
Can I stop the dragon god as a vampire

The war torn world of Eden is in complete turmoil by the fight between the two most powerful army's known by all the races. The dragon god looks down apon the world he and his friend Kyota, the creator god, in disgust. Kyota wishes for the world to be better, but the dragon god would destroy this pathetic rock made by his hands. Not wishing to fight his friend Kyota and the mighty dragon place a bet on the nature of the world itself. "Summon your champion," the mighty dragon gives Kyota the order bring a powerful entity into the world of Eden. This person was the one who was meant to bring peace to the world and unite all people. This was a terrible mistake. Alucard, the champion of Kyota, became the most feared creature of Eden and even Slayed the Dragon God. After doing so he became the new dragon god and was hell bent on turning Eden into a land of fire and bloodied corpses. Kyota, not being strong enough to defend against him, would soon fall. Using the last of his strength he gave the world one more chance by sealing Alucard Using his own body as the seal. Knowing it won't hold he cast one last act in his fading consciences. Taking from Alucard what made him so strong in the past and giving it to a soul who would hopefully be a better champion. Apon the death of a sick child, whose mother was praying to anyone who could here, a light carried his soul to what he thought would be the afterlife. " Save Eden and her people, and fix my mistake. I will do my best to give you all I can. Please help them." Kyotas' last request was given to this soul. Will it be strong enough to stop the dragon god. First novel please give feedback and hope you enjoy.

Phillip_Watlington · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Useless goods

Running through a forest is hard enough in the middle of the night. The night air made no sound so a single step could be heard far away. That noise is even louder for the pair running right now.

There are two furry animals moving very fast. One brown furred and the other grey. The two of them were large creatures on what looked to be hind legs.

Werewolves were not actually wolf like in there looks. Arms and hands instead of paws. Long snouts like a wolf with sharp canine teeth. The brown one was bigger than the grey. Clearly male the brown one was leading the the other by its left hand.

"Keep up Aisha." A deep gruff non-human voice camanded.

No word came from the other only a soft whimper and a nod. While running the brown werewolf looked to his right side as he heard a vicious growl moving in. He saw nothing. He then realized it was a distraction and in a panic he turned to the right and caught a glimpse of reddish brown fur before he was sent flying with a sturdy full gripped punch.

Aisha couldn't feel the hand of the brown wolf anymore and screamed out. "Anthony! Anthony!" Crying for the wolf whose muzzle is being grabbed by the red furred beast.

The reddish brown wolf was far bigger than these two. It would seem he is an adult whole the two are just pups or a little older. Out of the woods a bigger black werewolf came with visible mounds of muscle all over its body. He was gigantic. He had no tongue in his mouth and was missing a few teeth.

"The girl seems blind. Useless goods. Kill her and bring her pelt to me." The reddish werewolf said to the bigger one in a not so imposing tone. He seemed not to want to make him angry.

Just as the black furred werewolf went up to the grey he slashed down ward. His hand heavy and wanting to kill her in one go.

As his hand reached her stomach clawing out her innards, the brown wolf felt his heart sink. He heard her blood spray on the ground. He could not save her. His own dear little sister.

"You will fetch a nice price as a slave." The reddish wolf opened his mouth to clamp down on the others neck so he would submit to him without a fight, but the he smells something rather peculiar. "Why does that girl smell like piss?" He directed his question at the black wolf.

He forgot for a second that his partner was mute. He turned around still holding onto Anthony very tightly around the maw. Looking back he found a grey wolf on her knees and shaking. The other assailants location was unknown.

He sniffed the air and all he got was that same scent from before. He knew it was blood, but it smelled old. Like the iron had sat for a while. He had no idea what was going on.

"Judging by that reaction of yours you've never seen my kind before. Don't worry about your friend he's just taking a nap." The wolf had no clues as to what was talking to him. He was at the edge of werewolf territory in the forest. No one e came here.

Looking down at Anthony he felt like the prize was not worth it. His buddy, who was stronger than him got taken by the creature so he himself didn't want to get involved.

