
celestial dragon god

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this writing by Digitic520 fanfiction.net im want him or her to continue this story it one of my favorite fanfictions

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Chapter 1prolong

As far as I can remember we were always on the run. We never stood in one place for a long time maybe a few months at the most. It wasn't until I started my journey into adulthood that I finally understood why and who. The people that were chasing us was our own kind…wanting to capture me. Why? Because of what I possessed.

You see when a dragon is first born that is the most memorable moments for parents. The infants let out a burst of energy which will eventually give way to the power that they will have. Since dragons are mostly energy that has taken form the energy—or rather your life force—changes to accommodate the power you possess.

For example, if you were to possess the power to manipulate fire then your energy will change into an orange color. Also, if you had the power over ice or water then it will change to a blue color. Mine was different…my energy stayed the same.

This brought upon the conclusion that I had power over the cosmos or something close to that…which is why the government or rather the council wanted to take me from my parents in order to use me for their own gain. I would later find out that they would've extracted my life force and use it on their own military force. "Too much power for one person to control", they would always say.

Which brings us to now.

After running for almost all of my life, my parents and I are trapped. Nowhere to go. They placed barrier seals all around the vacant planet, so we couldn't teleport out and with an army this big we wouldn't be able to win. Also it restricted the use of our dragon forms.

The only thing I could do is just fight and swing the sword my father gave me as we fought and fought for what seemed like forever. I have had very limited training with my powers so I could only use the energy in my body to power up my punches and swings. To top it all off I haven't even begun my training in my dragon form so I couldn't go into that either.

At the end of the day it was a good fight that we put up. We decimated about ten percent of their overall army, but we were running on empty.

It wasn't until my mother stood protectively in front of me, although if I didn't notice how her eyes seemed to darken in hate at the thought of anyone coming near me. I also didn't notice how the way she was protecting me seemed more than what can be called maternal.

It wasn't until I saw my father give a sideway glance at us that I did see a crude smirk take over his face. At first I thought I just imagined it but when he came over and stood next to my mother he did something that struck me to the core.

He rammed his sword through her chest.

Blood spurted through the wound and I instantly felt a growl coming from my chest and punched him square in the jaw with all my strength. To my satisfaction it sent him skidding about thirty feet before he fully stopped. My mother was pushing her hand over the open wound to desperately stop the bleeding.

"W…Wh…y…?" She gasped out at her husband, who smirked at her while idly flicking her blood off of his blade.

"It's simple. I was offered something better."

"H-He's o…our…s-s-s…on!" Mother yelled out as she coughed up an abundant amount of blood. I rushed forward, dropping my sword and ripped off a long strip of my shirt and applied pressure to her open gash.

"Son? Haha, you know better than I do that he was only our son while he was forming. After that he ceased being my son." I could only glare both in fury and a bit of confusion as to what he was going on about. "By the way…you too seemed to have not think of him as a son anymore…you think of him as a—"

"S-Shut...! I…It!" As I watched him about to talk once more, I had enough.

"Hey! How dare you do something so cowardly! I expected much more from a War Dragon than to inflict a wound during a surprise attack. Where's the honor in that, you bastard?!"

"Honor, you say…in battle there is no honor only battle. That's all that matters." My glare only turned darker as I felt more adrenaline pumping through my body, mass exhaustion completely forgotten. Looking at my mother who was now laying down on the ground with only my arms holding her in a sitting position, her skin deathly pale…I felt something break within me.

I failed to notice how a green seal on the back of my right hand appeared before breaking. I also didn't notice how my body started to absorb the energy of the cosmos and how my aura flared to life.

The only thing I knew was that I had power pumping through me. I felt good. The feeling of powerlessness was something that I hated the most. Knowing that I couldn't do anything or much for that matter was a bitter thing to swallow. Although, now was different.

It wasn't long before my aura reached the core of the small planet we were currently on and I had an idea. Encircling the planets core the gravity of the planet suddenly multiplied as the enemy army felt it harder to stand. I glanced at the barrier to find that it was blinking before multiplying the pressure once more and watched as it disappeared. Where both my mother and I were fine from the increasing gravity, but the rest were not.

This was my plan. By increasing the gravity of this planet I would make it so great that the planet would collapse on itself, thus creating a black hole. My plan seemed to be working as the planet shook violently before large fissures cracked open the crust.

"What are you doing?! Are you planning on killing yourself with her?!" My fath...no that man said to me. I ignored him and continued to increase the gravity of the planet, but it wasn't until I felt myself become lightheaded that I winced. Looking around at my continuing carnage I saw that the troops were now teleporting themselves out of the area, clearly not wanting to be caught in whatever calamity I was causing.

The only people left on this planet was both my mother and I along with that bastard. Speaking of the man, he looked like he was about to charge but a cloaked figure appeared right next to him. I couldn't see his face but I could tell that they were talking and the only word I managed to pick up from the bastard's mouth was 'Elder'. My eyes narrowed dangerously but the cloaked figure put a hand on the bastard's shoulder before teleporting away.

I gave a deep growl before I felt a cold hand touch my cheek. The increased weight of the gravity suddenly changed to its initial state although the damage was already down. Looking at my mother I saw she was giving me a warm smile.

"That's enough…Issei. You've done good…" She took a rasping breath and mustered up all her strength. I didn't want to think it but I knew that these were going to be her final moments. "Hehe…I should've never taught that asshole sealing…to think that he sealed your powers and for who knows long."

