
Caught in the Mafia world.

Akina was a quite girl that moved her life as it unfolded. The change to her life began when she witnessed a murder and she became the target of the Underworld lords as everyone wanted her dead and gone and forgotten to protect their selves. Everyone except... Sergio, the son of a notorious Underworld don. Will they be able to conquer all odds?

Writing_Butterfly · Ciudad
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13 Chs

Escape from death.

.**Still at the fire incident site**

She sighed at a window that the fire didn't affect and she gathered all her energy and walked to it breathing heavily. She tried to open the window but because of the smoke, it became hard.

She scanned the shop for something big and she saw a big metal, Akina started hitting the window hard and in the process, she hit her finger, she screamed but no one could hear her, she was about to give up when she realized the window open small and she placed her nose there breathing, her throat has dried and if she could wish for just one thing, she will wish to get water to drink.

After breathing for some time, she continued hitting the window, and she smiled faintly as she succeeded in breaking the window. She tried her best to climb up the window and jumped back. She realized that the back side was not affected by the fire. She rested her back on the wall, closing her eyes

**Alfredo Mafia Empire**

After waiting in anticipation, the leader of the gang he sent called him.

"Boss, the girl is dead." He said.

"Bring her corpse here." Alfredo ordered.

"But, boss, we can't get her corpse because we didn't actually kill her ourselves, we set the place on fire and the flames have definitely killed her." The leader replied.

"Are you stupid? That girl is so wise, and she can find a way to escape, don't come back here without her corpse else you know the word, and I will kill you all." Alfredo spat and smashed the phone.

"Why can't they do anything right!" He shouted.

Sergio stood up.

"They couldn't kill her too?" Sergio asked.

"I'm sick of all my gangs, they are so useless, the next time if she escapes, we have to go search for her ourselves." Alfredo answered.


They began to search everywhere, but they couldn't see her and they were more convinced and confident that the fire burnt her body since they could see the groceries she bought.

"It's so hard convincing Master, he thought we are all dumb, snap this and send it to him, it's enough evidence for him." The leader ordered and they began to snap the groceries she left at the shop.

Akina runs with all her strength, trembling on the ground and yet she continues running, she arrives at a small river and she falls into it drinking like she hasn't seen water for ages.

She washed her face and felt good, her strength returned.

"I won't let Mom see me like this; else she will get worried again." She said and then came up with the idea to dry her clothes so she won't look messy, she already bathes at the river so she won't smell bad because of the smoke.

**Ricardo's house* their father's burial**

Ricardo and Sergio were all dressed in black, the burial wasn't supposed to be today but Sergio shifted it closer so Ricardo will go back quickly and he will take control of his late father's Mafia dynasty.

Ricardo and other people prayed silently in front of his casket.

"I always wished to be by your side while growing up, it wasn't an easy idea staying far away from you, but I can't grow up where killing, weapons, war, and drugs happen daily, I wish you an external rest, may you rest in the bosom of heaven and may he forgive your great sins, till we meet again father." Ricardo said and wiped his tears then dropped a beautiful white flower in his casket.

"Father, to others you may have died, but to me, you are still alive, I promise not to let your hard work go in vain, I had killed Carlos for betraying you, now you don't have to go alone, he will follow you, I promise to be one of the greatest Mafia ever, continue resting father," Sergio said and dropped him a white flower.

Another veneration was made and he was buried at the end of the day.

Ricardo feels he has nothing to do more in this bloody country, but his only reason for staying is to protect that innocent girl at all costs.

**Akina's home**

Akina returned home after so many struggles.

Her mom was glad nothing happened to her, only if she knew today was worse than last week.

"Welcome back my dear." She said to her.

"Where are the groceries?" Her mom asked, that's when she remembered she left it at the shop.

"Mom, the shops were closed, maybe tomorrow." She lied.

"Alright then, it's already late, I will go in."

Her mom said Akina hugged her. She was about to make a tough decision for her safety, so she entered her room and locked the door.

"I can't keep on living in this place with every minute of my life in danger, I was attacked twice, and people were losing their lives because of me, but this has come to an end." She soliloquies and picks up a pen and a paper, she writes a letter to her mom, packs her belongings and of course some money, then lives forever, maybe till everything cools down, but she can't waste another minute here.