him did.

Their face were mixed with fear, confusion and mostly despair. As a previous citizen under the rule of the Celestial War Emperor, it is rather common for their star zone to broadcast public entertainment that engage in battle that leads to hundreds up to hundred thousands of death.

It is recorded in history that only people proven guilty of crime were thrown out in a spacious arena and ruthlessly compelled them to fight against other criminals. These battle player were so called "gladiator", who compelled to fight and slay their enemy to attain their freedom once more.

Now, the captives were beginning to be aware of where they are and it is quite similar to the arena to the daily media had broadcast.

"It's a c-colosseum! Why are we here?!"

"What is with the venue?! I'm not ready to die yet, I just committed a small crime. I don't deserve this!"

"No, I have a family waiting for my return! Please have mercy!"

A beep instantly rang as the chain handling their wrists, suddenly break itself in half. Finally, this makes Erizali relax a bit that he began caressing his wrists. It is been a while since he felt unrestricted.

A later forward, the uproars was cut suddenly and shuts the arenas beacons that plunge the entire arena in a total silence and darkness.

Yet in the next seconds, a huge spotlight lit up. Its concentrated ray of light fixed its focus below on a descending platform that hovers and oversees above the center of field. The platform shortly cease its descent once it reach a certain height.

"Hello! Hello! Hello!"

A gentle and thorough, yet high-spirited voice of a man reverberate throughout the entire colosseum. Every attentive individual finally saw how abnormally wide the moustache of the man who spoke just a second ago.

Strapped in a hosting tuxedo of black and white, the man is groomed in every aspects of his appearance.

If not for stripping the audience of their voice, the uproar created by the audience will increase up to the peak!

"For everybody present tonight, welcome to the Night Shroud Colosseum! Our organizer is filled with joy after our auspicious sold out of 120,000 ticket seats! Imagine how great the profit we reaped from selling those tickets. But we won't accomplish this feat without involving everyone here, and for that, we are grateful." The host bowed in sincerity.

He lift his head again once he was done in his momentarily bow, and a joyous smile was shown to the crowd.

"As your Saturday hosts, born Arian with pride and blessed with a name aspiring from one of our mighty states. I am Janghir Thatch, a passionate man who will be of your service as your emcee as well as the only battle caster for tonight!"

"Lately, before I step on this very platform, I have examined your reactions and observe that everyone is eager to witness more shedding of blood. Am I correct?"


Janghir already determined that no one will answer, so he continued.

"As expected! Everyone is here to watch more weak harrowed in pain while their body, were being torn little by little till they long for an easy death. To hear their agonizing scream and spine-shrieking cries in order to relish everyone's deepest darkest and wildest desire!"

"Luckily, you headed at the right place and also, in the right time! Because we ensure that tonight is exclusive and bloody special! The aim of our event today will not commence with our usual gladiator setting. Long story short, we procured a batch of exactly 200 life-sentenced criminals after they arrived in our prison planet, thanks to our secret and beneficial business connections. We agreed that their life will be much more worthwhile when exploited for amusement." Janghir chuckled.

"Of course, we did not forget to send invitation to our main characters. I would not refrain all of you from your impatience anymore as I do not hope to attract your deadly intentions. So please welcome and shower your love and admiration to our invited combatants, the predators of our show!"

Another light separated from the host and move in quick to reveal a giant gate, producing a thud as it gradually open its pair of door.

Six silhouette of human figure were being revealed. Though two of them appeared strange in their human form as some metallic apparatuses were augmented from their head to toes.

They all stride forward with arrogance and immediately accentuate an unyielding facade.

The arena returned the rights to communicate to their audience and the six combatants were right off overwhelmed with cheerful uproars!

"Fredderin! You are so perfect! Please marry and impreganant me with your vigorous love!"

"F*ck you Heredinza, you slaughtered my wife! I will never forgive you!"

"Smash the weaklings with your fist, Gobart and Bogart. Nothing will stop the two of you in this arena!"

The organizer provided the crowd more time to express their admiration and hatred to the stars of the event until they lowered the maximum volume allowed in order for the crowd's voice not to disturb and overlap with the emcee.

"What a magnificent moment to have ears, Your ramblings and enthusiastic presence really feeds up my passion!" Janghir gladly commented and acted as if he was touched.

"Many of you attending may not know their name. Hence, please let me have the privilege to introduce the name of our cats! Starting below the ranking, Shakira Kaber! A combatant representative of Dirk's Charity!"

