
Chapter 1. The Forest of Tenebris

Welcome, this is a story of a world where fantasy and magic are reality. In this world we start in a dark forest to the west of the Beastmen country, Kaito. In this dark forest, we find a man starting to awake from a long slumber. This man is named Kaijin, and he is destined for something great! As Kaijin awakes from his slumber and opens his eyes in a panic, as if waking from a nightmare, thoughts start to flood out amongst the panic. In his confusion, Kaijin says, "Where am I?! I just remember heading to bed then falling asleep, but where is this, it's like a fantasy." When Kaijin awoke, he saw many unfamiliar things to him. Around him there were mushrooms that were glowing many colors, some were a dark orange emitting light that was comparable to a candle lit in a library, another was a blue mushroom that was emitting light like a neon light, and the last one was a crimson mushroom the same color as blood, it emitted hardly any light and seemed to be absorbing the light around to make it seem as if it was just the crimson mushroom with only shadows underneath. Kaijin also saw redwood tree's around him, they were as tall as the eyes could see, he could also see stars at the top but none of them appeared to be the constellations he had known. When kaijin looked around some more he saw a building that was similar to a medieval forge and inn mixed together, it was a building with a round foundation with one fourth of it turned into the forge and the rest being an inn type building, Kaijin approached the entrance of the building, and noticed that there were was light showing through the door implying someone was there, Kaijin then knocked on the door and said "Hello?

Is anyone there? " He was then greeted by the door opening, and when the door opened Kaijin was met with shock and thought " An ELF?! " Yes, it was an elf to Kaijin's surprise. The elf was tall, with long and pointy ears. He also had gray and green pupils and he had long white hair as well. He was also wearing an outfit that seemed to be made out of leaves weaved very finely together. The elf then spoke and said " A guest? How unusual, what would someone be doing all the way out here? And a human at that, I thought your kind went extinct ages ago in the massacre of Blumin." Kaijin was shocked by the last statement but was also very confused about where he was, so he said " Where am i? And what do you mean all the humans are extinct?!" The elf then responded with a confused voice and said " You don't know where you are?

Why, how could you not know where we are? We are in the Tenebris forest, The forest that God has abandoned. This forest is known for its monsters, and immense darkness. Disregarding that you don't know where you are, how could you not know about the massacre that caused the extinction of the humans? You are human, correct?" Kaijin knew he was human but there was something different about him, While the elf was talking kaijin looked into a mirror behind the elf and saw that his hair color had changed, its original color was a light brown but now it turned a snow white, Kaijin was confused about it but he knew he was human without a doubt so Kaijin responded and said "I am human, but i don't know anything about this land i just woke up and i was here." The elf was surprised at his words and thought for a second and then he said " You don't remember anything about how you got here?" Kaijin then said "No, I just remember waking up outside your home, then knocking on your door. Can you tell me about the massacre of Blumin?" Kaijin hid the fact that he was from another world cause he didn't want to reveal it without proper trust in them, and he didn't know if there were more like him or if it would cause dissension so he kept quiet about it and stuck with saying he did not remember anything. The elf then sighed and then said with a calmer voice " If you don't know, I wouldn't mind telling you, it's common knowledge anyways. The massacre occurred here in the Tenebris forest over two centuries ago, you see, centuries ago this forest used to be the nation of humans, the country of Blumin. it was once a great nation which sided with God, they were a country that had freedom for all, once Blumin reached their peak of strength they were at the top of the food chain, they were stronger than any other nation but with their strength they became conceited and their citizens and nobles began to act full of themselves, treating other countries as unequals, not everyone was like this but it was only a matter of time before they followed suit, however their rise to power did not last long . At their peak of strength appeared a foe who could even challenge God, Blumin was no match for his mighty army, and when they cried for God to come, he wasn't there, and Blumin fell, the humans were massacred and the streets of Blumin became streams of blood, no one was spared, children, women and men were all slaughtered, it was as if the once heavenly nation had fallen all the way down into the depths of Hell. It was a living Hell."