"Don't talk, mother. I will find some help, just don't speak." I said trying to convince her when in actuality I was merely trying to convince myself.

"No, you should already know…that I will die. I should tell you some things though...first, you shouldn't harbor any animosity…towards our species…we are prideful beings, but that isn't the only…thing we think about. Who knows…you might find some love…" Her silver eyes seemed to dull at the last part.

"Damnit, if only I wasn't so weak. If I had more control of my powers, then I know I could— "

"Then get stronger…I know you can master your power…haha, you always were a fast learner when I taught…you about our history. You may be able to even teach…yourself." I grit my teeth as the planet's crust all caved into towards the core. The piece of rock that we were laying upon was started to crumble.

"I-I promise…" My eyes watered as a few tears fell onto her ashen face. "I will find a way to bring you back."

"Heh…I know how stubborn you are…you won't be…breaking that promise, huh…then let me give you a…parting…gift…" Her eyes slowly fluttered shut, but not before a small silver ball appeared in her hand and it sailed towards me. I felt it absorb into my body and a vast knowledge of sealing, tactics, strategies, and some more that I couldn't yet identify came into my mind.

I was broken out of my thoughts as the rock we were laying on disappeared and we were sent plummeting towards the newly formed black hole. My eyes landed on her limp form before giving a silent goodbye and with the last of my power opened a portal that will send me somewhere.

I didn't care where because anywhere was better than here. As my aura died down I felt the exhaustion come back full force and I blacked out, the last thing I saw was the now swirling vortex of the black hole swallowing up the corpse of my mother.

(Third Person POV)

Darkness was all that Issei saw. He could feel himself floating forward so he knew he wasn't stationary by any means. Suddenly the whole area illuminated in a vibrant display of colors that seemed to move and swirl on its own. As he looked around the empty space he finally noticed that he wasn't floating but that he was riding something, if the giant scaly body he was laying down on was any indication.

It wasn't until Issei noticed that this being was extremely powerful when he sensed its aura.

'So I opened up a portal and went through after…that happened. I am in unknown territory and this being is a…' Issei looked at the scaly being that seemed to be a hundred meters long and the two large dragon's wings. Wait, dragon!

'Okay, so this is a dragon and by the structure and smell…...definitely a female. Am I in a different dimension? That is possible, but the question is: Why did she save me? Better find out I guess…' Issei looked over himself and found that his body healed from the previous wounds and his energy was back to its max, not to mention he could feel the comfort of the cosmic energy that he recently connected to.

Getting up from his spot he made his way towards the dragons head he started to think about what if scenarios if things went south. Just as he was nearing the front the first thing he saw was a giant horn and when he finally arrived on the head he saw the horn was on her nose. Gathering some energy into his feet he jumped forward and landed right on her snout before looking at the dragon's eyes.

She kept flying but he could see that her slit golden eyes were glued onto him. He had to admit that her eyes were very captivating.

"Hello, I hope you can understand me?" Issei had to confirm that his species skill to talk and understand any language worked, because if it didn't then this would make this harder.

"Yeah, I can hear 'ya." Came a gruff female voice although it seems that she was talking to him telepathically.

"That's good. Are you the one that saved me?"

"Yeah." Her uninterested voice rang through his head and he narrowed his eyes slightly.


"Tch, I have my reason."

"Is that so?" Issei said with a huff before he got an idea. "How about we exchange information then?"

"I'm listening."

"I bet you're curious as to how I got here right? And I am curious as to why you saved me?"

"Hmm, ya' right about me being curious. This place is the Void and without protection everything will dissolve into nothingness yet you are not gone. Fine, I'll take you up on that offer."

"Alright then. Ladies first." Issei watched with a bit of mirth as the dragoness widened her eyes and looked at him with a sharp look.

"How did ya' know that I was female." She demanded while Issei frowned a bit in confusion before smirking at her.

"Oh? Isn't it obvious? I mean I woke up near the end of your spine so it wasn't hard to notice your curvy hips and not to mention I could tell that your chest his bigger than male dragons I've seen. To top it all off…well I am also a dragon so I can smell you…" He said with the same smirk and unknown to him the dragoness felt her face heat up ever so slightly.

"Not to mention your eyelashes are longer and your body is slimmer. Finally, the last thing that cemented my conclusion were your eyes."

"…What about my eyes…" The dragoness in question didn't know why she was so curious about him. Just in a few minutes of talking with him and her interest in him just skyrocketed.

"Well, how do I say this…" He muttered and looked at her eyes with a smile. "They are very entrancing…like they just draw you in. Heh, your mate must be very lucky to have someone as beautiful as you." Issei said calmly, unaware of the dragoness's inner turmoil.

'Beautiful…that's the first time someone ever said that to me. I don't even know his name yet he already has this effect on me? What can it be? Hmm, his aura that what. It's very soothing…yet violent in a way. Not orderly, but it holds sadness…is he putting up a façade? Wait, why do I care? He really is interesting…' The dragoness thought to herself before speaking to Issei telepathically once more.

"I don't have mate. Anyway, since you offered I won't decline. I put you on my back because you interested me…"

"My name is Issei."

"Hmm, you have interested me, Issei. Not many can do so. As a matter of fact, you are the first to do so. Also, my name is Great Red. Another thing would you mind taking off that mask you put on yourself."

"You noticed?" Issei said as he lost his smirk and his face went into a calm expression.