The spotlight narrowed its circle and aim it to a bulky and tall woman. Her hair was styled in undercut and her chest was plated with a black-metallic armor.

This armor looked like a crop-top that only cover the area of her chest while flexing the rest of her defenseless hard-work abs and biceps. Her bottom section is also equip with the same black armor skirt of silver sheen.

At her side, she carried a huge majestic hammer around her size that glaze and radiates a sinister aura. Overall, she exudes an impression of a literal barbaric and muscular woman warrior.

Her swift introduction altered the vibes surrounding the arena. Majority of the crowd turned sour after hearing her name that they throw some of their undeniable condemn and dislike toward her.

"Boo! Go back to your Charity house and take care of your sick old papa!"

"What an ugly piece of a woman. Are you not aware how all men picked their ladies base on their appearance?"

Ignorant to their says, Shakira stood like a stone boulder. No matter how bashful her surroundings turn out to be, her decision to show amidst of them is unfaltering.

"Her stubborn posture and well-smith armor spoke how solid the performance she will bring to the arena! Her hammer partner, the Horror Poppy feel so quite scary and pressuring. What a terrific and barbaric woman!" Janghir complimented in amazement.

"Next to Shakira, our today's 5th rank combatant is Josa Pwoko. The eminent daughter of The Gloo. Scary huh? She represents the gang of Embiotes!"

A woman in casual shorts and hoody, smile and waved her arms to appreciate the surrounding support.

"Looking at her in every corners, she looks like nothing different than just a classic youngster, and the clue regarding her special ability... Well, our organizer were conditioned to maintain its confidentiality until she reveal it herself." Janghir make a dumb upfront and shrugged.

"Our 4th and 3rd ranking combatant for tonight are the twin duo, Gobart and Bogart. It is an honor for our organization to successfully invite the twin cyborg. Gobart and Bogart were raised together by the Cyborg Guild. Needless to say, they also trained with each other and work proficiently when in tandem. Both of them specialized brawling using their iron fist. They both actually enjoy fisting, If you know what I mean." Janghir jokingly winked.

It is conspicuous to everyone that the two were modified human. Numerous cybernetic devices were installed within their body and a large portion of their body part were apparently augmented of cybernetic metals.

"Heredinza Erebus! Oh, the woman that every man craves! Her unflinching beauty proves all of that. But do not be deceive, beneath her smooth-glossy skin and lovely looks, buried a mischievous and unmerciful demon. As one of Erebus woman, she represents the Erebus Dominion!"

Heredinza leaned slightly on her back. Her elegant and tight indigo-black dress show signs of her body curve.

She cracked her indigo-black whip and rolls it back. Of course, she did all of these while baring a charming smile.

The crowd could not help their infatuation and give all to their instinct when they saw her doing that.

"Heredinza! I already set-up the bed for tonight, please accept my love! I will make you very happy!"

"Don't be fooled by his words, I am better and can last longer than Erebus!"

The spotlight soon turned to a brawny man clad in a snow-blue body medium armor. His sword is frozen and lingeringly emits a tiny flakes particles.

"Last, but not the least, Our creme de la creme combatant for tonight, Fredderin! His background is a lot more mysterious that our organizer had trouble investigating. Nevertheless, we will only reveal information of what we gathered on the surface." Janghir notified the crowd.

"Fredderin joined the Everfrost Guild just a few months ago and amazingly rose through their ranks with ease! Yet how does this happen?"

Janghir ended his sentence with enthralling question. However, the crowd were too noisy for their indistinguishable answer to be heard in clarity.

He present them more time to exclaim their rubbish, and Janghir pretends to listen with interest by extending his ears to a specific crowd. After he had enough, he divulged the shocking information.

"It is because he is close to achieving a break through! We recently found out that the Everfrost Guild passed their formidable and most treasured frost sword to Fredderin just before he was to enter the arena. In prior years, the Everfrost Guild has a custom of gifting their people a frost sword if only if they are nearing their elevation! So what does this mean?!" Janghir asked in a cliffhanger.

"...It means he holds a higher chance to join the path of Astral Gods!"

Beguiled by the description of becoming an Astral God, the crowd roared higher and behaved more with energy.

In contrast to crowd's chaotic energy, Fredderin shrugged them as if they were a fool. No words can exactly explain how one can easily advance to an Astral God.

"Fools," he muttered.