
Chapter 24

The latter clears his throat uncomfortably while putting his hand on the shoulder of his colleague.

" It's a misunderstanding "Explains the policeman to his friend while I glare at him ready to throw myself at him. Mr. Ericsson recognized this human kid. This made her come out of her impregnation, but at first she became a little too greedy, she made it difficult for them to get more money and more. You know how it goes this kind of plan"She clearly saw that the multinational of the family could bring her much more than expected... Suddenly, to push them to the limit, she created an accident before attacking Mr. Waine here present, also attacking me, and as if that wasn't enough she even attempted to kidnap the Queen Mother of Wolves. Instead of making a fuss all parties have decided that the restitution should be to help Lord Ryley Ericsson.. . There is nothing there to worry about the brigade.