"An aura never lies. Now since I told you why I saved ya' why I saved you, then tell me where you came from."

"Haa, let's see…I came from a different dimension…it seems I wasn't wanted their anymore and I opened up a portal sending me to a random location. Whether it dimension, universe, planet, or galaxy."


"I was being hunted down by their army…the council wanted me for the power I possessed. I learned from my mother—who overhead from a soldier—that they planned to extract my power and use it for their own troops so they can expand and slaughter their enemies."

"They sound like a bunch of assholes to me. Though for them to want to kill you for that…what exactly is your power?"

Issei narrowed his eyes into a menacing glare at her, who was surprised at the drastic change in personality, despite setting up a mask beforehand.

"You tell me yours and I tell you mine?"


"You first pretty eyes." He smirked at her contained surprise. "What you thought I didn't mean what I said?" Great Red was glad for her red-colored scales and clicked her tongue while averting her eyes.

"Whatever. I have power over dreams and illusions."

"Dreams?" Issei looked at Great Red questioningly. "Like you can make a dream a reality sort of thing."

"You are perceptive, has anyone told you that?"

"Just one. But could you…let's say bring back a dead person?"

"If the person dreams strongly for it then yes I could. Who did you lose?"

"My…mother actually. The bastard that is my father betrayed us for power in the end and stabbed her right in the chest." He turned his head and stared at the empty void for a few minutes before sighing. "On second thought, never mind."

"Oh? Why the sudden change?"

"Because I want to be the one to do it. I will find a way to do so. Continuing on you also have illusions, that should come in handy from time to time."

"Yeah they do. And you?"

"I have power over the cosmos."

"Huh?" Great Red asked in surprise and blinked once at him.

"I have power over the cosmos. For example, the energy, suns, stars, gravity, and so on. But I need to train because at the moment I can just his cosmic energy to power certain parts of my body like fists and feet."

"…" Great Red didn't respond as she was deep in thought so much that she stopped her flight and just stood levitating in the air.

"Hey, Great Red? You okay?"

'Power over the cosmos…no wonder those assholes wanted to kill him, his power is infinite…eternal even. Just…like…mine…' Her eyes landed on him once more and she began to slowly smirk, revealing her razor sharp teeth. 'No question about it, he is the only male dragon that could equal me in terms of power. Depending on experience he may surpass me, but he seems new to his powers so I win in that regard…for now that is. When was the last time I trained? I can't remember. Anyway, that's what I will do. I will go with him and hopefully she won't bother me during that time…I may have to share him as well…ugh…'

"Great Red? Are you alright?" This seemed to bring her out of her thoughts as she began to fly again.

"Yes I am fine. Just processing such a power that you possess. Speaking of which, what are you going to do? If you want to go to Earth, then I can easily send you to a safe location"'

"Earth, huh…that's the only habitable planet in this solar system. I sense humans—as you call them—as well as various supernatural creatures. Great Red, would you mind explaining the supernatural world to me? All of it."

Grunting to herself she told him all about the supernatural world to the best off her knowledge. He listened intently as she explained the different factions that include the Shinto, Norse, Irish, Youkai, Greek, Vampire, and even more.

Then she told him that the three special factions that are the Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devils. The reason for them being different is because the three are interconnected.

The Devils were stationed in the Underworld and were ruled by the Four Great Satans or better known as Maou's. The four leaders are Lucifer, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Leviathan and the Devils thrive in the dark. Like most of the other factions they could utilize magic circles.

The Fallen Angels can also be located in the Underworld, which no doubt creates tension between the them and the Devils. They were ruled by Azazel and his other advisors. Even though they fell from Heaven due to "impure thoughts" they still retained their abilities to utilize light-based weapons. Like most others they had their own set of spells and system of magic.

The Angels were last and Issei was a bit irked by them, not in fear but more out of disgust. Most of it was directed at their leader, who was the Biblical God. They lived up in Heaven and he is the self-proclaimed "Chief Deity of all Gods". The Angels were able to use light-based weapons and their holy power is deadly towards devils.

Although, the main reason why Issei didn't quite like the Biblical God was because he holds prejudice against snakes, but mostly dragons in particular. It was true what his mother said, all dragons aren't the same and he came to realize that as Great Red told him how God would slaughter any dragon that crossed his path be them innocent or not. All under the jurisdiction of "ridding the world of sinners". He even boasted how he was going to kill Great Red.

"So what about dragons?" Issei asked after the long explanation.

"They are around and about."

"Don't they have a faction?"

"No. We are feared yet respected and that seems to be enough for us."

"Then what about our standings, strength-wise?"

"Well…first we have the Low-level Dragons, followed by the High-Level Dragons, after that we have the Six Great Dragon Kings, then next there are the Two Heavenly Dragons, Dragon God exceeds the last and then finally we have the True Dragon."

"True Dragon? Wait a minute…that's you, huh?" He asked and Great Red smirked at him.

"Got it in one. Right now you I would say you are in between Low-level and High-level dragons. The good thing is that your potential is limitless so you can get as strong as you want."

"Works for me. That just means that I have more levels to go through before I reach someone of your caliber. I should let you know that once that happens I want a fight with you. Not for the title of True Dragon, but for fun. It would be nice to fight someone all out which I doubt you do a lot."

"Ya' right on that. Hmm…alright once you get believe you are strong enough then come and challenge me. I have denied challenges by the plenty so I'm expecting you to come ready for a fight. Ha! If you defeat me then I will gladly proclaim myself as yours."

