7 Stay The Night

I clear my throat and prepare to speak "My parents were Cana Alber-" I was cut off by Cherry as she became curious, "Wait like the Cana we have here?" I nodded at what she said, her reactions were still ongoing "Wow, I never knew" she then gestured to zipping her mouth closed, and so I continued "My parents are Cana Alberona and Connor, I was a year old at the time and for the next year I stayed with them in a cabin where it always snowed" I pause to see if she had a question and she did "You can remember things from that age?" I then nod letting out a humble smile, "Yes I can, though really its not a big deal" I see her pause and sigh, she stood up and walked over to my bed and sat down, taking one of my pillows and leaning her back against it sitting beside me, "Alright then continue" I nodded and I began recalling and saying the next parts, "I woke up to a normal day and walked past dad's body but I fell off the bed though I did not cry" I hear a giggle on my right ear, its probably just her "This did woke up my dad where he lit up the fire place for me, after that he went out carrying his weapon and axe to gather more wood" I pause for a minute to catch my breath and I turn to her to see her yawn, I look forward again and continue the story "My mother woke up and cooked us food, but my father returned under madness enhancement, my mother took my to a basket which rolled down the river, and mom and dad fought, thats when I saw two lights reach out to me after that I just fe-" I feel a head fall to my right shoulder, my shoulder felt a strange sensation that I did not expected which caused my heart to race, I honestly couldn't pull her all the way to her bed without waking her up, I pull her legs down and lightly move her to the right side of the bed where she slept peacefully, I placed the sheets over us and I turn to my left looking away from her, after that my eyes felt heavy, finally falling asleep.

Morning arrives, and I wake up a few seconds earlier than Cherry, I stand up stretching, and then I say "Good morning" she were still awfully sleepy so she yawns "Mhm" and then nods, the rooms had their own set of changing rooms which had their own bathrooms as well, she entered her door and I entered mine, from there I set up my clothing, and bathe, magic makes everything so much easier in a few moments I dried myself up and changed to my more casual clothing, I go out to see Cherry's changing room door open, It seems she had finished, after I closed mine I went to her door and close it then I leave the room to begin my next day in the enclave, while I'd love to hear her story I think its best if I found out in a different way.

I go to the kitchen to see Cherry checking on the ingredients, "Hey Cherry, checking on supplies?" Cherry nods and she stood up turning around, "I have to buy ingredients again" I notice her sigh, maybe its because of the frequency she needs to buy, "Oh, if you want I can keep you company" She then smiles and clapped her hands together once, "Thanks, I'd like the company"

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