
Unknown's Life And Death

Calvin:"Ok, so what's the plan?"

Ilyes:"Prisons, by design, are difficult to escape from."


Ilyes:"So we have to use our strength to get out."

Calvin:"So that your plan?"


Calvin in disappointment:"So clever."

Ilyes:"What? Do you think I'm Michael Scofield?"


Ilyes:"Do you have a better idea?"

Calvin:"Hmmm, give me another day to figure out a plan."

Ilyes:"So loooong."

Calvin:"It's your fault for not thinking this through enough."

Ilyes:"Ok, but we have to break out of this jail next week."

Calvin:"I understand, I will do my best."

Calvin then needed to figure out a plan to escape from prison, but also he had to think about how he could copy his master's mysterious message written under the steel bed without anyone's notice including Ilyes. That night, Calvin was lying on his steel bed think of a solution to these two problems and how he would deal with the guards and everything else. He remembered his friend Eric and all things that happened to him.

Calvin:"(Eric! Wait for me, we will uncover this mystery together!)"

And he fell asleep. The next day morning, he woke up to the yelling of the guard on Ilyes.

The Guard:"GET UP!"

Ilyes: "mmhmmfm...Just.. five.. more.. minutes.. mmmmhfm."


Ilyes didn't bother with what they said and continued to sleep.

The Guard:"It can't be helped, I'll give another ten minutes. Make sure to get up by that time, or else no lunch."


The guard turned to Calvin.

The Guard:"You, come with me."

They went to the canteen as usual in the morning to take breakfast. Calvin took his plate and sat down alone and far from the others or rather the other prisoners were the ones to avoid him after what they saw the previous day.

Calvin: "(It's a nice feeling to be feared by others, I won't get in trouble again. Anyway, let's eat.)"

Calvin was eating peacefully and thinking about his plans. Suddenly, two guys in the canteen began to shout and yell at each other.

Guy 1:"You stole my piece of bread!"

Guy 2:"It's not me, and why would I do that?"

Guy 1:"It was you! I've seen it!"

One guard who was watching the scene intervened and gave them two pieces of bread.

The Guard:"Are you really going to fight because of a piece of bread? You are old, guys."

The first guy grabbed the bread and ate it quickly. Then, he took the second bread and began to eat.

Guy 1: "*Munch Munch*"

The Guard:"Really? I brought two pieces of bread to share it together. It's not just for you!"

Guy 1:"Sorry.. *Munch Munch*... didn't know...that.."

The Guard: "..."

Guy 2:"I don't mind, I'm already full."

The Guard:"Ok, then."

Guy 1:"See, he is full because he ate my piece of bread!"

The Guard:"Stop talking about it again."

Guy 2:"You should take care of your body, fatty!"

The whole canteen:"OOOOOOOOOOHHH!"

Calvin:"(Ouch! That was burning!)"


Guy 2:"Are you going to make me repeat myself?"

And a fight broke in the canteen between these two guys.

Calvin: "(They are fighting because of a piece of bread. If everyone heard this, they would think that this place is a school's canteen.)"

The rumble continued in the canteen and it got bigger as everyone became involved in it, Calvin noticed something dropped by a guard.

Calvin: "(Hum? That's a pen.)"

He remembered that he had to copy the message left by his master, Kamo.

Calvin: "(I can use that pen to write the message everywhere on my cloth, I need to get it now!)"

Calvin stood up and went to where the pen was, he avoided everyone who was fighting. He took the pen and returned to his place but he remarked that someone was sitting next to his place.



Calvin:"(Is he deaf?)"

Calvin sat in his place next to the prisoner and continued eating his breakfast. The man next to him seemed to be in his early 30, he had white skin and blue eyes.

Calvin:"Sooo, what's your name?"

????:"Bruce.... Bruce Wilson.."

Calvin:"I'm Calvin Bradford. Nice to meet you, Bruce."


Calvin:"So, Bruce. What did you do that brought here, in prison?"

Bruce:"I don't know.. I will be held here for my entire life."

Calvin:"That's a sad way to live a long life until death."

Bruce:"I'm already dead."

Calvin:"(What a strange man, he is so depressed that he want to end his life living in this crappy prison. He lost his will to live, he must have gone through some terrible events and experiences in his life.)"



Bruce:"What do you believe in?"

Calvin: "(Hmmm, Well definitely I don't believe in love. As for what I believe in, friendship? Money? Fame and Glory? Science? God's will? I believe in something that everyone can't deny.)"

Calvin:"I believe in truth."

Bruce: "...Interesting.."

Calvin: "(Why did he ask me such a question? Maybe he is trying to test me?)"

Calvin:"How about you?"

Bruce: "I don't know, I am no more than an imagination, alive in death and dead in life."

Calvin: "(What's up with this lame answer?)"

Bruce: "It seems like your friend will be soon here. Farewell, Calvin Bradford."

Bruce stood up and went to the work section. As he was walking away, Calvin remembered something that Kamo has taught him.

Calvin:"(That look, that aura, that stare. It's the same as my master!)"


Kamo:"Calvin, I will teach you things that aren't especially martial arts but it will help you in daily life."

Calvin:"Do I need that?"

Kamo:"Of course! In pursuing the life of martial arts, one may get caught in trouble. In these situations of high pressure, remaining calm under pressure will allow you to outsmart anyone."

Calvin:"How can I achieve that?"

Kamo:"First of all, you shouldn't overreact in a situation of extreme pressure. One's calm non-reactive demeanor is extremely unsettling to the adversaries. But more important, it's in this remaining calm that you can think of a strategy and put it into work."

Calvin:"Understood, but how can I remain calm."

Kamo:"Expose yourself to life-threatening situations."

Calvin:"I don't wanna die! I'm not doing it."

Kamo:"Don't worry. In this case, the threat will come looking directly to you. There is no escape."

Calvin:"You are joking, right?"

Kamo:"What do think?"

Calvin:"Then it's a joke."

Kamo:"*hahahaha* Yeah it is."

Calvin:"*Gulp* Seriously?"

--Present Time--

Ilyes arrived at the canteen along with the guard that was responsible of the section where Calvin's cell was located.

Ilyes:"Good morning, Calvin."

Calvin:"Good morning, Ilyes. Still feeling sleepy?"

Ilyes:"Son of a gun, he let me sleep just three minutes."

The Guard:"I let sleep more than one hour!"

Ilyes:"For me, it was three minutes."

The Guard:"Whatever, eat quickly your breakfast and go to work!"


The guard went back to his work.

Ilyes:"I have good news and bad news."

Calvin:"The bad news first."

Ilyes:"No, the bad news is related to the good news."

Calvin:"Then, the good news first."

Ilyes:"I have a very good escape plan."

Calvin:"The bad news."

Ilyes:"I can't tell you the plan until the night before the escape day."

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