"Oh? Then the least I can do is offer something in return. I wouldn't mind doing something that you want me to, if you win. Be it to kill someone, destroy a nation, or even a planet."

'Fufufu, this works in my favor either way. If he wins, I'm his. Yet if I win, he's mine.'

"Alright, then it's a match. I did forget to mention the Evil Dragons as well, but they rarely show themselves in plain sight."

"Evil Dragons? Do they love battle and are brutal or something?"

"Yeah. They are vicious dragons that would rank themselves between the power levels of the Six Dragon Kings and the Heavenly Dragons. Although one of them can rival the Heavenly Dragons."

"I got a lot of people to beat then. Meh, it will be fun I guess. Well, I want to thank you Great Red for telling me this very useful information and if your offer on sending me to a safe place is still open then I accept."

"No problem and yeah I can send you, but I want to co— " She stopped as she sensed another presence enter the void and she instantly narrowed her eyes dangerously.

'That damn bitch just has to ruin this!'

"Actually, never mind. Get ready because I'm sending you now." Issei prepared himself and not a second later a tear in space sucked him in before closing. Great Red stopped flying and released an irritating sigh from her maw.

"Back for another battle? You should know by now that you can't beat me…nevertheless you picked a bad time to bother me and so you better prepare yourself…Ophis." Great Red spoke as her voice trembled with power as an unknown purple and black energy began to take form.

A tearing in the space opened up and Issei was spit out, but managed to land on his feet. Looking around he saw that he was on the side of a dirt road and out in the distance was a small town. Closing his eyes, he quickly searched the area for any sign of supernatural creatures but found none. Sighing a bit Issei made a checklist with the most important being to find a place to train.

"Let's see, I need a spacious area that is also out of view. Maybe I can find a cave over by those trees." Walking at a leisurely pace Issei trekked through the tall trees and large shrubs while also looking at the unknown animals with curiousness. Then something caught his eye and he made his way over to find long weeds that covered the entrance to the mouth of a cave.

"The only question now is, how big is it?" Conjuring up a flame in his hand he used that as a light and ventured into the darkness. There were many twists and turns before he came into a large open room. A small smile of satisfaction appeared on his face for a second until it went away and he threw the flame to the middle of the room which increased in size.

"Now…so based on my mother's information on seals I just have to mold it with my power and apply it to something. Her knowledge on this was extensive…" Gathering some of his energy in his hand he molded it into a seal that would conceal his presence as well as any power that he will use to train. Although it is only as strong as the one who is powering it so as he grew in strength so would the seal.

Slapping his hand against the wall of the cave, it glowed an array of colors before becoming transparent. Nodding to himself he put a hand on his stomach and was quite surprised to find out that he wasn't hungry despite not eating before he came to this dimension. Brushing off that thought he sat in the middle of room and took a meditative position.

As he felt the cosmic energy flow into him he smiled in anticipation.

(Time Skip)

"Damn!" A woman screamed out as she ducked passed trees and jumped over rocks. She was limping heavily on her right foot. Looking to be in her early twenties she has long blue hair along with blue-green eyes but an irritating scowl marred her beautiful face. Her pale skin was a bit dirty although she had cuts on her arm, leg, and even a small puncture wound in her stomach that was leaking blood through her white shirt.

It wasn't until electrically shaped whip came out from behind her and wrapped around her injured leg. Yelping in pain she fell down onto the grassy ground and struggled to get up before she felt a jolt rack through her body.

"Well, well…this should teach the bitch to deny Ajuka-sama." A man walked out along with four more men, who all had bat-like wings protruding from their backs. The leader had black hair and blue eyes. He wasn't wearing a shirt, exposing his chest to the world, and was wearing a blue overcoat with dark pants and shoes. The woman ignored the man and glared at the sword that was strapped to his back.

"Hey boss, you going to kill her now?" One of the other men asked but the man chuckled as his eyes scanned her body. With hourglass curves, an impressive bust, and a plump rear she was indeed very gorgeous.

"Keep up the paralyzing whip…while I have some fun with this one. Wouldn't you like that, Chaos Karma Dragon?" Tiamat was now glaring at the man with such coldness that it would've froze the man solid. She watched as he came towards her and roughly pushed her onto her back before looking over her like a piece of meat.

"You wouldn't even be thinking that if it wasn't for that damn sword you have." She growled out, which caused the man to laugh loudly.

"Oh this thing? It's amazing isn't it. Just a bit of dragon-slayer magic and you instantly have a weapon that can kill the so called might dragons. Now do me a favor and scream because after I'm done having fun with you…I'm going to let my boys use you too. Who knows? Maybe I will allow you to become my personal pet afterwards." The man put his hands on her hips and rubbed his hands up and down her body. She still glared at the man in defiance while also gritting her teeth in anger.

'These...These damn bats! Always so greedy and yet even I can't defend myself against them…why am I so…weak…' Tiamat thought in both anger yet sadness as the man reached for the bottom of her shirt. However just before he could fully grasp it, a hand grabbed his roughly. Following the hand upwards towards the unknown man, she widened her eyes at him.

The unidentified man had short brown hair and stood at about six feet three inches, five inches taller than her, while having a light tan to his skin. He was wearing a black hooded trench coat with a matching shirt, combat pants, and combat boots. On the hand that he was holding the devils, was a tattoo but she could only see a head of a dragon.