Leaving the scene fast like he headed in a direction that to his opposition felt to dangerous to give chase

Jumping from high up a tree a small child landed in dark grey shorts and jacket. His tie was blue and had red stripes running down it. The first thing Anthony noted was the appearance of his savior.

"What are you? You smell funky. And look weird to child." Anthony stared daggers at the boy.

"Your suspicious of me? I saved that girl there. Even messed up my tie doing it." Upon closer inspection the red stripes on the tie were blood stains. Claw marks indicated the boy was hit during his little scuffle.

In truth Victor did not fight the werewolf as that would only serve to get him killed. He used his charm to put the wolf to sleep long before his hands had even reach his torsos. The claws of the sleeping beast are sharp and grained him a little. Still enough to make Aisha worried though.

" Are you hurt child. Where are your parents." She said not realizing that her and this boy are roughly the same age.

Doesn't matter what they think his priority is their safety. If he wanted respect then the quickest way to get it was to take them to safety.

It was time to try something he would most likely never get the chance to do again.

"If you want to live come with me." Victor stated with authority and the pair made nothing, but head nods

' Darn it I blew the line, can I get a retry on that' upset a t the loss of his chance to hit the one liner he pressed onward toward the siblings in front of him.

He walked passed them and out of the forest. He did not want to be there when the big guy woke up. He took them back to Margrets estate and didn't even get the chance to knock on the door before a heavy pressure made a sweat run down his spine.

"I looked everywhere forr you. Where have you been." The anger in her voice clear as day, but the fact that Victor was now being lifted by his head made him remember the first time he was about to die at the hands of another.

"I just went out and saved these two from dying." Victor had to make a quick not so detailed explanation as his skull was being crushed by the might of Margrets hand.

She looked over her shoulder and noticed the to furry creatures.

In her eyes these two were pretty weak and definitely needed protection. Seeing the girl Margret understood everything instantly.

"So you saved useless goods and an adolescent werewolf. You know the are going to follow her sent back here right and I for one don't want to fight the beast coming out of that forest." The succubus knew if the boy got away it was due to tricks or luck. He was not strong enough to handle anything from that forest.

"Boss I'm sorry for not coming back with anything. I..." a hand went up forcing a stop to the speech of a reddish furred werewolf.

After he ran it was in the direction of his packs camp. He knew his boss could handle what ever came out of the woods and attacked him.

Well more like his friend, but still he was going to milk the drama so the big dark blue, heavily scared and one eyed beast in front of him wouldn't hesitate to protect his own.

"Earlier, just before you came here we caught the scent of something foul. I would know that smell anywhere. You made it bleed. Tell me was it alone." The giant looked down at his companion and smiled widely.

"I caught no other scent boss. I believe it was just one of those things. If you would please tell me what is it?" Red furs heart was beating fast as his maniacal boss had looked far more crazy now than in the past few years.

"Round up the boys," He stated in a territory voice. "Tonight on this full moon we will have a proper hunt. We hunt a vampire!" His face was lit up with so much excitement.

Red fur on the other hand was confused. "No wonder I was unable to understand that smell. Vampire, what would a bloodsucker be doing in beast country? Doesn't matter now that I know what it is I can capture it and hold it under the sun." His boss looked right at him with a fury in the eye.

"We are not children you fool." A vampire is worth more to us alive than dead. Our king can use it as a bargaining chip in the upcoming summit. Capture the vampire and kill everyone around it." The boss of the pack gave the signal to move out and track the Vampire.

They could find the trail. Victor cover his tracks well, but he underestimated the scent that another werewolf gives off.

"They can't track me. And if they only follow the scent these two give off won't they give up. The trail will lead them here where they will run into beast kin territory." Victor was certain he had did a good job at keeping his head down.

"Idiot. If they can't find you then they will look for those around you. Starting with the brats you just saved. And if you think they are afraid of coming into another territory think again. The only reason the werewolves don't rule all this land is because they found the task to be boring. They won't hesitate to..." Margret stopped and looked up to the sky. It was quite, but she still heard the howls in the night sky.

'This moron is going to get himself killed.'

[Update: the user has endangered himself. Prepare for the fight of a lifetime.]

[Bonus mission: kill (0/20) werewolves]

First big fight with his new powers.

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