Kaijin was surprised by his words, he didn't know how someone could be so ruthless, and slaughter a whole nation with no remorse for women and children, he couldn't imagine what it was like. While Kaijin was thinking, the elf interrupted and said in a very confused manor " Why....are you crying?" Kaijin didn't even realize but tears were flowing down his face, and confused Kaijin cause he himself didn't even know why he was crying. So he said with confusion in his voice " I...don't know…." The elf was shocked but he stayed silent in his confusion. As Kaijin was crying, memory's filled his mind all too confusing to understand, but one of them was clear as day, he saw a woman with black hair, and she said in a voice that seemed as though the cold hand of death was upon her "Ka..Kaijin…. It's o..okay…I won't… leave you 'cough'...I won't…." In the memory she was coughing blood up and as she was trying to tell Kaijin something, he saw the light in her eyes start to fade, and in Kaijin's memory he remembers being filled with anguish and despair, and with those emotions all built up he said " NO! DON'T LEAVE ME! Please-" Kaijin then came back to his senses and heard the elf yelling "HEY, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Kaijin then realized he had put his hands on his head as if he had a headache and he had also fallen to the ground with his legs curled up close to his body, Kaijin quickly got himself up and collected himself, then he said in a calm but nervous voice to the elf "Y-Yes, sorry. i just collapsed for some reason, i'm okay now, thank you." Kaijin was trying to assure him that he was alright, but it was obvious Kaijin was shaken and didn't know what had happened. The elf looked at Kaijin knowing he wasn't okay, so he said in a worried voice"Do you want to come in and rest before you go? I have plenty of rooms to spare and I haven't had a guest in ages, please come in." Kaijin did not expect the elf to offer this, and Kaijin was grateful so he said "Are you sure that would be fine" The elf then nodded at Kaijin to assure him it was fine, the elf said after nodding "By the way, may i know your name?" Kaijin was surprised as he had forgotten to tell the elf his name. Kaijin responded hastily and said " It's Kaijin" the elf then said "Kaijin… I see, a marvelous name indeed. I go by the name of Astolis. I look forward to your company." Kaijin then followed Astolis into the inn. When Kaijin went into the inn Kaijin noticed the interior was similar to that of a tavern from a game, it had a bar, the bar top was a piece of live edge wood that was polished but also had been worn where there was seating, there was also a black deer head with big antlers that had at least thirty points, its antlers were snow white, with the black fur of the deer it looked like a magnificent beast indeed. Beneath the deer head was a fireplace that was built with river stones and a type of cement. There was a two rocking chairs by the fireplace, and underneath the rocking chairs was a moss-like rug that looked as if you had pulled it off a rock in the forest while it was growing, there was also a scent when you walked in that could only be described as, it was like breathing in a pure forest that only nature was there. This scent was unfamiliar to Kaijin as he had grown up in Atlanta Georgia, in other words he grew up in the city, it was a refreshing smell to him. As Kaijin was following Astolis they went up a stairway that went around in a spiral, and as you reached the top there was grass on the second floor that acted as carpet, it didn't grow on dirt though, it grew directly on the floor, it was soft and felt like as if you were in a forest. Astolis stopped at a doorway and turned to Kaijin and said "This will be where you will stay for now, it has a wardrobe for you to choose from, there is also a bed with a hide from a great shadow elk to use as a blanket and a sheepskin pillow. With this I welcome you to the Great Blumin Inn, the last inn of blumin." Kaijin was surprised at what astolis said, Kaijin was curious about the history of this inn, but before he could say anything Astolis said "With this i bid you goodnight, if you need something you can find me in my chambers behind the bar." After Astolis said this he closed the door and went downstairs. Kaijin was befuddled at how fast he left but,. After a minute of staring at the door befuddled, Kaijin sat on the bed and fell backwards to lay on the bed while his feet still rested on the ground, Kaijin laid there and thought about how long of a day it had been, and how ludicrous it was that he was in another world unlike his own, he had always had the thought of how it would be, to be transported to another world, but he never thought it would actually come true, although he was ecstatic at first, this was a bitter sweet, before Kaijin came to this land he had a family, he had a younger brother and his mother and father. Kaijin didn't know if he could go back but he steeled himself and decided to try and find a way back or if he could, bring his family to this unknown world, Kaijin decided to call it a night and get a night's rest. While Kaijin laid there falling into a deep slumber, downstairs at the bar Astolis sat at the bar drinking liquor that was a deep crimson and had a rich smell of grapes and apples. As Astolis was sitting there he started to say something in a drunken state, Astolis said "So you're finally back eh, Kaijin of the lost, hiccup, ha..haha…hahahaha" Astolis began laughing uncontrollably in his drunken state, his laughs could be heard throughout the dark Tenebris forest, but his laughs did not reach Kaijin as he had already drifted into a deep slumber. What did Astolis mean by these words? Only time can tell in the end, without beginning there will never be an end, and this begin's the great adventure of Kaijin. The Calor in Tenebris

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