
I Arrive At Camp

It was a morning like usual but it felt different like something bad was going to happen. I sat up in my bed and got dressed. I walked into the hall to hear the window break. I quickly dove into the hall closet and hid. Just then a fat man walked up the stairs he had a tint of green to his skin, his teeth were marked and pointy and he held a club in his hand. I covered my mouth realizing it was a ogre. It walked past the closet so I bolted out the door. The monster broke through the wall chasing me. I ran and ran and ran till I came to a gate. I ran through the gate and entered a camp. "HELP!!" I cried. A boy heard me screaming and ran towards me.

"What's wrong?" The boy asked. I gestured to the ogre that was still running towards me. The boy got out a sword and sliced the ogres head off. The ogres lifeless body fell. I was so exhausted I passed out. I woke up and the next thing I knew I was laying on a beach and the water was hitting my body. There was sand in my brown hair and in my clothes.

"Where am I? I asked

"Your at camp Androscoggin or camp Andro for short." I slowly stood up and booked it but as exhausted I was the boy tackled me to the ground. He pinned me down starring at me. "Where do you think your going."

"Home!" I yelled kneeing him in the gut. I ran away as he was sitting there in pain. When I thought he couldn't see me I hid in a cave at the side of a hill. It turned to night and they didn't find me. I walked out of the cave and went back up the hill to see them eating dinner. I was so hungry do I haven't eaten all day. I stood up and then couldn't move. I was frozen.

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