Although it was his eyes that captivated her. He had black orbs but inside his iris was flecks of gold that slowly swirled around his pupil. To be honest it looked like star dust to her and there was also shiny blue, white, red, and gold dots that looked like stars that rotated as well.

Not to mention that he exuded a powerful aura that she found attractive almost like it wanted her attention on him.

"Who the hell are you?" The devil snarled while the brown-haired man simply rose an eyebrow before assuming his calm mask.

"I was in the area and came only to find that you were going to abuse this woman. Of course I wasn't going to let that happen."

"This woman is Tiamat, the Chaos Karma Dragon, and she is now my pet. Get out of here before I kill you. As a matter of fact, you already pissed me off. Boys! Kill him!" The trench coated man simply looked at the group of devils, who prepared magic circles and lazily flicked his head upwards.

The darkness that was already looming the area seemed to rush towards the group of devils. Tiamat was the only one who could see the oncoming danger and watched as it grabbed hold of them and moved up their bodies, covering it in a cloak. The devils screamed before they were fully cloaked and then the darkness crushed them without hesitation. The man flicked his head again and the darkness receded revealing pools of blood and entrails.

"Who were you talking to again?" The man in black asked in cold humor as he punched the devil and sent him flying backwards into a tree. Groaning the devil blinked away the stars swirling in his vision and got up before taking out his sword. The weapon had a blue handle with a silver blade and let off a golden aura. Tiamat's instincts were telling her to not get hit with that blade due to the slaying property to dragons.

The man simply smirked and gave a "come on" gesture to the now angered devil. Said man charged amateurishly and swung his sword. Noticing that the devil was using too much strength in his swing, the man simply hit the flat of the blade with an open palm. The added power caused the devil to lose his balance and before he knew what was happening he was in a headlock. A firm jerk to the neck and the devil fell limp as the man looked down at the corpse. Tiamat looked on as the man picked up the sword and crushed it in his hands like it was paper.

'I hope he isn't an enemy because I don't think I can beat him in my current state.'

"Tiamat?" The man said as he walked until he was in front of her and crouched down. Looking at her wounds as well as the burned area where the electric whip was wrapped around. Fortunately, once he killed the devil group the whip disappeared. Regaining her composure, she let off a cold aura and looked at him strangely.

"Who are you? Why did you save me?"

"The name is Issei. As to why I saved you, I merely helped out a friend in need."

"Friend? I never met you before."

"Hehe, true. But I mean species-wise. You're a dragon and so am I. We have to look out for each other especially in these kinds of situations. Now hold still I'm going to heal your wounds." Issei's hands glowed a gold aura as she looked on at her wounds slowly stitching themselves back up.

'He's a dragon. Now that I focus on his aura he is telling the truth about that…such a calm, soothing aura…gah! Snap out of it!' Despite scolding herself, she couldn't help the blush that made its way onto her face. She couldn't help it; he was practically drawing her in with an aura like that.

"There. Now do you have any place to go?"

"Huh? Oh, no—no I don't."

"You can stay with me. I don't mind the added company although I do travel a lot so I can't guarantee if you will be staying temporarily or permanently."

"I…guess it wouldn't hurt, but you try anything and I will not hesitate to attack you."

"Please, I wouldn't dare harm a fellow dragon without reason—especially such a lovely dragoness like you."

"W-What?!" Her blush came back full force and she glared at him, but the blush didn't make it look intimidating. "D-Don't say things like that so suddenly!"

"Hahaha! Glaring at me like that only makes you cuter, Tia-chan." He asked playfully and watched amusedly as her face turned into the equivalent of a tomato. "I'm done, I'm done. Now let's get going." Issei bent down a bit and picked her up bridal style which got him a bewildered look.

"W-What do you think you are doing? I can walk perfectly fine."

"No you can't. One thing about dragon-slaying swords is that it will place fatigue upon the dragon thus leaving them more vulnerable to attack. While I got rid of the effects of it, you are still exhausted after being exposed to it. Just rest and we will be at my place in no time." Opening her mouth to retort she closed her mouth and sighed tiredly. He started to run through the trees and she let herself relax in his grip. Looking at his face she saw him glance at her and give a smile before looking ahead.

'He's different than the others. Other male dragons would just ignore someone in need since they mainly get mates from other races. But he didn't do that. Hmm, now that I think about it he may be the only male dragon that attracts female dragons. I'll be sure to keep that in mind.' Tiamat thought before she felt herself get drowsy. Fluttering her eyes closed she unconsciously snuggled into him as she listened to his steady heartbeat and eventually found herself fall asleep.

When he saw that the dragoness fell asleep he teleported himself to his new home. He had abandoned the cave he originally settled in because it was no longer a cave anymore. During his three thousand years of training he had utterly destroyed the whole cave. On the up side he had long found out how to create things from nothing so he made a new house on the top part of a mountain.

Appearing in front of a large two story silver mansion he made his way into the house, while admiring his handiwork from the time he made it. The exterior of the house was made from silver while the walls inside were white gold. When you walked in the living room had a couch and chair, then connected to it was the kitchen/dining room. The other rooms on the first floor was a giant training room that he made.

In the second floor were about five rooms and three bathrooms. All pretty big in size and the same can be said for the bathrooms as well.

Teleporting himself to one of the extra rooms he gently set Tiamat down on the linen bed only for her to clutch him tightly. Looking outside the window he guessed it was about midnight, he sighed before trying to put her down once more. He was successful in doing so but he got an angry groan.

