16 Finding A Secret

"Adora! What have I told you about that!" Catra hissed as Adora leaned on her while they were walking through the forest. Catra pushed Adora away and Adora returned to Catra giggling.

"I don't remember... I was too busy admiring your beauty <3" Adora smiled fondly at Catra. Catra rolled her eyes and gave into Adora's arms.

"You're gross," Catra said hugging back.

"Hey," Adora said gently locking eyes with her lover and leaning in to touch her lips with hers. To others, this might be a small gesture, but to Adora and Catra, it's a reminder that they got what they wanted even if it meant they had to fight for it, and they did.

Suddenly they heard something scamper further in the forest and they tore apart but still clutched each other in their arms.

"What was that?" Catra whispered to Adora, Adora grinned and leaned closer,

"Maybe It's the GHOSTS!" She said scaring Catra,

"SHUT UP NO ITS NOT" Catra yelled and she stuck to Adora. Her fur full of static and Adora felt it give little sparks to her fingers.

I'll protect you from the monsters," Adora said looking at Catra lovingly as Catra unsticks from Adora's body. "I promise," Adora said wholeheartedly. Adora raised a hand to caress Catra's cheek but Catra flinches when her hand is close.

"ME DISTE TOQUES" Catra screamed as she jumped away from Adora

(You either get it or you don't, I'm sorry I don't make the rules)

"WHAT IS THAT?! WHAT DID I DO?" Adora yelled looking at her hands as if they had killed someone.

"Nothing nevermind Adora, I'm okay," Catra said assuring Adora that she hadn't hurt her. "Let's keep walking cause at this rate by the time we go back home it'll be dark." Catra grabbed Adora's hand and they continued to walk in the forest.


"Great it's getting dark and we're nowhere near the castle... or anything I don't know where we're at," Adora said worryingly looking around for indicators in the huge whispering woods.

"Relax Adora the sun barely going down we have plenty of time to return," she points in one direction and grabs Adora's hand "look I bet that's the way," she said heading toward the pathway,

"I don't think that's it," Adora reluctantly said but followed her.

"If you don't think this is the right way, why are you following me?" Catra responded snarky turning back to smirk at Adora. Adora snorted and rolled her eyes, quietly transforming into She-ra and grabbing her girlfriend and picking her up.

"From now on! You go where I go!" She declared as Catra struggled against her brute muscles.

"Adora!" Catra protested as Adora looked around and began to walk the opposite way from where Catra was going. "That's the wrong way Dummy!" She yelled.

Stumbling upon this part of the forest she didn't know, she felt worried. Hopefully if I keep walking I'll hit a marker that shows us where we're at. Adora thought as she continued walking through the darkening and damp forest.

"Woah," Adora said softly as she stopped, set the furious cat down and detransformed.

"What are you woahing about," Catra asked harshly, turning to look at what Adora had seen. "Woah,"

Before them stood a broken down house that seemed abandoned for years. It was huge and wooden and had large pillars in the front entrance.

"I think we just found a secret Catra," Adora whispered still in awe of this historical building in the whispering woods.

"Let's make it ours," Catra responded with a grin. Adora turned to her with a scrunched face.

"You can't be serious," she said clearly. Catra grinned,

"Why not? Were you planning on living in Spakle's castle your whole life? Let's restore it and make it our castle," she said excitingly.

"I-" the truth was Adora was planning on living there her whole life, close to her friends, the people who helped her in her darkness time. But... it's not like they were going anywhere. They'd still be there and nothing will change. "Actually that doesn't sound so bad, I am a princess after all," Adora said proudly. Catra scoffed and patted her on the back.

"Sure princess,"


Lol I've worked on this for a while but decided to publish it even if it's terrible. I'm at the dentist and my mouth is numb lol. Comment and vote if you want of course, have a great day/ night/ morning.

and for those who are reading at 1+ in the morning, do you have school or something tomorrow? If so go to sleep. If not, continue brave warrior.

I love you all!

stay woke! Stay smart! And stay safe!

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