
Chapter IV: The Southern Seas

Early in the morning, Yi Sun-shin bade goodbye to the Emerald Woodlands as well as Moon King, Estes. Admiral Yi Sun-shin and his company made their way back to the Turtle Army's barracks, without any trouble.

"Welcome back, Admiral," the soldiers said.

"Welcome our co-warriors, Miya, Nana and Harith of Mt. Mons," the Admiral replied.

"Welcome!" the soldiers shouted.

"Why are they with you, sire?" a soldier asked.

"We need to travel to Atlantis, so get ready, ready also the Turtle Ship," Yi Sun-shin replied.

"We'll be off to ready the ship then, sire," the soldier said and walks away.

"Let's go to my tent, we only have few hours before the Turtle Ship is ready," Yi Sun-shin said.

They went to the Admiral's tent and waited for the signal of the soldiers. It wasn't a long wait until a soldier came to them.

"Sire, Turtle Ship, ready," a soldier said.

" Let's go then," Yi Sun-shin told them.

They boarded the ship with ease. Miya and the two Leonins was in awe of how the Turtle Ship's designs.

"To the Southern Seas," Yi Sun-shin shouted.

It wasn't an easy ride into the Southern Seas for they need to face storms, and even the Charybdis, a monster that sucks all who pass.

But with the help of his three friends, they pass the challenges, and found themselves in the Southern Seas.

"I love the fragrance of the sea," Yi Sun-shin said.

Nana tried to smell the breeze but it just made her sneeze.


"Hey, wanna hear a story?" Yi Sun-shin said.

"Story? I love stories," Harith replied.

"Come, and be seated," Yi Sun-shin said. "Miya, wanna join us?"

"Yes, sire," Miya obliged.

"I will start it now," Yi Sun-shin said. "When I was a kid..."


"Yi, come and play with us," a child shouted as they play around

"I can't come, I need to practice my archery then I need to learn to wield my sword," Yi replied.

"Come on, Yi. Just play with us, you will never become a soldier though," one child shouted.

The discouragements strengthen the heart of the child Yi Sun-shin. But hidden from any friends and his family members, he always go to the seashore's rocky area to meet a friend.

"Oh, I remember I need to go to the shore this time," the child Yi Sun-shin said to himself.

As he reach the shore, he saw his friend.

"Hey, Kadita, have you been waiting for so long?" the child Yi said.

"No, I just arrived also," the child Kadita replied.

Kadita is mermaid with the ability to control the sea. She was acquainted to Yi Sun-shin when Yi Sun-shin saved her from a fishermen's net.

They were in the same page for many years until they both turned 18 years old.

"Kadita, I won't be seeing you for almost a year from now, I have been given a troop to lead as the youngest Admiral of Dragon Emperor's Army," Yi Sun-shin said.

"I am now the Queen Goddess of Southern Seas, Yi. So I won't be seeing you, too," Kadita replied.

"But before, we can't see each other, I want to say to you, Kadita, that I love you," Yi said.

"I can't deny that, too. I love you, too, Yi. But for now let's become a good leader, if we meet again someday, will you wait for me?" Kadita asked.

"I will definitely wait for you, Kadita," Yi replied in tears. "I will become the greatest Admiral you will ever hear around the oceans.

"I need to go, Yi. Goodbye. Always be the Yi Sun-shin I always admired," Kadita said in tears and gave a kiss and a hug as a bade of goodbye to the Admiral.

"Someday, we'll meet again, Kadita," Admiral Yi Sun-shin said to himself.

***********END OF FLASHBACK**********

"What a story," Nana sobbed.

"Is that your real life story, sire?" Harith asked.

"Yes, Harith, until now I had been waiting and longing to see her," Yi Sun-shin replied.

"For how many years, sire. You already conquered the great oceans. You haven't met her again?" Miya asked.

"No, not once," the Admiral replied.

"Sire, pirates inbound," one soldier exclaimed.

"Ready to defend," Yi Sun-shin shouted. "Let's go, Miya.

"Nana, Harith, let's go," Miya shouted.

And they went out, loaded they weapons, ready to defend.