
Caught in Your Arms

Casslie needs to be her twin sister as her grandmother wanted, and she accepted it for it will make her Lola happy. She'll do everything even if it's painful she will always be reminded of the other half of her that everyone love and misses. She was always behind the shadow. And Cairen promise her best friend that Casslie needed to fulfill. A marriage she accepted for the sake of everyone, and does falling in love was not plan of her, but he was like a tidal wave, she hated him yet he keep getting into her. But for sake of Cairen's best friend, she does not want to entangle her feelings. How will she make the two in love when she was destined to be his wife?

DaenneDene · Ciudad
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3 Chs


I kept beeping the horn of my car. What the iffin! The owner of this vehicle parked her car in the middle of the subdivision road. What a shame. I am almost one minute late! I still don't want my grandmother to be angry with me because I was late for my grandmother's 68th birthday. 

I had no other way to pass by and I was annoyed. I got out of my car and went to the vehicle blocking the road. Why can't he move to the side?  It's a red maserati and it looks like the owner is rich. Maybe? Not sure.

When I got near the car, I banged the driver door with all my strength. "You stupid! Get out of your car in the middle of this road!" I almost poured out the force of the scream at the same time as I slammed the windshield of the car.

It took me six banged and six yelled before the driver's window opened. The face of the newly awakened person opened up to me. He's squeezing his eyes trying to get rid of something on it. What the iffin? Is he sleeping? In the middle of this road! How many hours? Why did no one notice?

I glared at him with disbelief, his eyes blinking at me. Although he had a pleasing face. The deep brown colored eyes stared at me intently. He had perfect curves of his eyebrows,  a narrow long nose and a not so thick pinkish lips. 

Well built body, he always goes to the gym probably. And his chocolate wavy brown hair was messy. He's not look like a mugger nor a killer. For a few seconds his sleepy face was replaced by shock as he stared at my face. Is he mesmerized by my beauty? Iffin feeler, Casslie.

"Hey! Mister who you. Kindly please set aside your iffin car. I can't get through because of your car. Do you ever think, sleeping in this—" I was cut off when he said something weird and he iffin laugh.

"What a fate! You've really changed!"

"What's funny?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Don't you know me, Cairen? Hey! It's me Zach. Your classmate in highschool. Where's your home? You live here? I've been roaming in this subdivision finding you. Someone told me you live here so I just want  to see you." He smiled like he's an endorser of a toothpaste. I don't understand what he's saying. Wait! Zach? Don't tell me he is...

"Zach Archer Mendez?" I said with my unsure tone.

"Yes it's me. Has my appearance changed that great?" He's sound flirting. Iffin! I don't like him. Is this the guy that Cairen friend who had a huge crush with? He is a certified playboy, womanizer and a woman's heart breaker.

"Ahm, not so. What do you want from Cai—from me?" I can't go wrong that he was Grace's ultimate crush.

"How are you?" I noticed two dimples on his face while smiling. "Why are you staring at me like that? Even though we didn't become friends in high school, we are classmates, aren't we? I'm already hungry, where is your house?" The smile disappeared from his lips. From the way he looked now, he looked hungry. I'm kind of my grandma's birthdate and I am sure she was okay with adding a guess on her list.  

And it's being a jerk if I doze him off since he was Cairen's classmate in high school. I can ask him about Grace. How is she? I want to see  her and hug her for Cairen's sake.

"Okay, follow me. Kindly get away from your car in the middle of the road," I said before returning to mine. Grandma gave me a sports car even though I really didn't want to have a car. She forced me  so I did nothing but accept it.

When I got in the car I waited for him to move first. Then I drove the car and he was following me. Sucks! One minute and thirty seconds late! I accelerated the car. 

Three minute passed before I reached my grandma's house. The two guards opened the large metal gate. I stopped between the gates and opened the driver window, turning my head to one of the guards. He's half Filipino, half American. He smiled as he greeted me. One of the trusted security guards of my grandmother.

