
Celestial Forge In Asoiaf

Testing out the Celestial forge in Asoiaf. I will continue the other as I have inspiration. And I will be joining the Airforce soon so idk how long I will be writing.

Damon_Jager · Derivados de obras
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11 Chs



After a night of unrest full sleep plagued by nightmares I was a woken by the grumbling of my stomach which I then realized I completely forgot to try and gather food or water yesterday.

Thankfully with the tide down as of how early it was went along the beach and gathered anything that had washed up on the shores.

Which was a large amount of mussels and other mollusks that cling the the rocks along the coast, I also made sure to gather all the seaweed as most seaweed can be eaten.

The biggest find was where a ship had dragged a whale onto shore and butchered it, while all the meat had been picked clean forever ago the bones would be extremely useful in enchanting or magical Foci.

Heading back to the camp I ate my mussels and set the seaweed aside and then decided to trek further into the island to try and find some big leaves to act as a roof or maybe a birch tree that I can strip the bark off.

To reach the center of the bowl of the island I had to either go up and over the bowl or try and locate a passage through the hills. I went with the second as I eventually hope to get access to a wand or staff and carve an easier path.

Every couple of hours I would stop and read through the Herbology book as it helped me identify some more wild plants that are edible to could be used in potions or salves, another big find was a small creek that was making its way from one off the mountain to the center of the island where I found a body of fresh water.

About the size of a small pond that had a variety of plants even a turtle which i did not expect to see, I of course grabbed him and continued to scout I did find a bunch of low quality clay that I can make a bunch of vessels for storage.


Today was crafting day, I had spent the past couple of days gathering samples of the different flora and fauna of the island trying to find anything that had any magic in its system.

Which I sadly found none, that had more than a small spark which proved very annoying in gathering components for a wand or any style of foci.

The only components that would currently be of any use are the Whale Bones as it being such a large creature made its base mana higher than compared to a bird, to increase the avg mana inside a creature/plant a wizard would normally have to breed animals/plants over multiple generations in an area with a higher level of natural mana, this over time would cause random mutations via magic that could manifest for example like wings on a horse.

That meant I would have to spend the next 5-10 years just for a plant to manifest minor magic traits. But after reading some for the more dark/dangerous books from the Hp-verse I found a sacrificial ritual where a wizard could sacrifice a number of living things and have its mana transfer to a plant/creature.

To enhance my components I had to gather a bunch of fertilized eggs as for some horrible reason babies have the best chance of a pay off.

The first component was the whale bone as it would form the main body of the wand, it was placed in the center of circle of my own blood with the 6 Eggs spread evenly on the edge, which acted as pathways for the sacrificial mana of the eggs to flow into the bone, when the ritual activated the circle came alight with a sickly red colored flame and when the Tail feather of a Great Macao was introduced it caused the bone to shift in shape acting like a putty as the feather sunk into the bone and last was the sapling of a Chaste Tree, it and the bones began to merge and interlock causing a intricate series of runes and carving of the Whale and Macao to appear along the wand till it reached a needle like point.

Tentatively I reached out to the wand but before I reached it flew into my hand and I felt it connect to me and with a Flourish I belted out "Φλόγες" as a bout of necromantic flame shot out of the wand.

Till sundown I clean and repaired my shack, as Tomorrow I had a great many plans as I now had power that very few on Planetos had.


Wands and Staves are very different tools, thing of them like a Sledge hammer compared to a regular hammer. While both cold get the job done one would cause a lot more clean up, a stave or staff is meant for great acts of magic like causing rain storms or calling flame storms on a enemy castle.

While wands are meant for more delicate work like shifting the clay on a potter wheel of carving intricate designs into a wooden figurine.

-Exert from Ellanher Daubeg's "Magical Foci of Europa"


Blood/sacrificial magic: it's one of the most delicate arts a wizard can preform, as it can drive even the strongest willed mad with power.

This is why recommend to never be the direct recipient of such rituals and Magic's as foreign mana can poison the recipients soul. Think of it like different blood types expect practically every wizards type is different excluding twins (See Pg 88.).

To truly benefit from blood magic a wizard should always follow these rules: 1. Animal sacrifice is the safest and moral way of using blood (Excluding willing sacrifice see Pg 22.), 2. Use High value object or Symbolic items to receive the mana as they can act a mana banks and lastly preform purification rituals to purge necromantic energies from one's soul to prevent poisoning.

—Exert from Vladimir Voicu's Clan leader of Clan Tremere "Blood and Sacrifice"

A/N Do you like the Lore bits at the bottom if so I'll try and do more to explain magic and how it works for the MC. Also for those who don't know I write my main characters as decent people so no killing just for shits and giggles or rape by the Mc as it is one of the most horrible things a person can do.