"Issei…can you stay with me?" Tiamat opened one of her eyes tiredly and he sighed a bit before shrugging his shoulders.

"Sure." He replied before taking off his boots and trench coat. Now with his coat off, Tiamat can see that on his right arm was a tattoo of a black dragon. The head started on his wrist and it twirled up and around his arm. While part of it was obscured by his shirt she could assume that it continued to his shoulder.

'He's handsome…' She idly made note as he went to the other side of the bed and laid down on it while pulling up the blanket for both of them.

"Goodnight, Tia-chan." His teasing voice caused her to flush a bit before she smirked.

"Night, Issei-kun." She replied as silence fell over the two for a few minutes. "Issei-kun?"


"Thank you for saving me. If you didn't show up…well, I don't want to think about what would've happened."

"It's fine. Don't dwindle in the what-ifs, Tia-chan. It only causes unneeded stress. Also, don't mention it. I would like to think that other people would help a woman in help, but I can't be sure." She nodded at his words before he chuckled a bit. "Hehe…you're the third one to say 'thank you for saving me' to me."

"Third? Who were the other two?"

"Yare, Tia-chan…I didn't know you were the jealous type."

"I-I'm not! Just curious."

"Hm, one of them you should know personally while the other one you probably heard of. I saved one of them from getting killed by some Evil Dragons. The other one I saved from her father since he was planning on using her for his own gains."

"Damn I have some competition then…" She mumbled to herself with a frown.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Still, thank you. I know our kind aren't really liked due to our pride and power but that doesn't mean we are all like that. You are a prime example. You were holding back in the forest and yet you didn't show it off, you just did what was necessary. You're…different from other male dragons and other men in general. Actually the main reason why I was running away from those devils was because I rejected an offer than one of them gave me."

"An offer?"

"Yeah, he wanted to use me for a new system he had in mind. Something about creating more devils that were lost in the war. I should've expected him to send devils after me and who knows if he would've forced me to be a part of his idea."

"What was his name?"

"It was Ajuka…he never gave a last name but he is obviously in the 72 pillars."

"Well, don't worry about that. As long as I'm here I won't let anything happen to you, Tia-chan. I don't want a cute little dragon like you to get hurt on my watch."


"I may be an idiot, but I'm speaking the truth. *yawn*, I'm tired. Sweet dreams, Tia-chan."

"Y-Yeah…sweet dreams…"

'Issei-kun…you really are interesting, an enigma really. I wonder if I could be an active person in your life. Damnit, Tiamat…you just met the guy and yet he already has this effect on me. He is definitely mate material. But he saved two other girls…he said I might know one personally so I can assume that they are both dragons. I wonder who else he has saved or going to save. Either way I have competition for him. Doesn't matter because I will not lose.' Tiamat thought with a determined smile before falling asleep once more.

Issei opened his eyes to find himself in the void, although it was more like his spiritual presence that is in the void. Turning around he saw Great Red and smiled at her as he floated up to her large snout.

"Hey, Red-chan. What did you want to talk about?" He asked with a slight tilt in his head. You see ever since he first left the void he would occasionally be called to the void when he was dreaming thanks to Great Red. She never told him why he can't physically visit her, but she did say that it wasn't safe yet for him. That piqued is curiosity but didn't question her further. The two would talk about miscellaneous things and his training. She also took to talking to him in her real voice instead of telepathically.

"Nothing much just wanted to know how your day went." It really was funny in his opinion. Issei would hear about the feared Dragon of Dragons as being merciless and cruel or about her being extremely lazy and not caring about anything. And yet she was here asking him about his day. Then again he has never seen her angry before, but she has had some lazy moments.

"It went mostly well until the last of it. I trained, ate, trained some more, and then explored a new town that was about a hundred miles from my house. It wasn't until I saw an injured woman getting assaulted by a group of devils. Turns out that woman was Tiamat."

"The Chaos Karma Dragon? I'm guessing they used some dragon-slaying magic because she wouldn't lose to a group of bats."

"You're right. She said that she got an offer from a devil by the name of Ajuka who wanted to use her to test a new system he had in mind, but she denied and he sent devils after her. Most likely in anger, but he also gave one a sword that had dragon-slaying properties in it. She was injured by it and then restrained by a paralyzing whip. If I didn't show up she would've been sexually assaulted or worse raped. I took pleasure in killing them and then destroyed the sword. She is in my house as of now."

"Ajuka…I may be wrong but I think he is a devil of the Astaroth clan."

"I'll look into it. If he even thinks about going after her again I won't mind plunging a ball of light down his throat."

"So protective already? Then what about me?"

"If someone tried to sexually abuse you?" Great Red nodded her head and Issei chuckled a bit. "I know for a fact that would never happen, but if it did I would probably end up blowing up the planet. Only to put it back together again."

"Aww, you really do care." She teased with a smirk while Issei huffed.

"Well of course. We still have our match to fight so you aren't dying or getting injured in any way. I want you one hundred percent."

"What about you then? You got hurt a lot both from training and battles. Although not as much now then you did when you first started."

"I have to get stronger so I am bound to get injured. You on the other hand is already strong enough. Anyway, what's up. You haven't called me like this for a century."

"I've been busy with a little…pest. I haven't got around to talk to you until now when I got a break—no matter how small. Also, I should tell you that the Two Heavenly Dragons are fighting."

"Again? I still have no idea why."