"I have someone with me, please let him in. Don't worry, he's a good man," I informed him of my colleague.

"Okay, Ma'am." He nodded before I closed my window and went inside the grand house. I saw three cars parked in the front courtyard and I was suddenly excited when I received a text from my cousin Mikaella. My parents seem to be here. Oh gosh! I'll be seeing them for the first time. What do they look like?  Did they have a few strands of white in their hair? I quickly got out of the car after I parked it in the garage.

I headed down the hallway to the front door of the house and stopped when I saw Zach waiting for me. Iffin! I hate his smile. Well, he looked nice with his half sleeved polo and a black crisp jeans with those brand name shoes. Why does he want to see me?

"Let's go inside."  I motion him.to follow me.

"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you," he apologized as we entered the double door.

"It's ok," I said while waving my right hand as I adjusted my shirt and fitted black jeans and tied up my long blonde brown dyed hair.

"Don't be too comfy, it's not my house," I turned to tell her with my eyes looking around. Grandma's house is so beautiful, with classic vibes. The floor is made of expensive tiles in fading rose color, the wall is a royal yellow, there is a large chandelier in the middle of the living room slash living room and grandma painting and antique things she loved. The two maids greeted us as we passed the living room.

"Ma'am, they're waiting for you in the hall room," infomed the maid after bowing.

"Thank you." I pulled Zach who was staring at a painting to our left and noticed the shock of the two maids when they noticed I was with a man. They seemed to be wondering why I was with him.  Don't they iffin dare to think he is my boyfriend and I will fire them immediately.

"I like this house." He could hardly breathe in amazement. I let go of the grip on his wrist as we reached the hall door.

"Introduce yourself to them as my classmates in—"

"Your parents know I'm going here. They invited me."

Wait, what? Do my parents know him? Are they close? Are they close with Cairen but she forgot to tell me?

"O…okay," I said trying to act normal so that I am not surprised.

 I opened the door. I'm nervous. A few people are in the hall room, mostly my relatives and family. Grandma was sitting in the middle and I also saw Mikaella, her parents and my three aunts with their husbands and children. My gaze turned to the two people I had just seen. Right here, five meters away from me was my parents. I would step quickly towards them. They're smiling at me with teary eyes. I received a tight hug from them.

"My beautiful daughter," I heard my mother say after they hugged me.

Dad touched my nose which shocked me. "You still haven't changed, you're still cute, my baby." And pinched my cheeks as though I had bubbly cheeks.

"Stop that, Arthur. Maybe our daughter is already hurt," mama scolded papa. I just stared at the two beaming at me. The corners of my eyes warmed and I didn't realize I was crying in front of them.

"There you go. My baby's cry because of what you did." Mom rubbed my cheek. Is this how they love her? If ... they knew I was not her, would they treat me like this?

"I'm sorry baby." And dad hugged me. Are they like this? How lucky she is living with them when I am not.

"It's ok, I just miss you ma, pa." I wiped away the tears and my cheeks were warm, and I took a deep breath. I am embarrassing myself in front of them.

"Hays, your daughter really inherited this from you, Cassandra." My father shook his head causing mama to pinch him at his side. I just laughed.

"Zach! There you are. I thought you couldn't make it." Dad turned his attention to Zach behind me.

Zach scratched his head. "If it weren't for your daughter, I wouldn't be here. You know, my phone has been snatched," he said with cheeks reddened.

"Oh! Ihjo. I'm sorry for what happened, I told you Arthur let's take him with us." My mother stared at Dad.

"It's ok, Auntie." Zach smiled. Auntie? Are Zach and I cousins?

"I'll leave you here first, Ma, Pa and Zach." I glanced at him. "Need to greet, grandma."

"All right, Cairen, while you are gone. Zach and I had time to catch up," my father said with amusement to Zach who only grinned.

"Come back here, we'll talk a lot, Cairen." Mama squeezed my hand before she finally released it. I simply nodded my head.

Zach gave me his charming smile, I reciprocated his smile and mentally rolled my eyeballs.