

"Captain Price!" Gaz said. " Al-Asad just broadcasted the execution of president Al Fulani."

- Can we get the location of the broadcast?

- I'm afraid no sir. He used modern broadcasting tools, which we can't get the location on it. But the place seemed like an Arabic place.

- I have an idea, why I don't go and search all the Middle East for him. It's too late Gaz to do any anything for the president, but in 3 hours we got a new friend called Nikolai that will be executed if we don't save him.

- Nikolai sir?

- Russian loyalists. He supplied us with information about the cargo ship operation.


- Caucasus mountains, he's in hell right now.

- I'm going with you.

- Yep it's you and me and Soap, we need a guy like him.

- Three guys in an operation. Sir you are talking about going in a village filled with Russian soldiers.

- Kamarov is going to assist us with some of his friends.

- Please tell me another loyalist.

- The leader by the way. He knows Nikolai as well the house his is kept in.

- I'm going to tell Soap. Do you know where he is.

- His favorite place, the training hanger.

- What we want as weapons?

- Claymore mines, night vision goggles, suppressed rifle and pistol, smoke screen, grenades, grenade luncher, and flash bangs.

- Any specific type of weapons sir?

- Any one.

- Thank you sir, I better to ready myself.

Hanger 1, where Soap keeps all his time to train and shooting more targets to become the best soldier in the S.A.S.

"Soap," Gaz said, " new mission for you."

"Hello Gaz" Soap said, " tell me about it."

- We are going to rescue a hostage in Russia with the help of some loyalists.

- It's just me who's going to meet the loyalists?

- You'll go with Captain Price and me to infiltrate the border of the village.

- When??

- Tonight at 11:30.

- I'll ready myself.

It's 11 P.M. Soap, Gaz, Captain Price are gathered for the briefing.

" Guys," Price said " the hostage is in an unknown house inside the village, the loyalists' leader knows his position. Our mission is to gain the leader's complete trust to help us find Nikolai."

" Let's do this." Soap said.

After 30 minutes the helicopter's engines are on. They have to fly to Russia then to the drop zone.

" The loyalists are waiting us half-click to the north," Price said. " Move out."

" Loyalists eh," Gaz said " the good Russians or the bad Russians?"

- They won't shoot us relax.

- That's goo enough for me sir.

" Stop joking right now". Soap said said as if he is freezing." Can we get out of the water because my legs are freezing."

" Let's go." Price said.

"Careful," Gaz said." Two tangos up ahead."

- Weapons free.

-All clear.

The soldiers guarding the border were in three houses.

- Soap plant a claymore mine on the door. Then attract the two inside to come out.

- Copy.

The guards are idiots, why the enemy keeps such jerks guarding a village.

Soap went and planted the mine as if nothing happened.

"Oi idiots, come here." Soap said in a nasty way.

The other guards waked up and started shooting like drunk men.

" Easy ain't sir?"Soap said.

After the team crossed a house, the place was calm and no one was there .

" Gaz, you smell that?" The captain said.

- Yep trouble, which means Kamarov.

- Kamarov? This is Bravo- team we're friendlies.

" Welcome to the new Russia Captain Price." Kamarov said.

-What's the target Kamarov we've got an informant to recover.

- The BM21 is on the other side of the hill, the rockets have killed hundreds of civilians in the valley below, let's go.

- Not so fast remember the last time, you with us.

- Well I guess I owe you one.

" Bloody right what you do." Gaz said.

" All units take position," Kamarov said," This way Cap I know a sweet spot were your snipers can cover my men."

The spot gave the team's sniper which was Soap the ability to snipe any one across the village.

" Soap switch to sniper rifle". Price said." Gaz cover left flank."

" All units commence the attack!"

- Soap take out the machine guns so the loyalists can storm the building.

- Damn enemy helicopters!

- You didn't say that would helicopters Kamarov.

- I don't know what happened but we should protect my men from these helicopter's troops.

- Make it fast I want the informant.

- Don't worry Cap we clear the village from the BM21 and carve away straight to Nikolai.

" Sir," Gaz said" we should just beat him out."

- Not yet.

- Captain my men are under tank attack...

- For god sake Kamarov in this time he could be dead.

- Don't worry, Soap grab that RPG and fire on the tank.

Soap fired five rockets on the tank until it's destroyed and shot the machine guns.

-Good we're making progress as well as my men . Follow me to the power station.

"Sir," Gaz whispered " we aren't slaves for him."

- Hold it Gaz.

" Look," Kamarov said," the final assault has already begunbut a bit of your sniper support we're sure to be victorious. Captain Price I need to ask you one more favor you and your...."

"Enough sniping!" Gaz shouted pointing his gun on Kamarov." Where is the informant? Where is he."

- The house at the north end of the village.

- That wasn't so hard eh, was it. Go and sit in the corner!

" Soap, Gaz rappel down he may still be alive." Captain Price said.

The team hooked up and rappelled down while Kamarov's men are storming each building until the village is clear.

" Kamarov units," Price said." Thanks for the support. Regroup with Kamarov. Soap, Gaz let's get our guy."

All what is left of enemies were in that house where Nikolai is kept.

- Gaz go around and cut the power, Soap stack up on the door putting the night vision goggles ready.

- I've cut the power go.

" Victor." one of the guards said." Electricity is off go...."

Soap shot him in his head to shut his mouth up.

- This googles make the mission easier sir.

The second floor were three men and nobody could see what's happening.

Nikolai was bathed with his own blood and lying on the floor.

" It's him." Price said.

" Nikolai are alright can you walk." Gaz said.

- Yes I can still fight thanks for getting me out of here.

" Big-bird this is Bravo-6." Price said." We've got the package meet us at LZ1(landing zone1)."

" Captain?" Nikolai said after entering the helicopter."Dothe Americans attacked Al Asad?"

- No the invasion starts in few hours, why?

- The Americans are making mistakes, they'll never get him alive.