"No one does." Great Red said with a snort. "The thing is that they are nearing the battleground of the war between the three factions."

"Oh…no doubt the Biblical God is going to want to kill them and the others might join him."

"What will you do?"

"Obviously I will go and intervene if necessary."

"I swear you have a hero-complex or something."

"I do not. I'm just going to fight only if the guys get too injured."

"You do know that Ddraig and Albion are female, right?"

"…Not until right now. Okay, well the plan is still the same. Only interfere when necessary."

"Hehe, you know with that hero-complex of yours you may end up attracting an angel or maybe a devil."

"Oh please, Red-chan. I wouldn't be with an angel or devil. I'm more of a dragoness guy, mostly because female dragons are the perfect combination of beauty, strength, bravery, and intellect…like you for example."


"What? I'm stating a fact is all…...hey I just noticed now but are you blushing?" Issei asked with a smirk when he noticed the darker tint to the dragoness's cheeks compared to her original color.

"No! I am not! I don't blush!"

"Really…I think you would look absolutely adorable blushing."

"I-Issei!" She barked out as her cheeks darkened significantly that you could clearly tell she was blushing.

"Hahahaha! Red-chan, I'm playing with you…."

"…*sigh*, one of these days I will get you back for all of this." It was then that she noticed the area cracking and frowned. "It seems that you are about to wake up, just in time as well since the pest is back. I'll talk to you later, Issei."

"Yeah, I'll see ya later, Red-chan."


Issei's eyes fluttered open and yawned before rubbing his eyes. Looking out the window it was already past sunrise. Great Red's words replayed in his head as he frowned and tried to get up only to find out that he couldn't. Noticing the additional weight on his chest he looked down to see Tiamat sleeping on him. Smirking teasingly, he gently poked her cheek until she woke up. Luckily she already seemed to be waking up beforehand so he watched as she groaned and opened her eyes tiredly.

"Good morning, Tia-chan. Have a nice sleep?"

"Hmm, good morning…and yeah I did. Best one I had in a while…" She trailed off as she saw who she was sleeping on and flushed in embarrassment.

"Haha, thanks for the compliment. Now usually I would tease you about this but I have to go."

"Go?" Tiamat asked in surprise and saw him get up from bed and go over to his coat and boots before putting them on.

"Yeah, I have to go…deal with someone that I should've dealt with a long time ago. You are free to leave if you so please and don't be afraid to take some food with you. I already have more than enough as is." Patting down the dust on his clothes he walked towards the door and opened it quickly.

"I'm going to make myself a quick to-go meal before heading out. It was nice meeting you, Tia-chan and I hope we can meet again in the future. Also, don't worry about your devil incident. I will be sure to keep an eye out for any devils that head your way." He said and walked out of the door. She stood rooted in her bed while thinking over what he said to her.

'He's going to leave…although he is coming back right? What if he gets hurt or if he doesn't come back? No, this is Issei-kun we are talking about…actually I don't even know how strong he is. The devils he killed were only middle-class. Either way I am not leaving him. Even if I have to force him.' Jumping out of the bed, Tiamat ran through the door and towards the kitchen where she saw Issei just finish preparing a sandwich.

"Oh, hey. You hungry? I can make you something if you wa— "

"No. I want to stay with you."



"Like in the house? I don't mind but I'm not always here so…"

"No I mean with you. I want to travel with you."

"I'm not doubting you or anything but are you sure? Especially right now…"

"What do you mean?"

"*sigh*…what I mean is that right now the Two Heavenly Dragons are in conflict, but are nearing the battleground of the war between the three factions. Do you know who is there that will love to kill Ddraig and Albion?"

"T-The Biblical God." Tiamat stuttered over his name in slight fear at the man. The guy loathed dragons and wouldn't hesitate to kill any that crossed his path. Even though she was a Dragon King, the strongest out of the six, she knew she was not ready to take him on and win. Then she figured out what Issei was implying and widened her eyes.

"You plan on going there?! Ddraig and Albion are one thing but combined with the Biblical God and most likely the Four Maou's is completely different. What if, what if you get hurt or killed even."

"That's what I'm saying. I don't want you to be in the crossfire. Although you needn't worry about me, I'm strong enough."

Tiamat grit her teeth and looked at him sharply. "It doesn't matter what you say, because I am going with you. If you drop me off somewhere else and leave me, I will find my way to you. If you tie me up, then I will break out. I understand that I may be weak compared to the Biblical God or Ddraig and Albion, but…but…"

"Tiamat." Issei said in a serious voice as his face went into his usual calm expression. Said woman upon hearing her full name without any suffixes looked at him intently. "You're right, I am facing some people that may make others tremble in fear. You're also right about you being weak when facing the likes of the Biblical God. I may also get injured, no matter how small that chance may be."

"…" She put down her head in shame as he listed off her vices bluntly.

"However…" Turning her attention to him she felt a hand on top of her head. "You have the will to get stronger. That is something that I admire, Tia-chan. Just three thousand years ago I was at the level of a low to high class dragon. Right now? I will let you decide how strong I may be. That feeling of helplessness and the fact that I know that I couldn't do anything…I knew that feeling very well. The thing is that I never wanted to feel that way so I trained my ass off every day for three millennia. So, Tia-chan what do you want to do?"

"I…I want to stay with you. I want to fight by your side. I want to become your knight, who will protect you no matter what. That is if you would have me, Issei-sama."

