

Captain Lionnel Dutch, a father of two and widower, was a leading explorer for the Dorimir Galactic Civilization. While heading back to HQ to debrief and resupply before his excursion back to a new planet he discovered, his ship seemingly froze while a tear in space sucked up his ship.

"Ugh. What happened!" He weakly mutters.

His hearing initially muffled and vision blurry slowly returned to normalcy before being battered with flashing lights and the ship's AI blaring "ALERT! ALERT! SHIP HAS SUSTAINED GREAT DAMAGE! AN EMERGENCY LANDING IS COMMENCING! ALE--".

He covered his ears and looked around the ship. It was terrible as if a Tasmanian devil wreaked havoc with metal plating broken and strewn about and stray fraying wires everywhere.

"Artificial Gravity Generator Failing! Prepare yourself Captain!" The AI warned Dutch.

The ships rocketed towards the near planetary body and captain Dutch is flung onto the ceiling. He briefly looked out a porthole and was stunned. The "planet" they seemed to be landing was covered in roots bigger than skyscrapers that originated from a wormhole in space.

The ship's landing gear deployed and thrusters' blasted at full power. The land beneath was scorched and the ship landed with a thud and his unconscious self flung face-first into the flooring.

The AI reported quickly:

"System Check Initializing:

Sensors: Functioning Partially-Damaged

Solar Array: Slightly Damaged (Repairs Needed)

Energy Reserves: Low

Thruster Fuel: Low

Thrusters: Partially-Damaged (Repairs Needed)

Hull: Slightly-Damaged

Landing Gear: Functioning Slightly-Damaged

Drones: Severely-Damaged

Medical Bay: Fully Functional

Oxygenator: Fully Functional

Auto-Repair: Slightly Damaged (Repairs-Needed) …"

The captain woke up in incredible pain and weary. Struggling to get up he slowly crawled to the medbed. With much pain and lots of grunting he climbed into the medbed.

"I-initialize inspection a-and b-begin fixes," Dutch said weakly

"Initializing Analysis of Captain Dutch. A full-body scan commenced.

Bio-Scan complete, results: head trauma sustained, multiple fractured bones, external/internal bleeding, and foreign entities found within. Treatment initiating."

Syringes inserted and injected liquid that expedited blood cell production while lasers and claws removed the foreign entities and fixed placements of fractured bones for healing, followed by sprays that disinfect the area and seal wounds. Quickly his paleness was replaced by a good rosy color, and he's able to quickly move without being impeded.

Outside the ship:

In the East, "LUCIDIA!" a fair-skinned lady wearing battle-garments reminiscent of medieval times yells. "Yes, my Vorxce!" Replies a man in similar attire. "Go towards that light this instance! We cannot allow the Morecci to have another relic of the gods!"

To the West of the ship deep within a large fungal covered land, "Duk'Mar! Did you see that flashing?" A tall and lanky humanoid figure calls out to another shorter one. "I did indeed, my Dook'Me." Replies the shorter, but bulkier figure. "Go and find out what it is and retrieve it if possible." "With haste and efficiency this shall be done my Dook'Me." Duk'Mar does a weird hand movement and heads out.

To the north lies a mountainous region, "Besl! Go to where that heavenly light fell and make sure no Lorenx soldiers retrieve what is there." A large and built man says to a similarly sized figure.

"Velna (Ship's computer), show me the ship's full status report!" "Of course Captain Dutch!" A 3D depiction of the ship is visualized in front of Captain Dutch with areas in complete disrepair as red, areas with severe damage as orange, areas partially damaged as yellow, areas slightly damaged as yellow, and areas fully-functioning as green.

"Alright that's better than expected, besides the auto-repairs needing manual repairs themselves. *he sighs* This'll be a hassle. Velna how's the planet?"

"Sensors are slightly damaged but indicate a breathable atmosphere. Water testing and treatment have begun and predictions show full operationality in T-Minus 5 hours. Soil and mineral samples require manual extraction for further analysis until sensors and drones are fully repaired."

"Velna please give a complete explanation of what happened before landing here."

"Captain Dutch, while you were scouting out a new route for our great Dorimir Civilization, we were sucked into a breach in space that exerted a massive amount of pressure on the ship and left us just above this planet's atmosphere. After sustaining damage from the wormhole, it was determined that the best course of action was to immediately land on this unknown world in case of life-support failure."

"Velna, it shows communications are fine, but that no signals are being intercepted, is this an error?"

"No Captain Dutch, communications are slightly damaged, but that is not an error. It appears we are located outside of Dorimir's range."

"How can that be Velna!?!? Dorimir's communications' range extends thousands of lightyears from every border colony. We can't even find the faintest signal?"

"It appears not captain, we are truly in an unknown expanse of space."

He sat down and pulled up an image of his son and daughter and took a while to think.

"Velna access journal, new log entry.

(With a weary smile) Hello, I am Captain Lionnel Dutch explorer and scout for the Dorimir Civilization. It appears that I've been sent to some faraway star system outside of any communications range. My ship is damaged, and I've yet to explore this land. I hope... (shaky voice) that I'll get to see my children again.

End Entry."

"Velna I'm going to rest, wake me up when the water system is ready."

"Of course Captain Dutch. Sleep well."

This is my first time really trying to write, please leave your criticisms and hopefully you'll help me grow as a writer.

supremeboop_daoistcreators' thoughts