
Years ago

It was a nice sunny day in the city, California. It was so nice and calm that day that no one might imagine terrible thing happening or something strange gonna happen this beautiful day.

It just happened that afternoon, that beautiful bright pleasant afternoon. It was my 30th birthday. My parents were so proud of me cause that same day, I was the only one chosen in the army after so many years of trying hard. After years of hard work, I was at promoted to one of the Major of the military and it was also my birthday. A big graceful day for me. Well I was so so happy that sweet and graceful day that all I could think was my desert, the birthday cake

Yes, the birthday cake.

"Yeah yeah, it's my birthday. Can you cut the cake already," I said already curious about the deliciousness of the amazingly big cake.

"Cool down Danny. The cake isn't running away," my wife said and I groaned.

"Who said cakes don't have legs?" I muttered and they laughed.

"Danny, You are 30 years. Act your age!" Dad exclaimed and I made an eye roll. I am a major now dad!

"I will act my age after someone cut the beautiful cake into two. With the look of it, it will taste so delicious," I said rubbing my hands thoroughly staring at the beautiful dessert.

"Can't wait?" My wife questioned smiling at me.

If I could count the most important people in my life right now and forever, I will count my wife as number one. She has been there for me the whole time of my life. Not leaving me, she will forever be my life partner. The one I love and I will forever love.

"Yeah, can't wait love," I replied and they all laughed.

My wife(Lucia) lit the candles and grinned at me with that sexy grin of hers.

"Make a wish," she muttered and my parents clapped.

"Yes Danny, make a wish," Mom said and I bent over to make a wish on the cake.

I closed my eyes and made a wish in my heart. I blew off the candle lights and they all cheered.

My mind suddenly swept to this morning when me and my friends were walking round the market buying stuffs.

We met a woman in the market, one of my friends dragged me to a seer as they all prospected she is. I was first against it, saying it's all ridiculous seeing some seer. It's superstitious.

I sat in the middle of the bench with my friends staring at the seer who was busy saying some incantations.

"This is ridiculous," I said.

"How is it Daniel. Just shut up and hear your future,"

I sighed pressing my temples slowly.

"Give me your hand," the seer said. I stretched my hands towards her, she grabbed it, and started looking it like a manic maniac.

"What a maniac," I mumbled to myself.

"Wow, you are blessed."

"What?!" I frowned at her.

"Very soon, you are gonna encounter a queen,"


"A very beautiful queen and her daughter too,"


"Today, your life's gonna change drastically. Today, you should expect a powerful wind that's gonna change your life permanently,"

"Well, I think I will expect that," I withdrew my hand away from hers.

"Just take it in heart that everything will be okay,"

"Okay ma'am,"

I stood up on my feet.

"You brought me here, pay her up," I said to my friend who sighed like a brat he is.

I told my wife all what happened the moment I reached home.

I don't know why she felt restless after explaining it all to her.


Suddenly the wind blew and we all looked around. What was that? Still I ignored it completely.

I cut a part of the cake and placed it on the plate. I wanted to feed my wife she stopped me.

"You felt that strong wind, didn't you?" She asked me and a frown crept up on my face. Why is she getting worried about a little breeze. It's my birthday for goodness. Why is she so superstitious for goodness sake??

"The thing you explained to me this morning. Isn't this what the woman said,"

"Are you for real Lucia?" I sighed, then pat her head.

"Guys, that was just a little breeze, a normal one. It's my birthday today and also a joyful day for me." I complained and Mom smiled at me.

"Okay birthday boy, let's cut the cake," my mom said picking up the knife.

"Wait!" I said and they all turned around to look at me.

"What? What's the problem," Mom asked.

"One minute,"

I said and they all chuckled softly.

Lucia smiled at me. I went to grab the wooden box behind the table.

"What is that?" She asked curiously. She should at least calm down.

"Guess," I muttered.

"Common Danny, what's in there? Stop acting naughtily again for goodness sake," Lucia complained.

"Best moment spoiler!" I accused.

"Okay, whatever! show me already," Lucia said clapping her hands together in anticipation and I smiled.


I brought out of a white fluffy rabbit.

"Woowwww!!" They all exclaimed.

"You always wanted this right?" I asked

"But it's your birthday, you shouldn't have bought me this," Lucia said cutely making me giggle softly. What a cute wife I have.

"When it is my birthday, it's also your birthday. That makes it two birthday today," I said with a smile plastered on my face.

Lucia looked at me with that dreamy eyes of hers and hugged me almost instantly.

"Awnn..." they all chorused.

"I love you Danny," she muttered melting my heart. I really love this woman so much.

"I love you too Lucia," I replied softly.

"Awwn..." They all chorused again.

"It's now time for the cake!" Mom said happily and they all cheered.

The day was a happy day for my wife and I. My birthday, the most memorable day of my life, the day I will never forget, the day I met her, the day my life began to change inwardly. If I had known...


She looked around the streets. Her visions were kinda blurry and animated. She looked at her body and winced suddenly. Why is it so strange? Why is she in so much pain?

She approaches some gamblers by the streets. She batt her lashes over and over again.

They were busy smoking and gambling. She walked towards them slowly and carefully watching her steps. Cause she felt like she could trip and fall at anytime.

"Please," she muttered.

The gamblers saw her naked and walking towards them. She was exhausted and also in pain. She wanted water and food. She also wanted shelter.

"Hey," one of the gamblers called looking at her from her foot to her head. She looked so gorgeous and bright. She was a beautiful spotless naked angel. She looks like that cartoon network (Barbie) kids are attached to. But the only problem is, she was in distress. A beauty in distress.

"Water," she mumbled and fell before them.

"Please," she begged pathetically.

The gamblers looked at themselves and smiled. These was a nice catch to them and they are so gonna take advantage of it.

"You need water?" One if them asked smiling widely.

"Yes, I need water, please help me," she begged again slowly. "Please,"

She said, her voice sounding heavenly like an echo to the ears. Her voice was even beautiful.

"We will give you water," the other man said licking his lips seductively.

'what a nice catch," he thought to himself.

She was so so beautiful to resist.

"Okay," she muttered.


One of them grabbed her hand and she winced in pain.

She felt the feeling the minute they touched her. They held her to take advantage of her, is she gonna allow them? Never!!!

"Are you okay?" One of them asked and she looked at him In blazing eyes.

"I am, but you are not," she replied coldly.

She pushed him away. He fell down hitting his head on a hard concrete. How come she suddenly changed in a second she was touched.

She walked to the other ones and they all looked at her in shock. She had that sinister smirk on her face that makes even the walls shiver at her presence.

"What are you?" They questioned trying to be fearless even with their voices trembling.

"Your worst nightmare." She replied smirking at them

"What...what are you going to do with us, you...?"

She formed flames with her hands and the men moved aback. What is she? What a horrible day for them!

"I will kill you all," she replied. Her voice was sounding hoarse and quite penetrating.

What happened?

"You all are trying to take advantage of me right?" She questioned creasing her brows.

"No we are not," one of them said as they were all moving back in fear.

"You are trying to take advantage of me," she said looking at them weirdly. Even her weird looks were scary, scaring them to the wits.

"We..we..." They stuttered and she cut them off with a sudden wind sweeping them off their feet.

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