"Hehehe, such determination…how can I reject something like that. Although don't call me 'Issei-sama' alright."



"My lord?"


"Then how do you want me to address you?"

"The same way as before. Just call me 'Issei-kun'. If you are serious about becoming my knight as you said, then you need to understand the kind of person I am. I would much rather have a friend then a comrade. Understand, Tia-chan?"

"Hai, Issei-kun." She said with a smile as he finished up the last bit of his sandwich and removed his unoccupied hand from her hand.

"Good, now let's get going." Issei waited for her to nod and then teleported them away to the battle site of the war.

The two reappeared a mile away from the battleground and Issei began walking towards the site. Upon seeing him walk, Tiamat followed at a relaxed pace. The two strolled in silence before she opened her mouth.

"Issei-kun, when you were facing that one devil from yesterday how come his dragon-slayer infused sword didn't affect you?"

"Oh that. Hmm, I guess it doesn't bother me really. Actually the whole dragon-slaying magic concept doesn't really apply to me."

"Really?" Tiamat said with a surprised expression on her face. "Then what about the poison from Samael?"


"You don't know who he/she is?"

"Can't say I do…"

'Seems like Red-chan didn't want me to know some things…' He thought in suspicion and turned his attention to Tiamat.

"He/she is a hybrid. Dragon and Fallen Angel to be precise and it is said that his/her blood is a very deadly toxin to dragons. It could even harm the likes of Ophis and Great Red themselves."

"Really, well that is interesting. Where is Samael now?"

"Supposedly, he/she is residing in Cocytus in the Underworld. The Biblical God sent him/her there a long time ago. He/she also hates dragons with a burning passion. Wait, that reminds me, what are you going to do when you get to Ddraig and Albion?"

'I'll check out this Samael later…'

"Well once I get there I am going to wait and see if those two need any help. If they do, then I will step in. Following that I want you to take the two dragoness away to a safe distance after I heal them of any wounds they may have."


"But, nothing Tia-chan. I'm counting on you to make sure Ddraig and Albion are safe from further harm from the three factions."

"Okay…" Issei smiled and put a hand on her shoulder, which got her to look up at him.

"Don't be so downtrodden. I assure you that I will train you tomorrow in various subjects."

"I'm not like you who went from a low to high class dragon to probably a class that surpasses mine." She grumbled childishly and he gave a sheepish smile.

"Haha, sorry, sorry. Although it turns out I retain a lot of information and I am self-taught. I make techniques by myself and learn fighting styles the same way. The good thing is that once I get a feel on how you move and fight, I may be able to come up with several training regiments and methods for you. But we can discuss more on that tomorrow."

"Yeah, so what were you going to do after I get Ddraig and Albion away?"

"I'm going to get rid of a thorn in our sides…I'm going to kill the Biblical God." Issei said with a cold smirk as he mentioned God and Tiamat looked at him in surprise.

"The Angels are bound to try and stop you from reaching him."

"No matter. They are merely hindrances that I need to avoid. If they get in my way then I will kill them, but my target is God and that is who I am primarily aiming for. If the other factions want to toss their hat into the arena, then I will deal with them as well."

"I would say good luck, but you seem awfully confident. I hope you aren't getting cocky."

"Nonsense, this is all confidence. If I can't kill him then how am I going to beat someone of even greater strength than him. Right?"

"I—I guess."

"Mmhmm, get ready because we just about to reach the site." He saw her nod as they heard explosions coming from over the dirt hill up ahead. Climbing up, the two were met with a scorched and barren landscape that stretched a long way.

Issei's eyes instantly spotted the two fifty-meter dragoness down below and he frowned as he saw their condition. The Red and White Dragon Emperors were laying on the ground with cuts all across their bodies and both were breathing heavily.

There was also a man with fourteen golden wings who looked to be in his mid-forties with white hair and a long matching beard. Issei enhanced his hearing as the man, who he assumed was God, and listened as he spoke to the Heavenly Dragons.

Tiamat was looking at the scene below and then back at Issei, awaiting his call on the situation. Which was surprising for someone like her to do but she would at least trust his judgement on the state of conflict down below. Before she could ask him anything he clicked his tongue in disgust and glared at God hatefully. Following his line-of-sight, her eyes widened as she saw that the Biblical God was raising his sword Excalibur.

Of all the swords that was the sword that she feared the most—with Ascalon following close behind. Not only does Excalibur have the same dragon-slaying magic that is greater than Ascalon, but the addition of the overall power of the sword would leave someone of her caliber heavily damaged in one hit. If God intended—which he probably did—to make the ultimate sword for slaying dragons, then he did a superb job in doing so. The injured Heavenly Dragons were proof of that.

"I'm going down there, wait about thirty seconds then follow. Here take this." Issei created a black coat with a long hood in his hands and handed it to Tiamat. She swiftly put it on and flipped up the hood and looked at Issei who did the same. His eyes glowed and the only thing that was visible were his eyes.

"Here I go…" Issei muttered as he teleported in a black flash just as God swung his sword towards the two dragons. Tiamat stood there clenching and unclenching her fists as the fought the rising dread at being even near the man who killed many of her kind. Not to mention that Issei, the man of her recent affection, is now facing the Biblical God. How could she not worry over him? If he is like this, then someone has to so he doesn't end up killing himself.

"Be careful, Issei-kun…"

A.N. Harem List: Fem. Trihexa, Fem. Ddraig, Fem. Albion, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?

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